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1.1 Background

Soap is a chemical product that is often found in everyday life. Soap making
has long been done for thousands of years ago. The method of making soap used in
the old days does not differ considerably from the soap-making method today,
although we know that the quality of soap produced today is much better. Soap is
made by the Saponification method, which is a process that reacted fat (triglycerides)
with caustic soda (NaOH) resulting in soap and side products in the form of glycerin.
The raw material of soap making can be animal fat and fat or vegetable oil.

The use of soap for everyday life is already familiar, especially for its function
for cleaning. There are various types of soap that offered in various types of form
ranging from washing soap (cream and powder), bath soap (solid and liquid), hand
soap (liquid) and cleaning soap household appliances (cream and liquid).

The formation for one’s confidence can be done by making physical

appearances attractive to other people. Assessment physical is usually become the
first seen from the face of that person. People want to always maintain the state of the
face in order to get appraisal of interest to others which will then have an impact on
increased of self-confidence. This then forms a product innovation gap that can help
make faces attractive. In general, these products appear in the form of facial wash
soap or what is often called facial soap.

Facial soap is a soap with a softer texture that have a function to clean dirt
(dust or residual cosmetics). The need of facial soap for many people today is
becoming a reasonable need even some people think that facial soap has become a
basic need besides the needs of boards, food, and clothing.

Departing from the assumption of the importance of caring and keeping the
face as one factor to increase a person's confidence, then it opens a gap for
manufacturers to launch facial soap products. This resulted in competition between
producers one and other manufacturers. In this competition, each manufacturer will
produce a facial soap with the advantages that each has. Competition conducted by
producers generally dominates on the ingredient that will be used in the manufacture

of soap advance and also the effectiveness of the ingredient on the face later.

A good facial soap is not just a facial soap that can cleanse the face of dirt like
dust, release residual sweat that dries, or residual cosmetics and fats alone, but it can
also protect the face from irritation as well as keep the skin moisturized. Irritation
such as redness of the skin can occur due to the use of certain types of ingredient in
facial soaps that can make the skin dry due to the loss of fat on the surface of the skin.
To maintain the skin's moisture and to prevent irritability due to facial soap, it is
necessary to have an observation in purchasing facial soap products especially the
observation of the ingredient on it.

There are many brands of facial soap with various types of ingredient on it.
Not all the ingredient on facial soap is good for face skin. Reported from the
American Academy of Dermatology Association 2019 that facial soap containing
alcohol is an abrasive facial soap that should be avoided. We know that alcohol is a
dominant ingredient or the general ingredients in the manufacture of facial soaps.
Alcohol is only one of the many general ingredients that are problematic in facial
soaps. Therefore, this study was conducted to know the understanding and the
knowledge of female students in grade X at SMA Plus Negeri 17 Palembang against
the general ingredients in facial soap that should be avoided in school year 2019/2020.

1.2 Problem Formulation

 How is the females' students of grade X knowledge to the general ingredients
in facial soap that should be avoided?

1.3 Research Objectives

 To know the extent knowledge of females' students of grade X to the

ingredients in facial soap that should be avoided.

1.4 Significance of the Study

 For the readers, gaining information to distinguish the facial soap formula that
is good for the face to reduce the risk of skin irritation due to the lack of
knowledge about the ingredients in facial soap that should be avoided.
 For SMA Plus Negeri 17 Palembang, increasing the number of study files in
the school library.


2.1 Definition of Student

Students are individuals who occupy a central position in education. In the

teaching-learning process, students as parties who want to complete the curriculum
and, in an effort to achieve goals or ideas. Students are the most important part of the
education system, so an indicator of success or failure of the world of education is the
success or failure of students after taking the education process.

According to Engr Sayyid Khaim Husayn Naqawi, cited by Abudin Nata said that the
word ‘student’ came from Arabic, which means the person who wants (the willed).
While According to Abudin Nata in Aly (2008: 57) students are defined as people
who want to get knowledge, skills, experience and good personality as a provision for
their lives so that they will be happy in the world and the hereafter by learning
earnestly. From the descriptions above, we can conclude that students are an
individual or groups who occupy a central position in education to gain knowledge,
experience and good personality.

2.2 Definition of Knowledge

The word ‘knowledge’ derived from the Greek word, Gnosis. The meaning of
Gnosis is to signifying knowing through an observation or experience. While
according to (Oxford University Press. 2008: 245, Oxford Learner’s Pocket
Dictionary). Knowledge / 1 n[U] is an information, understanding and skills gained
through education or experience, 2 n[U] is a state of knowing about a particular fact
or situation. While according to D.R.H.M. Gade knowledge is the Science of
philosophy which is the result of thinking about the possible limits of human
knowledge. According to those descriptions above, we can conclude that knowledge
is everything that is obtained through experience, thoughts and experiments.

