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Tài liệu giảng dạy
Virginia.V, Dooley.J, Trang M. Tran, M.D. (2016), Career Paths – Medical,
Express Publishing

Cấu trúc bài học

1. Reading
2. Vocabulary
3. Listening
4. Speaking
5. Writing

Tài liệu tham khảo

1. Glendinning. E.H & Holmstrom, B.A.S, (2008), English in Medicine, NXB TPHCM
2. Glendinning. E.H & Howard. R, (2007), Professional English in Use, Cambridge
University Press.
3. Chabner, D. E (2014), The Language of Medicine, 10th ed., W.B. Saunders Company
4. McCarter, S (2011), Medicine 1, Oxford University Press.
5. Vương Thị Thu Minh (2012), Tiếng Anh chuyên ngành: dùng cho sinh viên khối
ngành khoa học sức khỏe, NXB Giáo Dục
6. Greenan, J. & Grice, T. (2008), Nursing 2, Oxford University Press.

Mục tiêu bài học:
1. Sử dụng các từ vựng về các khoa trong một bệnh viện.
2. Đọc hiểu được văn bản mô tả về chức năng và hoạt động của các khoa.
3. Đóng vai để giao tiếp trong tình huống hướng dẫn bệnh nhân đến một chuyên khoa
khác trong bệnh viện.
4. Nghe hiểu đoạn thoại với các tình huống giao tiếp trong phòng Cấp cứu của một
bệnh viện.
5. Phân tích thông tin từ một lá thư chuyển bệnh để điền vào biễu mẫu thông tin nhập
viện của một bệnh nhân.

Bài tập cá nhân

Traditional medicine has a long history. The World Health Organization (WHO)
defines traditional medicine as “the health practices, approaches, knowledge and
beliefs incorporating plant, animal and mineral-based medicines, spiritual therapies,
manual techniques and exercises, applied singularly or in combination to treat,
diagnose and prevent illnesses or maintain well-being.”
During the last decade, use of traditional medicine has expanded globally and
has gained popularity. It has not only continued to be use for primary health care of the
poor in developing countries, but has also been used in countries where conventional
medicine is predominant in the national health care system. With the tremendous
expansion in the use of traditional medicine worldwide, safety and efficacy as well as
quality control of herbal medicines and traditional procedures-based therapies have
become important concerns for both health authorities and the public.
Practices of traditional medicine vary greatly from country to country, and from
region to region, as they are influenced by factors such as culture, history, personal
attitudes and philosophy. In many cases, their theory and application are quite different
from those of conventional medicine. Long historical use of many practices of
traditional medicine, including experience passed on from generation to generation, has
demonstrated the safety and efficacy of traditional medicine. However, scientific
research is needed to provide additional evidence of its safety and efficacy. In
conducting research and evaluating traditional medicine, knowledge and experience
obtained through the long history of established practices should be respected.
Not many countries have national policies for traditional medicine. Regulating
traditional medicine products, practices and practitioners is difficult due to variations in
definitions and categorizations of traditional medicine therapies. A single herbal
product could be defined as either a food, a dietary supplements or an herbal medicine,
depending on the country. This disparity in regulations at the national level has
implications for international access and distribution of products.

Safety, effectiveness and quality: Scientific evidence from tests done to evaluate
the safety and effectiveness of traditional medicine products and practices is limited.
While evidence shows that acupuncture, some herbal medicines and some manual
therapies (e.g. massage) are effective for specific conditions, further study of products
and practices is needed.
WHO and its Member States cooperate to promote the use of traditional
medicine for health care. The collaboration aims to support and integrate traditional
medicine into national health systems in combination with national policy and
regulation for products, practices and providers to unsure safety and quality; unsure the
use of safe, effective and quality products and practices, based on available evidence;
acknowledge traditional medicine as part of primary health care, to increase access to
care and preserve knowledge and resources; and ensure patient safety by upgrading the
skills and knowledge of traditional medicine providers.

Read the passage above and answer the following questions.

1. How has traditional medicine been used during the last decade?
2. What have become important concerns for both health authorities and the public?
3. Are practices of traditional medicine the same in different countries?
4. Why are practices of traditional medicine different from country to country?
5. What has demonstrated the safety and efficacy traditional medicine?
6. Why is regulating traditional medicine products, practices and practitioners difficult?
7. How could a single herbal product be defined?
8. What do WHO and Member States cooperate to do?

