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Write the verb to be and change to short form.
1. I m / I m not
2. You´re / you aren´t
3. We´re /We aren´t
4. They´re/They aren´t
5. He´s/He isn´t
6. She´s / She isn´t
7. It´s /It isn´t
1. Cindy is my best friend
2. peter and kate are classmates
3. Johnny is my brother
4. You are a good student
5. They are in the classroom
6. It is an apple
7. Felicia and I are sisters
8. I am her teacher
9. It is a book bag
10. you are a doctor
Re-arrange the sentence
1. I/not/a teacher/am I am not a teacher
2. She/ my mother. / Is she is my mother
3. The boys plyful. /are the boys are plyful.
4. The gril/ in the room/ is the gril is in the room
5. we/not/are/ at home we not are at home
6.My mother/ a housewife. / is my mother is a housewife
7.She/not/my sister. /is she is not my sister.
8.The teacher/angry. /is the teacher is angry.
9.The dog/in the kennel. /is the dog is in the kennel.

Yes, it is an elephant

Yes, it is a pencil
They arent
No, he is not in the park

Yes, he is a painter
It is not

Yes, is she

No, he is not

No, are not

No I m not
contain verb If one thing contains another thing, it contener
has that thing inside it.

carrots noun a long, thin, orange vegetable that grows  zanahoria

in the ground

diseases noun illnes of people, animals, plants, enfermedades

etc., caused by infection or
a failure of health rather than by
an accident:

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