2.3 Definition of General

According to [Oxford University Press. 2008: 183, Oxford Learners Pocket

Dictionary General]. General (adj) is an affecting or concerning all or most people,
places or things. The origin; Middle English via Old French from Latin generalist,
from genus, genera-’class, race, kind’. While according to Cambridge dictionary,
General means involving or relating to most or all people, things, or places. Based on
those descriptions, we can conclude that general is common things that many people
usually use.

2.4 Definition of Ingredient

According to the Cambridge University Press, Advanced Learner’s Dictionary

& Thesaurus, “Definition of Ingredients”, Ingredient is a substance that forms part of
something else: harmful/hazardous/unsafe ingredient A high percentage of the
products were found to contain unsafe ingredients. While according to Collins
dictionary, ingredients are the things that are used to make something. From
description above we can conclude that ingredients are a part that used to make
something and with directly will make an influence or effect to it.

2.5 Facial Soap

Facial soap is a soap with a soft texture that become one of the important
products that is useful for removing dirt and dead skin and maintaining clean skin.
There are various types of facial cleansing soap with the ingredient on it and claims
for their properties for face skin. The selection of the right face soap should be found
in the face soap ingredient on it. Inappropriate selection of facial soap due to the lack
of knowledge about what ingredient on it can cause irritation to the facial skin.
6 wrong signs when choosing facial soap. Here is some of them:
1. Breakout

Breakout is a condition that clearly indicates the incompatibility of the skin

with an ingredients or ingredient in a skincare and makeup products. Breakout is
generally characterized by inflammation or acne that is very inflamed. This can
happen when trying new products and the ingredient is not suitable for facial skin.

2. Skin Feels Tight

Tight or tingly feeling skin is skin which has been stripped of its naturally protective

oils, when balanced they allow skin to feel moisture & comfortable.
When a skin is stripped of its natural oils it becomes dry, sensitive and irritated. One
of the general ingredients in facial soap that cause a skin to feel tight is Sodium
Lauryl Sulphate /Sodium Laureth Sulphate (SLS/SLES).

3. Skin Redness

Skin redness can have many different causes, including burns, allergic
reactions, infections, and some health conditions. This one sign, most often
experienced by someone who has sensitive skin. Avoid the ingredient that have the
potential to irritate the skin, such as fragrance or alcohol.

4. Rough and Dull Skin

One chooses facial soap can cause skin to be dull. This is because the products
make skin dehydrated from time to time. If left for a long time, the texture of the skin
will become rougher because of less hydration. Not only that, dehydrated skin will
make it look duller.

5. Skin is more oily than usual

If the skin is suddenly slicker than normal, it could be a sign that it is stripping
from its natural oils. “If you’re using harsh products or not enough moisturizer, your
skin will overcompensate for it and produce even more oil,” explains Eric Schweiger,
MD, dermatologist, founder of Schweiger Dermatology Group and RealSelf

2.6 General Ingredients in Facial Soap to Avoid

There are thousands various types of ingredients in a product, especially for

facial soap. Ingredients that used in a facial soap should not contain harmful effects
and carcinogens. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) may prohibit certain
ingredients and incorrect labelling in a product, but what ingredients will be used in
making facial soap is at the discretion of each company.

Even though overall, personal care products such as facial soap do not contain
the levels of toxins needed to cause cancer. But a bigger concern is skin irritation that
caused by the ingredients. The American Cancer Society says that health risks related
to long-term exposure of toxins cannot be completely ruled out.

6 that has medically reviewed by
Debra Rose Wilson, PhD, MSN, RN, IBCLC, AHN-BC, CHT on February 8, 2017,
and become the writer reference for taking 6 general ingredients
contained in facial soap that should be avoided.
Here are the most common ingredients that can easily found in a facial soap:

1. Paraben (specifically propyl-, isopropyl-, butyl-, and isobutyl- parabens)

 purpose: preservative
 concerns: hormone-disrupters
 found in: makeup, moisturizers, shampoos, conditioners, lotions, facial and
shower cleansers, shaving products, and scrubs

Michelle Scott-Lynch, founder of paraben-free haircare brand Bouclème says,

'Parabens are a type of preservative, first introduced in the 1950s. They're used to
prolong shelf life in many health and beauty products by preventing the growth of
mould and bacteria within them. 'Unfortunately, it's not just a case of looking for
'CONTAINS PARABENS' on the bottle. When it comes to studying the label of facial
soap, the names to look out for paraben are butylparaben, methylparaben and
propylparaben as the most commonly found parabens.
‘Parabens allow products to survive for months, even years, in our bathroom
cabinet; however, when you use these products, they can also enter your body through
your skin’, explains Tom Oliver, Nutritionist & Personal Trainer. In 2004, a British
study found traces of five parabens in the breast tissue of 19 out of 20 women studied.
The study didn't prove that parabens can cause cancer but identified that the parabens
were able to penetrate the skin and remain within tissue. Parabens are believed to
disrupt hormone function by mimicking estrogen. Too much estrogen can trigger an
increase in breast cell division and growth of tumors, which is why. Paraben use has
been linked to breast cancer and reproductive issues.