Do the following exercises, based on the mind map below.

Use the information in the letter to complete the admission form below.

Click on the link below. Watch the video and do the following exercises

Exercise 1.
Choose the correct answer.

What do Ash and Stephen find out at the hospital?

A. Stephen's ankle is broken, but his elbow is only bruised.
B. His elbow is broken, but his ankle is only bruised.
C. Both his ankle and his elbow are broken.
D. His ankle and elbow aren't broken, they're only bruised.

Exercise 2
Write the correct words to complete the receptionist's sentences in her conversation
with Ash and Stephen.

Ash: Hi.
Receptionist: Hello. ___________ ___________ __________ _________?
Stephen: Yes. I think I've broken my ankle and my elbow. I think I need an X-ray.
Receptionist: ___________ ___________ __________ _________ _________, please?
Ash: It's Walker. Stephen Walker.
Receptionist: OK. Thank you. ___________ ___________ __________ _________
_________, please, and someone will see you ___________ ___________ __________
_________ _________.
Ash: Great, thanks.

Bài tập nhóm:

Work with your partner and role play with the chart below.


Mục tiêu bài học:
1. Sử dụng các từ vựng về các bác sĩ chuyên khoa và các nhân viên khác trong bệnh
2. Đọc hiểu được văn bản mô tả về công việc của một nhân viên y tế.
3. Đóng vai giao tiếp trong tình huống phát hiện một vấn đề sức khỏe ở bệnh nhân và
đề ra hướng giải quyết.
4. Nghe hiểu mô tả về công việc của một bác sĩ gia đình.
Bài tập cá nhân
Dr. Gillian Henderson
My name is Dr. Henderson. I’m a cardiologist at a London hospital. The highly
trained team of which I am part deals with the diagnosis, investigation and treatment of
patients with all forms of heart disease, including cardiac transplantation and some
sorts of vascular disease.
None of our work would be possible without the support of other people in the
hospital team – the triage nurses, the receptionists, and so on. Their work is vital to the
smooth running of the department. When patients arrive for the first time, personal
information is taken: name, address, telephone numbers, next of kin for contact in case
of emergency, and other information such as their GP’s name and address, their NSH
number, and their unique hospital number.
We deal with a large catchment area and also deal with referrals from outside
the area, tourists, visitors to A&E, private patients, and so on, so the potential from
confusion is great unless the data that are taken are accurate and the systems secure.
At various stages of patients contact with the hospital, information is checked to
make sure it is correct and that the patients can confirm their identity. For example, on
arrival at a clinic patients might be asked their GP’s name or part of their telephone
number, for example the last three numbers. Then during the consultation a nurse or a
doctor might also ask their date of birth. All this is for the benefit of the patient to
ensure the hospital team does not make mistakes and people do not use patients’ details
We can then turn to dealing with the patient’s treatment in safety.
All of the statements below are true. Find information in the passage above to support
each statement.
1. Dr. Henderson’s team is very skilled.
2. The work of her team depends on the support of other people.
3. Details about the closest relative are taken from patients.
4. Patients have two numbers (other than their phone number) on their hospital records.
5. The data collected need to be accurate.
6. Checks are carried out to make sure patients are who they say they are.

Exercise 1. Label the picture with the list of specialists.

Exercise 2. Match the specialists/staff to their job descriptions.

