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Lesson Idea

Title: The classifications of Triangles

Grade Level: 7th Grade
Content: Mathematics

Standard Addressed: MGSE7.G.2 Explore various geometric shapes with given conditions. Focus
on creating triangles from three measures of angles and/or sides, noticing when the conditions
determine a unique triangle, more than one triangle, or no triangle.
Amount of Time: 90 Minutes
Technology Standard Addressed: 3- Knowledge Constructor

SMAR Level: Redefinition

Essential Question(s): What are the two classification categories of triangles? How do you
know which classification a triangle belongs to?
Learning Activity

• Introduction: The class will start with a warm-up question to assess the prior knowledge of
the students. They will write their answers in their math notebooks and when finished, I will
call on volunteers to read aloud their answers. We will discuss examples of when we see
triangles (in general) in everyday life.
• Instruction/Activities: The students will then be instructed to watch and interact with the
EdPuzzle video that I have assigned them. After finishing the video and reviewing the data
collected from the students’ responses, I will further explain each classification of triangles.
We will discuss where we see specific different types of triangles in our day-to-day life.
• Final Product: Students will now be placed into groups to create a video on their own using
any of the tools that we have talked about previously in class (EdPuzzle, iMovie, Adobe
Spark). In the video, the students will have to cover each classification of triangles and what
criteria a triangle needs to belong in them. The students will be able to use their notes, but
they will be encouraged to use their creativity in making these videos.
• Evaluation or deliverable: Once everyone is finished, the students will present their videos
to the class and will be graded on the accuracy of the information.
Reflective Practice
In order to enhance the lesson idea above, I could allow the students to upload their videos to
the classroom website. This way, other students would be able to comment and interact with
their videos that might not be in the classroom. This also allows the students to review their
videos from their homes as they would be online.


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