2. Alcohol (Bad vs. Good Alcohol in Cosmetic Formulas)

Concern about the presence of alcohol in skin care or makeup products, we’re
referring to a drying type of alcohol that you’ll most often see listed on an ingredient
label as SD alcohol, denatured alcohol, or, less often, isopropyl alcohol. These
types of volatile alcohols give products a quick-drying finish, immediately degrease
skin, and feel weightless on skin, so it’s easy to see their appeal, especially for those
with oily skin.
But those short-term benefits end up with negative long-term consequences.

If these names of alcohol listed among the first six ingredients on an

ingredient label, without question they will aggravate and be cruel to skin. No way
around that, it’s simply bad for all skin types. Consequences include dryness, erosion
of the surface of skin (that’s really bad for skin), and a strain on how skin replenishes,
renews, and rejuvenates itself. Alcohol just weakens everything about skin.

Just to be 100% clear, there are other types of alcohols, known as fatty
alcohols, which are absolutely non-irritating and can be exceptionally beneficial for
skin. Examples you’ll see on ingredient labels include cetyl, stearyl, and cetearyl
alcohol. All of these are good ingredients for dry skin, and in small amounts fine for
any skin type as they give a pleasing texture and help keep ingredients stable in
products. It’s important to discern these skin-friendly forms of alcohol from the
problematic types of alcohol.

Likewise, alcohol is a good ingredient because it helps other ingredients like

retinol and vitamin C absorb into skin more effectively. Although it’s true that it does
enhance absorption of ingredients, the alcohol also destroys skin’s surface and the
very substances that keep skin healthy over the long term. There are certainly other,
gentler ways to get good ingredients into skin, without damaging its outer layer, an
issue that causes more problems than benefits.

If the skin is oily, it can be tempting to use alcohol-based products because

they provide an immediate matte finish, essentially de-greasing the "oil slick." The
irony of using alcohol-based products to control oily skin is that the damage from
alcohol can lead to an increase in bumps and enlarged pores.

And get this: Alcohol can actually increase oiliness, so the immediate de-
greasing effect is eventually counteracted, prompting the oily skin to look even more

The research is clear: Alcohol harms your skin’s protective surface, depletes
vital substances needed for healthy skin, and makes oily skin worse. To put it simply,
it’s pro-aging. Given the hundreds of skin-friendly alternatives that are available, it’s
a no-brainer to abstain from products front-loaded with the skin damaging forms of

3. DEA (diethanolamine), MEA (momoethnanolamine), and TEA


 purpose: pH adjuster, foaming agent

 concerns: skin irritation, possible organ system toxicity, contamination
 found in: variety of face makeup and hair products

Commonly found in most personal care products that foam, including bubble
baths, body washes, shampoos, soaps, and facial cleansers, these hormone-disrupting
chemicals may be readily absorbed through the skin and can react with other
ingredients in a cosmetic formula to form an extremely potent carcinogen called
nitrosodiethanolamine (NDEA). To add insult to injury, these ingredients commonly
cause allergic reactions, irritate the eyes and dry out hair and skin.

4. Sodium Laureth Sulfate and Sodium Lauryl Sulfate

 purpose: cleansing and emulsifying agent

 concerns: skin irritation, possible impurity contamination
 found in: toothpaste, shampoo, and hand soap

Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) is a type of surfactant generally used in products

that have 'cleaning' properties. The function of this surfactant is to reduce the surface
tension of the water so that dirt and oil on our bodies or clothes is easier to clean and
SLS / SLES also functions as a foaming agent or producer of foam on certain
products. The SLS ingredient is obtained from palm oil or coconut oil which
undergoes various chemical processes during the production process so that it has left
its natural nature.

While SLES, or Sodium Laureth Sulfate is a SLS derivative. SLES is made

from the same basic ingredients as SLS, namely coconut oil or palm kernel oil which
is reacted with alcohol through the chemical process. According to the Campaign for
Safe Cosmetics, this process turns SLES into safer use than SLS.