Specialists Job descriptions

1. pediatrician a medical doctor who specializes in evaluating
people who have potential surgical problems and
performing surgical operations and techniques
2. obstetrician a person who performs microscopic and
bacteriological tests of human blood, tissue, and
fluids for diagnostic and research purposes
3. radiologist a medical doctor who specializes in diagnosing and
treating diseases and conditions of the skin, hair, or
nails, such as acne, psoriasis, warts, or skin cancer
4. pathologist a medical doctor who specializes in diagnosing and
treating diseases and conditions of the skin, hair, or
nails, such as acne, psoriasis, warts, or skin cancer
5. surgeon a medical doctor who specializes in the examination
of tissue and blood samples to diagnose disease and
who perform autopsies
6. cardiologist a medical doctor who specializes in the care of
7. dermatologist a medical doctor who specializes in the diagnosis and
treatment of diseases or conditions of the heart and
blood vessels, such as irregular heart rhythms, high
blood pressure, heart failure, or heart attacks
8. orthopedist a medical doctor who specializes in the care of
pregnant women, from the time of conception
through delivery and the period following delivery
9. pharmacist a person whose job is to care for people who are ill or
injured, especially in a hospital
10. anesthesiologist a doctor who does imaging tests, like X-rays,
ultrasounds, and MRIs
11. nurse a person who is professionally qualified to prepare
and dispense medicinal drugs
12. lab technician a medical doctor who specializes in the treatment of
people who have injuries to their bones, muscles,
joints, tendons, or ligaments that result from physical

Listen to a GP talking about her work in an inner city area. Decide whether these
statements about her work are true or false.
1. The GP works in the centre of London.
2. High crime rates do not affect the people working at the GP practice.
3. The workload is lighter than in rural areas.
4. Patients move from one GP practice to another.
5. GPs receive no extra payment for working in deprived areas.

Bài tập nhóm:

Work with your partner and role play with the chart below.


Mục tiêu bài học:
1. Gọi tên được các dụng cụ, thiết bị y khoa và mô tả công dụng của từng thiết bị,
dụng cụ.
2. Nghe – Nói về các thiết bị y tế, yêu cầu, nhắc nhở về những thiết bị y tê cần phải
mua sắm, bổ sung.
3. Đọc thông tin mô tả về các thiết bị, dụng cụ y tế
4. Điền thông tin vào bảng ghi chú về các thiết bị, dụng cụ y tế cần dùng.

Bài tập cá nhân

Passage 1: Read the following text and circle the correct answer
Biofeedback is on the verge of becoming an important tool in medical therapy.
Using biofeedback, a patient can learn to control certain body systems, such as
heartbeat, temperature, or blood pressure, that are normally autonomic or self-
regulating. The patient is attached to a machine measuring the function he wishes to
control. When the desired result is achieved, the patient hears a steady tone that
indicates that the patient has successfully manipulated that body function to a more
desirable state. For example, if a patient wishes to learn to control his heartbeat, he is
attached to a biofeedback machine monitoring his heartbeat. When the patient manages
to successfully slow his heart beat, the biofeedback machine rewards him with a low,
dull noise. Today researchers are using biofeedback to treat patients with such maladies
as irregular heartbeat, migraine headaches, and high blood pressure. The medical
community foresees myriad applications that may be treated with biofeedback in the
1. The main purpose of this passage is to
A. describe a medical technique that is being used extensively today throughout the
medical community
B. describe a new, potentially helpful medical treatment
C. teach patients how to use biofeedback machines
D. explain how a patient uses biofeedback to control his heartbeat
2. According to the passage, what is an autonomic body process?
A. Self-controlling B. Usual
C. Consciously regulated D. Disorganized
3. According to the passage, how does a patient know that he has achieved a desired
result when using a biofeedback machine?
A. The machine records the results.
B. He hears a sound.
C. The doctor gives him a reward.
D. The machine monitors the process.

4. Which of the following medical problems would probably NOT be treated by
A. A tension headache
B. Fever
C. Irregular heart rhythm
D. A broken leg
5. According to the passage, what do medical authorities see in the future for
A. Numerous problems
B. Decreased implementation
C. Many different uses
D. Rejection by the medical community

Passage 2: Read the following text and circle the correct answer:
A new hearing device is now available for some hearing-impaired people. This
device uses a magnet to hold a detachable sound-processing portion in place. Like
other aids it converts sounds into vibrations. But what is unique is that it can transmit
the vibrations directly to the magnet, and then to the inner ear. This produces a clearer
sound. The new device will not help all hearing-impaired people, only those with a
hearing loss caused by infection or other problems in the middle ear. It will probably
help no more than 20 percent of all people with hearing problems. Those people,
however, who often have persistent ear infections should find relief and restored
hearing with the new device.
1. What’s the author’s main purpose?
A. To describe a new cure for ear infections
B. To inform medical personnel of a new device
C. To urge doctors to use a new device
D. To explain the use of the magnet
2. It can be inferred from the passage that __________.
A. this use of magnet is new
B. infections are in the inner ear
C. magnets can be dangerous for 80% of people
D. the new device is smaller than the old ones.
3. According to the passage, what does the device not do?
A. transmit sound to the inner ear B. help all hearing –impaired people
C. produce clearer sound D. change sounds to vibrations
4. The sound-processing unit __________.
A. is a magnet B. is placed in the middle ear
C. helps cure infections D. can be removed
5. The word “relief” in the last sentence means___________.
A. less distress B. assistance C. distraction D. relaxation

