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November 29, 2011


Christian greetings!

“And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your
daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams.” Acts 2:17

Indeed, it will not be very long when by all means the people of GOD especially its army of youth will be boldly spreading
the gospel of Christ unto all kinds of people whether in speech or in song. As a part of this missionary army, the Iligan
City Seventh-day Adventist Central Church YOUTH CHOIR (ICSDACC YC), of which I belong, will be singing out the life and
salvation of our Savior JESUS CHRIST through a missionary trip in the island of Siquijor this December 16-19, 2011.

The group will be hosting the church services from Vesper to the Hour of Worship and will be having a concert in the
afternoon. During every night of the stay, the group will be holding a series of house visitations and will be singing songs
house to house to raise funds for the projects of the church in Siquijor.

This trip that the group will be having is a mission trip with the aim of visiting and enlivening our brethren in Siquijor. By
seeing the youth active in the ministry, we hope that their zeal in pressing on towards the furtherance of the gospel
would be ignited. It is also our aim to help the church raise funds for the church projects. Other than that, it is our hope
that by participating in this work that GOD has entrusted to us, we will be able to develop in us the character of Jesus.

However, since this is a missionary trip, the members of the group, including me, depend only in GOD’s providence
through His faithful stewards in all our expenses. With this big step of faith, I would like to humbly ask and solicit for any
financial assistance that GOD has entrusted into your keeping while He is waiting for this fullness of time when He would
redeem it from you so He could use it again for His glory. The money will be used for my fare and food in our trip and
stay in Siquijor.

That by the abundance of Christ’s presence in your heart you may give unto Christ as Christ gave His everything to you
and for you - is my earnest prayer. My deepest gratitude then to you and the Christ in you!

In Christ alone,


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