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Corona Virus

Corona virus is a new type of coronavirus that transmitted of humans, thia virus can
infect the respiratory system. In many cases, this virus only causes mild respiratory infections,
such as flu. However, this virus can also cause severe respiratory infections, such as pneumonia

Firstly, the researchers argue that the spread of this virus originated from animals,
because the first victims of this virus after investigation had access to the Wuhan fish market,
which also sells wild animals

The second cause of the spread of this virus comes from person to person. Because in
Japan also reported cases of the same virus, but no patient has ever come to the wuhan market

The third cause of the spread of this virus can be through the air, because according to
research this virus can survive in the air for 3 hours

To prevent transmission of the virus there are several steps that can be done, the first is
washing hands properly, the second is using a mask, the third is to maintain endurance, and the
last is to avoid contact with animals that have the potential to transmit the corona virus

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