An assistant must be able to carry Fill out the note of the most basic
out the following tasks to help the surgical instruments used for each of
surgeon. Firstly, he or she must help in the following procedures:
preparing the patient and putting the 1. Keep the operation site free of blood:
drapes in place to provide sterile …………………….
conditions. Expert handling of a retractor
is essential to allow the surgeon to see 2. Hold the edge of a wound together:
what he is doing. The assisstant must also …………………….
keep the operation site free of blood, by 3. Close the wound: …………………….
careful use of swabs or sucker. The
surgeon also needs assisstance with typing 4. Cover the wound: …………………….
and cutting ligature and with the insertion 5. Carry away fluid: …………………….
of a drain if necessary. Bleeding vessels
are tied with ligatures or sealed by an
electric current. The assistant may be
asked to close the wound with staples or
other device. Finally, the wound is
covered with a dressing. In the operating
theatre, an assistant put on surgical gowns,
masks, and gloves.

Medical Equipment
When hearing the term “medical equipment”, a typical layman, whose only
knowledge about health care comes from an annual check-up at a local surgery and TV
shows such as 'House, M.D.' or 'ER', might think of complex devices like
a………1……….. . However, medical equipment might refer to both very complex
devices used by professionals as well as to simple instruments which you might even
use yourself.
Imagine you wake up in the morning with a terrible headache, feeling feverish.
You quickly phone the boss and say you need a day off, then grab a ……2………….
to take the temperature. Gosh, it's 102 degrees Fahrenheit! You really need to go to the
doctor's. After you arrive at your local clinic and wait some time in a queue, the GP
asks you in. She asks what is wrong and then puts a ……3…………. in your mouth to
see your throat. Then she asks you to take off your sweater and uses a ……4………….
to listen to your chest. Finally she tells you that you have caught the flu, prescribes you
some medicine and says you must stay at home for a couple of days.

As you can see, several pieces of equipment are used even in such a common
procedure like diagnosing flu, some of which you may even have at home. What about
other examples? Let's see what equipment might be used in case of a broken bone. It's
mid February and you are skiing in the Rockies. You are having an amazing time but
you fall and feel terrible pain in both your shin and your arm. You have probably
broken your arm and your leg!
It's so painful you can't move so you call out mountain rescue. They come by
chopper, put you on a ……..5…….., use a splint to immobilize your limbs and take
you to the hospital. You are told you have broken your leg and it's put in
a ……..6…….. If you're lucky and your arm is not broken, it's only wrapped
in ……..7……… and you have to wear a…….8……... As a result, walking
on crutches is out of the question, so you leave the hospital in a ……..9………. But
how do the doctors make sure your limb is broken or not? Well, you have an X-ray
What other gear is used in hospitals? Let's study a case of a person brought to an
A&E department with a head injury. The person is brought by paramedics, who have
already put a ……10………….. on his or her neck in order to prevent further injury.
Firstly, diagnostic ……9………….. is put to use in order to check the person's
An MRI scan is taken to check for bleeding and swelling in the brain. If
immediate surgery is required, the patient is administered an anesthetic by means of
a ……11…………... Then a surgeon uses a ……12………….. to cut into his or her
body and ……13………….. to manipulate the tissues. After the surgery is performed,
a catheter is inserted for the time when he or she is immobilized.
Various types of medical equipment, ranging from basic tools to highly
advanced cutting edge devices, are used in very different situations. One thing is
certain - each piece has been developed to help us recover or even save our lives. And
we might need them at the very beginning of our lives - as is the case with
an incubator, which is used in neonatal units to help or treat prematurely born children.
Bài tập nhóm

