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2012 ASE International Conference on Social Informatics (SocialInformatics 2012) / 2012 ASE International Conference on Cyber

Security (CyberSecurity International
2012) Conference
/ 2012 ASE on Social
International Informatics
Conference on BioMedical Computing

Sentiment Analysis of Social Issues

Mostafa Karamibekr Ali A. Ghorbani
Faculty of Computer Science Faculty of Computer Science
University of New Brunswick University of New Brunswick
Fredericton, NB, Canada Fredericton, NB, Canada

Abstract—Sentiment analysis refers to a broad range of fields analysis has emerged as a subfield of text mining [3]. It
of natural language processing, computational linguistics, and generally recognizes opinions of people expressed in text.
text mining. Sentiment classification of reviews and comments has The opinions could be judgments, evaluations, affective (or
emerged as the most useful application in the area of sentiment
analysis. Bag of words and feature based sentiment are the most emotional) states, beliefs, or wishes. Sentiment analysis ap-
popular approaches used by researchers to deal with sentiment peared in the literature in 1990 for the first time and then it
analysis of opinions about products such as movies, electronics, became a major research topic in 2000. Classifying the polarity
cars etc. of a given text as positive or negative is the basic task of
Up until recently most researches have been done on the sentiment analysis. Due to its many aspects it is often referred
sentiment analysis of products and services. This paper focuses
on the sentiment analysis of social issues. In this paper we initially to with different names such as opinion mining, sentiment
conduct a statistical investigation on the differences between classification, sentiment analysis, and sentiment extraction.
sentiment analysis of products and social issues. Then, based on It is widely believed that Sentiment analysis is needed and
our findings, we propose an approach to take into account the useful. It is also widely accepted that extracting sentiment
role of verb as the most important term in expressing opinions from text is a hard semantic problem even for human beings.
regarding the social issues. Statistical and experimental results
show that considering verbs not only is required and undeniable, Additionally, sentiment analysis is domain specific, therefore
but also improves the performance of sentiment analysis. the polarity of some terms depends on the context in which
Index Terms—Sentiment Analysis, Opinion Mining, Social they are used. For example, while “small” for “size” as a
Issues, Sentiment Classification, Verb Oriented feature in the electronic products is positive, in agricultural
products such as fruit it has a negative polarity. Sentiment
I. I NTRODUCTION analysis is used in different domains such as shopping, en-
Content growth in the Internet in recent years has made tertainment, politics, education, marketing, and research and
a huge volume of information available. This information is development. This paper focuses on sentiment classification in
presented in different formats such as posts, news articles, social domains.
comments, and reviews. Especially in the automotive, elec- From the technical perspective, two main approaches for
tronics and film sectors, customers have written reviews about sentiment analysis are Bag Of Words (BOW) and Feature
products or their features. By collecting and analyzing these Based Sentiment(FBS) [8]. In the BOW approach, each doc-
reviews, new customers find others’ opinion about different ument is seen as a set of words. As a result, the syntactic
features of the product. They can compare the products to each and semantic information between words are lost. The BOW
other to find the best one that meets their needs. Moreover, approach is not useful when opinions about products and their
manufacturers will find out strengths and weaknesses of their features have to be analyzed. In such cases, it is required
products or those of their competitors. In this way, manufac- to extract features. FBS has emerged as an approach for
turers will solve the reported problems and use the business analyzing the sentiments of products and their features. The
intelligence behind the analysis for future investments. results of sentiment classification are presented in various
From the sentiment perspective, there are two kinds of formats in different domains: positive/negative, like/dislike,
textual information, namely, facts and opinions. While facts recommended/not-recommended, good/bad, buy / don’t buy,
are the objective statements about the nature of a product, excellent/boring(film), support/against [3], favorable/ unfavor-
opinions describe attitudes, appraisals, and emotions regarding able [10], bullish/bearish, or optimistic / pessimistic [1].
a product, service, topic, or an issue. Although the majority The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section
of research focuses on building applications around facts, the 2 explains sentiment analysis of social issues as well as
recent trend in the area of text mining has been focused on some previous work. Section 3 introduces our proposed verb
building applications around opinions. oriented approach for sentiment analysis of social issues. In
Sentiment analysis is an interdisciplinary field that crosses Section 4, we present the statistical results of our study on
natural language processing, artificial intelligence, and text the differences between social issues and products. We also
mining. Since most opinions are available in the text format include the implementation details of the proposed method and
and its processing is easier than other formats, sentiment the evaluation of its performance for a social issue. In Section