Unfortunately, the SLES production process carries the risk of contamination

of carcinogenic 1,4 dioxane compounds. To ensure there is no contamination of this
1,4 dioxane compound, SLES must go through a purification stage, which we cannot
ensure that all companies carry out this purification stage. In addition, the US Food
and Drug Administration (FDA) does not require companies to list the potential
contamination of this 1.4 Dioxane compound on product packaging labels. A study
from Denmark, examined 76 body care products, such as shampoo, shower gel, soap,
detergent etc. In this study, 82% of cosmetics and body care products and 85% of
cleaning products contained 1.4 dioxane.

5. Fragrance

 purpose: chemical combination of a possible 3,000 ingredients to create scents

 concerns: skin irritation, allergic reactions, cancer or reproductive toxicity
with long-term exposure
 found in: almost anything in personal skincare products

Back away from the floral-scented face wash, look at the ingredients list of
virtually any household product from laundry detergent to face wash and you'll see
the word "fragrance." And while it sounds harmless enough, the word "fragrance" can
represent hundreds of chemicals, many of which can cause allergies, asthma attacks,
headaches and more. Plus, virtually all synthetic fragrances are stabilized with
phthalates, a group of chemicals linked to reproductive problems and birth defects in
animal studies [Source: EPA].

And the chemicals certainly aren't boosting the effectiveness of your face wash.
"Added fragrances in cleansers tend to be irritating and can dry out the skin," says
Levine. "It's best to avoid anything overly perfume-y or scented." can't without
fragrance? Optional for products that use essential oils or fruit and plant extracts to
scent their solutions.

6. Contaminants

Many products can have contaminants, which are impurities or byproducts of

ingredients mixed together. Heavy metals like lead, nickel, and cobalt also fall into
this category. These aren’t listed on the label, but the ingredients that create them are.
Containments can still be harmful. The FDA has a list of contaminants Trusted Source
that they continually monitor among products.
The following ingredients have contamination concerns:

 Cool tar
 diethanolamine (DEA)
 1,4-dioxane
 Formaldehyde
 butane and isobutene
 petroleum distillates
 polyethylene glycol/ceteareth
 talcum
 Nitrosamines


3.1 Operational Definition

a) Students, an individual or groups who occupy a central position in education to

gain knowledge, experience and good personality.
b) Knowledge, everything that is obtained through experience, thoughts and
c) General, general is common things that many people usually use.
d) Ingredient, a part that used to make something and with directly will make an
influence or effect to it.
d) Facial soap, a beauty product which cleanses the skin of the face contained
ingredients that will be Influential in the effectiveness of the facial soaip product.

3.2 Population and Sample

3.2.1 Population
Population is the subject of research. According to Sugiyono (2010:117) The
population is a generalization area consisting of objects/subjects that have certain
qualities and characteristics established by researchers to be studied and then
withdrawn in conclusion. The population of this research is X grade female students
of SMA Plus Negeri 17 Palembang amounting to 214 people.

3.2.2 Sample
According to Sugiyono (2008: 118) Samples are a part of the whole and
characteristic of a population. The sampling method in this study uses purposive
sampling or judgement sampling. According to Sugiyono (2012:117), the definition of
purposive sampling is a sampling technique based on certain criteria or consideration.
Researchers took 28% of the female student's population amounting to 214, resulting
in 60 samples to be investigated. The selection of population characteristics in this
research is done in consideration that students selected as population units are groups
or individuals who have characteristics closely related to the subject of the study.

Table 3.2 Population and Sample

Class Population Sample

(Female Students)
X.1 17 5
X.2 16 5

X.3 17 5
X.4 23 6
X.5 24 6
X.6 24 6
X.7 23 6
X.8 20 5
X.9 10 5
X.10 25 6
X.11 15 5
Total 214 60
[Source: Tata Usaha SMA Plus Negeri 17 Palembang]

3.3 Research Method

This research is a qualitative research done by using questionnaire. The
questionnaire is given to the X grade female students as a representative of students in
general. The result is going to be analyzed to find out the understanding of X grade
students at SMA Plus Negeri 17 Palembang towards the general ingredients in facial
soap that should be avoided.

3.4 Techniques for Collecting the Data

This research use questionnaire as one of the methods that will answer the
problem formulation that related to the X grade female students knowledge toward the
ingredients in facial soap that should be avoided.

3.5 Techniques for Analyzing the Data

The data will be analyzed from the respondent's opinion toward the questionnaire
and using tabulation data. While the result will be supported by data from books and
network sources, then the conclusions will be made based on the data and the
questionnaire, and hoping it will be useful for the readers.


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