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República Bolivariana de Venezuela

Ministerio Del Poder Popular para la Defensa

Universidad Nacional Experimental Politécnica de la Fuerza Armada Bolivariana.

Núcleo Guatire. English Grammar Activity .It’s about 10%

Professor: Daily Medina.

Career: Ingenieria civil _Semestre: 2do semestre _Date: 28/03/2020

Name: Joharis Iliana Orozco Villasmil _I.D: 27.807.560

I. Answer these questions and translate them ( 2 each) 8ptos.

1.) Why did they build that bridge?

¿Porque construyeron ese Puente?
Because, people wanted to cross the river.

2.) Where did you buy that watch?

¿Donde compraste ese reloj?
I bought that watch in a super market.

3.) Did you understand that dialogue?

¿Entendiste ese dialogo?
Yes, I understood that dialogue

4.) What did Paola do last week?

¿Que hizo Paola la semana pasada?
She did the homework on English last week.

II. Complete these sentences with the correct common verb and translate
them. ( 2 points each) 8 ptos.

1.) Those engineers didn`t worked early.

Esos ingenieros no trabajaron temprano.

2.) We did well the activity.

Hicimos bien la actividad.
3.) I didn`t drink orange juice yesterday.
Yo no tome jugo de naranja

4.) They traveled to Italy last month

Ellas viajaron a italia el mes pasado

III. Write a short paragraph in English using simple past, and translate it,
About 4 lines.( 4ptos)

Yesterday I woke up at 8 o'clock. A few minutes later I got up and

took a shower. Then I had breakfast and brushed my teeth. Later, I
went to study at college studied different subjects: math, English, etc.,
then I took a break and had lunch.

_Ayer me desperté a las 8 en punto. Unos minutos después me

levante y me di una ducha. Luego desayune y me lave los dientes.
Más tarde, fui a estudiar a la universidad, estudie diferentes materias:
matemáticas, inglés, etc., luego tome un descanso y almorcé.

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