978-0-7695-5015-2/12 $26.00 © 2012 IEEE

978-0-7695-4938-5/12 215
DOI 10.1109/SocialInformatics.2012.49
5, we conclude this paper by summarizing the experimental mention its name. These statistics shows that people express
results and provide a number of directions for the future their opinions about the features of a product more than the
research. product itself. This situation for social issues is reverse. 28%
of comments do not contain the title of social issue which is
II. S ENTIMENT A NALYSIS OF S OCIAL I SSUES more than the cases (3% and 2%) for Canon S100 and iPod
A social issue is an issue which relates to people’s personal respectively.
lives and interactions [5]. The impact of public opinions about
social issues on policy makers operates in a similar manner TABLE I
to those of customer reviews for manufacturers. Governments D ISTRIBUTION OF PRODUCT NAME , ITS FEATURES , AND SOCIAL ISSUE

and organizations who are engaged with social issues can

Parameter Canon S100 [16] iPod [16] Abortion
analyze public criticisms or supports for a particular policy
and consider public opinions in making decisions. Politicians # of features 60 65 -
can receive electorates’ opinions concerning important issues Product/Issue 24% 45% 72%
and their expectations. Feature 81% 65% -
Up until now, most if not all research has been focused on no mention 3% 2% 28%
products and services [7]–[9], [12], [13]. In social domains,
Somasundaran and Weibe [14] build a supervised system by
We have found that a product usually has a given name
employing the sentiment and arguing opinions and their targets
and some features, but this level of specificity is not always
as features in order to recognize the stance of debates. Tradi-
possible for a social issue. Hence, in sentiment analysis it is
tional machine learning techniques use adjectives, adverbs, and
not easy to define features for social issues similar to products.
nouns as features to classify the sentiment polarity of a doc-
Also, in almost all the reviews about a product, there is an
ument. There have been some attempts to improve the BOW
indication of its name or its features, while this may not be
approach by considering more linguistic knowledge from the
the case for a social issue (see Table I). This is the first major
lexicon, syntax, and semantics of the text. For example, verbs,
difference between products and social issues.
intensifiers, and diminishers affect the sentiment of a sentence.
Some linguistic techniques are used to extract the sentiment We have analyzed another difference between products and
of opinion terms, which are ambiguous or context dependent. social issues statistically. People mention a product or a social
issue explicitly or implicitly(see Table II for statistics). While
A. Social Issues vs Products and Services Canon S100 and iPod have been implicitly mentioned 21% and
We have supposed a hypothesis that social issues are 27% respectively, abortion has been mentioned 40% implicitly.
different from products or services. This hypothesis is the It shows that explicit mentions to social issues are less than
basis of our approach and solution for sentiment analysis of products because products usually have also known features
social issues. In order to show the validity of our hypothesis, and this is not the case for social issues.
we have performed a statistical analysis on the differences
between products and social issues. We have analyzed opinions IMPLICIT / EXPLICIT MENTIONS TO THE PRODUCTS AND THE SOCIAL ISSUE
about two products(Canon S100 and iPod) from reviews
of 9 products provided by Ding et al. [16]. We have also Data-set Explicit Mentions Implicit Mentions
collected a data-set consisting of more than 1000 comments Canan S100 [16] 79% 21%
about abortion from CNN,, Yahoo Answers, and iPod [16] 73% 27%
Women’s Issues at Abortion(Ours) 60% 40%
We have analyzed public opinions regarding products and
social issues from 3 different aspects: features of products and
social issues, explicit/implicit mentions to products and social Table II shows that in 40% of the cases of social issues,
issues, and the distribution of various opinion terms such as opinions are expressed implicitly. In our view, this is an
adjectives, adverbs, nouns, and verbs. indication to the fact that it is not easy to define features for
A social issue is usually connected to other issues or sub- social issues. Moreover, when opinions expressed implicitly,
issues, while a product usually has features. Table I shows it is difficult to associate them to respective social issues.
some statistics about how people connect their opinion to a People express their opinions regarding social issues and
product or a social issue. First, Canon S100 and iPod have products by using various styles of writing or speeches. They
60 and 65 features, for which opinions have been expressed. use various types of opinion terms. For example, people use
There is no feature defined for abortion in the data-set we adjectives, adverbs, and nouns to convey their attitudes towards
have collected. This table also shows that 24% and 81% of a product or a feature, whereas to discuss a social issue,
reviews about Canon S100 mention its name and its features, verbs are more descriptive and useful. Table III provides some
respectively. There is no mention to neither the product’s name statistics about the distribution of adjectives, adverbs, nouns,
nor its features in only 3% of reviews about Canon S100. 65% and verbs in the reviews and comments expressing opinions
of iPod reviews mention its features and only 45% of reviews about Canon S100, iPod, and Abortion.

