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I would like to use my optional essay to provide additional information addressing two


Gap-time prior to joining undergraduate college​: In March 2014, I was involved in a

sports-related accident which resulted in a Flexion-distraction fracture in my Lumbar

Vertebra (L1). However, the injury went unnoticed until August. After my treatment,

which left me bed-ridden for close to five months, I underwent physical therapy for three

months and occasional adjustments up until 2018. Consequently, I could not join an

undergraduate program in 2014 and 2015. Fortunately, I made a quick recovery

following an exacerbation in March 2018 and have been healthy since. My academic

performance dropped significantly during the time (Jan 2018-May2018), but with

assistance from the university and constant motivation from my friends and family, I was

able to pull through. However, it has left a glaring mark on my academic record which I

wanted to address in this essay.

Retaking the GRE​: On 13th November, 2019, I appeared for the GRE for the second

time. Unsatisfied with my first testing experience, I reckoned I could perform better with

another attempt. I was able to score a satisfactory Q164 & V165 this time around.

However, the official scores for this attempt will not be reported until after 20th

November, 2019. Therefore, I’d like to request the Admissions committee to take my

second performance into consideration. I have duly updated the unofficial scores in my

application, which should be verified in a week.

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