TABLE III abortion must end,” verbs “believe”, “agree”, and “end” de-
termine the sentiment orientation regarding “abortion”. If the
Parameter Canon S100 [16] iPod [16] Abortion
role of verb is not considered in the sentiment of a sentence,
its sentiment may not be recognized as accurate. For example,
Num of Comments 110 160 100
in the sentence “I completely agree that abortion is a terrible
Num of Opinions 276 411 222
idea,” the cumulative sentiment of opinion terms(“agree” and
Usage of Adjectives 62% 52% 33%
“terrible”) is neutral while the sentence is actually negative (or
Usage of Adverbs 17% 20% 11%
against abortion). As it can be seen, there is no other opinion
Usage of Nouns 5% 7% 9%
terms such as adjectives and adverbs in the first and second
Usage of Verbs 16% 21% 47%
A verb asserts something about the subject of a sentence and
As it can be seen adjectives are used more than other terms expresses action, event, or state of being. There are different
in the reviews of products, while for the social issue (Abortion, classifications of verb from different aspects. From the tran-
here) verbs have been used more than others. sitivity/valency perspective, a verb is impersonal, transitive,
From sentiment perspective, adjectives, adverbs, and nouns intransitive, or ditransitive. From sentiment perspective, a verb
are considered as features when machine learning techniques may have sentiment or not. Verbs such as “like”, “agree”, and
are employed for sentiment analysis. Verbs not only have “hate” have sentiment and verbs like “eat” and “go” do not
sentiment and can be considered as feature, but also affects have sentiment. We call the verbs which have sentiment as
the sentiment of other words in the sentence. Therefore, they “opinion verbs”. An opinion verb has positive, negative, or
also play a different role than adjectives, adverbs, and nouns neutral polarity. Verbs like “is”, “are”, and “am” are called
in the sentiment of a subjective sentence. “To-be” verbs. They do not have any sentiment but they affects
The statistical results indicate that the traditional classifi- the sentiment of a sentence.
cation techniques and feature-based sentiment analysis may In a subjective sentence, an opinion verb either directs
not be applicable for sentiment analysis of social issues. sentiment to the subject and object or transfers sentiment
Additionally, differences between products and social issues between them. In the sentence “I hate abortion,” “hate” is a
inspired us to carry out a research on the sentiment analysis negative verb that directs its negativity to “abortion”. The verb
of social issues. “is” in the sentence “its murder,” transfers the negativity of
“murder” to “it(abortion).” “To-be” verbs transfer sentiments
B. Previous Works between their syntactical arguments such as subjects and
Up until now, most if not all research has been done on objects.
products [7]–[9], [12], [13]. Various supervised techniques We have proposed a method which focuses on the role of
such as Support Vector Machine(SVM), Nave Bayes, Maxi- verb and its importance in sentiment analysis of social issues.
mum Entropy, and unsupervised techniques [12], [15] are used Although we have focused on opinion verbs to recognize the
to classify the sentiment polarity of a document. Features in actual sentiment polarity of sentences regarding social issues,
supervised techniques are usually opinion terms in the form we also have considered adjectives, adverbs, nouns, and verbs
of adjectives and adverbs. Verbs and nouns are also used in as opinion terms.
some experiments.
Bing Liu [8] in a prototype system, called “opinion ob- A. Opinion Dictionaries
server,” focuses on the feature-based sentiment approach. Na-
sukawa et al. [10] test a sentence-level sentiment classification We have employed the lexical knowledge to extract the
to find favorable or unfavorable orientation of web pages and opinion terms from a sentence. Since we have focused on
articles. They use a syntax parser and an opinion dictionary the verb as the main opinion term, we have constructed an
consisting of nouns, adjectives, adverbs, and verbs as the opinion verb dictionary, which consists 440 opinion verbs. We
source of sentiments. have collected these opinion verbs through a bootstrapping
In the social domain, Somasundaran and Weibe [14] build process using an English dictionary [4] and its synonyms
a supervised system by employing the sentiment and arguing in the WordNet [2]. The transitivity, sentiment polarity, and
opinions and their targets as features in order to recognize the the strength of opinion verbs are defined for each verb in
stance of debates. the dictionary. Transitivity determines whether the verb is
transitive, intransitive, or both. Sentiment polarity determines
III. V ERB O RIENTED S ENTIMENT A NALYSIS positivity or negativity of the verb. We have assigned the
strength of 1, 2, or 3 to each opinion verb. As two examples
In section 2, we validated our hypothesis statistically and
of opinion verbs, “agree” is a positive and transitive verb with
concluded that verbs are used more than adjectives, adverbs,
the strength of 2 and “hate” is a negative opinion verb with
and nouns in expressing opinions regarding social issues.
the strength of -3, which can be transitive or intransitive. The
Moreover, from linguistics perspective, verbs play an impor-
verbs such as “like” and “love” have similar orientations with
tant role in the semantics of a sentence. For example, in the
different strengths.
sentences “I believe it’s the woman’s choice,” and “I agree

Opinion adjectives, adverbs, and nouns are studied as the
features for sentiment classification by other researchers in this
field. We have provided a dictionary of 1726 opinion terms
through a bootstrapping process in available lists of opinion
terms provided by [15], [16] in addition to various website. For
each opinion term, we have considered its polarity (positive or
negative) and its strength. We have assigned a value between
-2 to 2 to the strength of each opinion term. “good”, “bad”,
“excellent”, “poor”, “sad”, and “happy” are some examples of
opinion terms in our dictionary.
B. Opinion Structure
A subjective sentence contains one or more opinions re-
garding a social issue. We have defined opinion structure
as a structure to keep an opinion. An opinion structure is
constructed by identifying an opinion verb as its core in the
sentence. Fig 1 shows the elements of an opinion structure. Fig. 2. Architecture of the proposed solution

sum of the sentiments of sentences as the whole sentiment of

the document.

Fig. 1. Opinion Structure elements 

SD := SSi , (1)
We have employed the Stanford POS tagger [6] to recognize
the elements of s sentence and then fill the constructed opinion
structure. We have also considered the verb negation because where SSi represents the sentiment of sentence Si . From
it affects the sentiment of opinion structure regarding a social the sentiment perspective, a subjective sentence contains one
issue. Various linguistic heuristics are used to fill the elements or more opinions. Let S = {O1 , O2 , ..., On } represents a
of opinion structure. For example, “don’t”/“doesn’t” before a subjective sentence. We have assigned the sum of sentiment
verb or “not”/“n’t” after a verb means that the sentiment of values of extracted opinion structures as the sentiment of the
verb has to be reversed. In other words, if the verb is positive, sentence.
its sentiment will be negative and similar for the opposite case.
C. Sentiment Model

Sentiment analysis is performed at the document level, Ss := OOi , (2)
sentence level, and phrase/term level. Our goal is to analyze i
and classify the whole sentiment of a document regarding a
social issue, but our verb oriented approach works on the
sentence and opinion levels. We have added the level of where OOi represents opinion orientation of ith opinion
opinion because from sentiment perspective, a sentence may structure regarding the social issue.
contain one or more opinions. We have designed a system
which carries out the processes in 3 levels of document,
sentence, and opinion. Fig 2 shows the related processes in
each level of analysis. D. Implementation
We have defined the sentiment model to formulate the rela-
tions between sentiments in the levels of document, sentence, We have implemented our proposed approach for
and opinion. Sentiment model determines how to combine sentiment classification as the most popular application of
sentiments of sentences and calculate the sentiment of a sentiment analysis. We have designed and implemented
document. It also shows how to calculate the sentiment of some algorithms to extract opinions, construct corresponding
a sentence based on those of extracted opinions. opinion structures, and finally calculate the sentiment of
A document is a collection of sentences, D = opinion structures regarding the social issue. The sentiment
{s1 , s2 , ..., sn }. The sentiment of a document depends on the of a given text is calculated by carrying out the algorithm 1.
sentiments of its sentences. In this paper, we have used the

Algorithm 1 Sentiment computation of a document Algorithm 3 Sentiment calculation of an opinion structure
1: Split the document into sentences. 1: Calculate the sentiments of subject, direct object, indirect
2: Extract the opinions from each sentence by recognizing object, and adverbs.
the opinion verbs. 2: Determine which element of opinion structure is closest
3: Construct an opinion structure for each opinion and fill its to the social issue.
elements by using the Stanford POS Tagger [6]. 1) The social issue is defined and represented by a
4: Determine the sentiment orientation of each opinion struc- group of words.
ture regarding the social issue. 2) Similar words in the representative group of social
5: Calculate the sentiment of each sentence using Eq. 2. issue and the elements of opinion structure are
6: Calculate the sentiment of each document using Eq. 1. determined.
7: Classify the document into positive or negative. 3: Based on the sentiment aspect of the verb(come from
the opinion verb dictionary), determine whether the verb
The opinions expressed in a sentence are extracted (step transfers or directs sentiment between/into subject and
2) and then filled (step 3) in a constructed opinion structure objects.
by running the algorithm 2 which employs lexical and syntax 4: Determine the sentiment orientation regarding the issue by
analysis. using the results of the above steps.

Algorithm 2 Extracting and filling an opinion structure example, in the sentence “I hate the abortion,” the verb “hate”
1: Run the POS tagger to recognize all the verbs, nouns, is a negative verb that propagates its negativity to its direct
adjectives, and adverbs. object in Step 3. So in Step 4, the sentiment orientation of this
2: Determine the main verbs.(there are various kinds of verbs sentence regarding “abortion” is negative because this social
such as gerund, imperatives ,...) issue (“abortion”) is close to the direct object.
3: Construct an opinion structure for the each opinion verb
that is recognized. IV. E XPERIMENTAL E VALUATION
4: Find the subject of recognized verb. (Usually the noun
Our goal is to study the sentiment analysis of social issues.
before the verb is the subject, but there are some cases We have carried out our work in two steps. First, we have
that are considered here.) studied the differences between products and social issues
5: Find the objects of recognized verb. (if the verb is tran-
from sentiment perspective. Second, we have implemented our
sitive, it has the direct object, otherwise it has indirect proposed method for sentiment classification as the most popu-
object.) lar application of sentiment analysis. We have collected a data-
6: Find the opinion adverbs by using the dictionary of
set consisting of more than 1000 comments, which express
opinion terms that are provided. public opinions regarding “abortion” from CNN,,
7: Fill all the recognized elements in the constructed opinion
Yahoo Answers, and Women’s Issues at
In the first step, we have conducted a statistical investigation
to find out the differences between social issues and products.
The most complex part in algorithm 2 is how to determine We have analyzed our data-set as well as the reviews about
the sentiment polarity of an opinion structure regarding the two products of Canon S100 and iPod provided by Ding et
issue (step 4 of algorithm 1). Algorithm 3 determines the al. [16]. We have compared 3 characteristics of social issues
polarity of an opinion structure. It employs two opinion and products statistically. The first characteristic determines
dictionaries that we have provided. the nature of products and social issues. While products (here
Canon S100 and iPod) have 60 and 65 features respectively,
We have defined some heuristics to determine the flow of there is no similar defined feature for the social issue (here
sentiment in the constructed opinion structure in step 3 of abortion). More than 97% and 98% of reviews ( [16]) mention
algorithm 3. For example, “To-be” verb transfers the sentiment at least the product or its features while only 72% of comments
between its arguments(subject and indirect object). mention the social issue(abortion). It means that in sentiment
In Step 4 of algorithm 3, we have defined and employed analysis we can not define features for social issues similar to
some heuristics to determine the sentiment orientation of products.
constructed opinion structure regarding the social issue. For Second, people mention the name or features of a product
example, the sentence “its murder” has a “To-be” verb with a explicitly more than the title of social issue when they express
negative indirect object, therefore, the “To-be” verb transfers their opinion. Table II shows us while 79% and 73% of
the negativity of indirect object (“murder”) to the subject reviews express opinions regarding Canon S100 and iPod
(“it”). Since “abortion” as the social issue is close to the sub- explicitly, only 60% of comments contain abortion or a related
ject, the sentiment orientation of constructed opinion structure word. These statistics indicate that finding the relationships
for this sentence regarding “abortion” is negative. As another between opinions and social issues is more complicated than

the case for products and services. Moreover, the reviews, method on a social issue is 65% whereas the accuracy of Pulse
which implicitly mention the products or their features, contain [9] on car models is 62.5%.
some domain-specific adjectives that are used to find related
features. For example, “small” is an adjective for the “size” V. C ONCLUSION AND F UTURE W ORKS
as a feature of Canon S100. Sentiment analysis, as an interdisciplinary field that crosses
Third, we have studied the distribution of opinion terms natural language processing, artificial intelligence, and text
used by people to express their opinions in two data-sets of mining, recognizes opinions of people regarding a product,
products and abortion. Table III shows that 62% and 52% of service, object, or social issues expressed in a given text. Up
opinions regarding Canon S100 and iPod use adjectives, while until recently most if not all research in sentiment analysis
47% of opinions regarding abortion use verbs and only 33% of has been done on the products and services. Public opinions
them use adjectives. Therefore, verbs are more affective than regarding social issues are so important for government and
adjectives in expressing opinions regarding social issues. generally who involve in the process of making decisions. This
The result statistics have convinced us to trust our hypoth- paper has focused on sentiment analysis of social issues.
esis which considers the verb as the key element in sentiment We have carried out our works in two steps. First, we
analysis of social issues. Our hypothesis indicates that the tra- have conducted a statistical study on the differences between
ditional classification techniques and feature-based sentiment products and services and social issues. Our statistical analysis
analysis may not be applicable for sentiment analysis of social shows that social issues are different from products and
issues. services because it is not easy to define features for social
In the second step, we have proposed a verb oriented method issues as the case for products and services. Moreover, while
for sentiment analysis of social issues. We have implemented in the domain of products and services, adjectives are more
the proposed method for sentiment classification as an applica- descriptive, in the social domains verbs are more useful
tion of sentiment analysis. We have labeled each comment as to express opinions. We have concluded that the traditional
-2, -1, 1, or 2 representing strongly negative, negative, positive, classification techniques and feature-based sentiment analysis
or strongly positive, respectively. The dataset consists of 588 may not be applicable for sentiment analysis of social issues.
positive and 428 negative comments. We have also developed Second, we have proposed a method for sentiment analysis
the BOW approach considering adjectives, adverbs, nouns, and of social issues. It extracts the opinions from each sentence,
verbs as features. constructs correspondence opinion structures, and then de-
We have considered precision and accuracy to evaluate termines their orientations regarding the social issue. Our
the performance of our proposed approach. Nashkawa [10] method have focused on verbs as the core element of opinion
believes that precision is more important than recall in many structures. We have implemented and evaluated our method as
applications of sentiment analysis because the user does not well as the BOW approach to classify the sentiment orientation
have to read all the original documents to verify the results. of comments regarding a social issue. Our method performs
The accuracy of our proposed method is 65%, which is 10% the classification 10% better than the BOW approach. The
better than the BOW approach. The precision and recall are average accuracy of our approach is 65%, which is slightly
71% and 80% respectively. The accuracy for strongly positive higher than some previous work.
and strongly negative documents is 67%. Table IV shows the For future work, we will work on our method to improve the
result of our proposed method and some previous work. accuracy. First, we have used the Stanford POS tagger [6] to
recognize the verbs and other elements of opinion structures.
TABLE IV POS tagger defines various kinds of verbs, which are not useful
for our method. We will work on the extraction of main verbs
Method Domain Accuracy of sentences in the future work.
Second, our dictionaries of opinion terms and opinion verbs
Turney [15] Automobile 84%
do not cover all the opinion terms. We will enrich our
Pulse [9] Car 62.5%
dictionaries. Third, we also plan to enrich the algorithm to
Turney [15] Movies 66%
determine the sentiment of an opinion structure with regards
Pang [11] Movies 72-82%
to the social issue. Using synonyms and antonyms of terms in
Somasundaran [14] Social Issue 62.5%
opinion structures and the title of social issue will be the first
Our Method Social Issue 65%
Forth, from sentiment perspective, some sentences in the
Somasundaran and Wiebe [14] reported an accuracy of document are ambiguous. A sentence may affects the senti-
63.93% for recognizing the stance of debates from social ment of the previous or next sentences. It means that the senti-
domain, while the accuracy of our proposed verb oriented ment model is more complex than the model we have defined
method on a social issue is slightly higher, 65%. Comparing in this paper. We plan to work more on the disambiguating
our results with those of previous works in the domain of the sentiments of ambiguous sentences and also define a new
products may not be useful but our results are promising sentiment model. Finally, we will perform more experimental
and somehow comparable. For example, the accuracy of our analysis in other social issues.

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