1. With a partner, act out the roles below.

Student A: You are a nurse. Talk to student B about:
- what items need to be replaced
- something that should be ordered
- what not to forget to do
Student B: You are a nurse. Talk to student A about what items need to be

I. Match each term in column A with its definition in column B.
1. Oxygen tank a. a very thin, light cloth, used to make clothing, to cover cuts
2. Shelf b. a container with oxygen inside it, used
for helping people to breathe, for example when they are very ill,
or when they are diving under water
3. Gown c. a flat dish used as a toilet by people who are too ill to get out
of bed.
4. Gauze d. a thin metal tube with a sharp, pointed end, used to put a liquid,
such as a medicine, into the body or to remove a liquid, such
as blood, from the body.
5. Syringe e. a long, loose piece of clothing worn over other clothes for
a particular purpose
6. Latex f. a long, flat board hung on a wall or supported by a frame used
to hold objects
7. Bedpan g.a white liquid produced by particular plants, esp rubber trees, or
an artificial substance similar to this, used esp in paint, glue,
and cloth
8. Needle h. a tube for collecting blood or other liquids or for
putting liquids into the body usually through a needle that can be
put under the skin

II. Which of the instruments shown in Figure A is needed for each of the
following procedures?

Figure A

1. Making an incision: ____________________

2. Keeping the sides of the wound open: ____________________
3. Cutting sutures: ____________________
4. Holding the cut ends of blood vessels before they are tired:


Mục tiêu bài học:
1. Gọi tên các bộ phận trên cơ thể và các loại chấn thương.
2. Nghe - Nói được những tình huống thăm khám, kiểm tra các chấn thương, các đau
nhức trên cơ thể.
3. Đọc hiểu được văn bản mô tả về cấu tạo, chức năng của bộ phận cơ thể.
4. Điền thông tin cần thiết vào biểu bảng ghi nhận thông tin, các vấn đề về sức khỏe.

Bài tập cá nhân

Read the following text and circle the correct answer:

The Most Amazing Structure on Earth

There are people who say the most amazing structure on earth is the human
brain. It is so complex that it took about 700 million years to develop. Humans started
out as wormlike creatures that used one end of the body to move forward. Ever so
slowly, a bunch of nerves began developing at that one end —the head. These nerves
helped the creature to sense light, food and danger. Eventually, this bunch of nerves
became the creature’s brain. To carry messages from the brain to other parts of the
body, the creature grew a spinal cord. Later, the creature became a fish with eyes, ears
and a nose that could send the brain information about sights, sounds and smells.
More time passed, and the fish grew arms and legs so it could move about on
land. For this, it needed a larger and more complex brain. It became an ape-like
creature, and the parts of the brain used for seeing images and being social grew much
stronger. Finally, the ape-like creature became human, with a brain that was capable
of reason, emotion, creativity, memory and the ability to judge right from wrong.
The human brain is very mysterious. Many questions about the brain have not
yet been answered. For example, why do we need to sleep or why do we dream?
There is a lot about the brain that we do not yet understand. Believe it or not, people
used to think of the brain as useless stuffing. Of course, we now know the brain is our
control centre. The surface of the brain is called the cerebral cortex. It is the part of
the brain that makes us intelligent, and it consists of four parts called lobes. The front
lobe is where much of our thinking and feeling happens. The top lobe processes
information which is coming from parts of our bodies, such as our skin and muscles.
The side lobe plays an important role in hearing, speech and long-term memories
while the back lobe processes images from our eyes.
Which do you think is more powerful: your brain or a supercomputer? You
might be surprised to learn that the world’s best supercomputer is only about as
powerful as half a mouse brain! Your brain is packed with 100 billion brain cells
called neurons. They send information to your body telling it what to do, and they

receive information from each of your senses, what you see, feel, taste, hear and
touch. All of this information travels to and from parts of your body along your spinal
cord, which is like a highway found down the centre of your back. As the information
travels from neuron to neuron, pathways are created. When you think about or
practice something again and again, those pathways get stronger. That’s how the brain
learns and remembers. Actually, you were born with most of the neurons you have
now, but when you were a baby, you didn’t have many pathways to connect them. As
an adult, you now have more than 125 trillion connections between your neurons. No
computer on earth can compete with the speed of your brain and how much
information it can hold.

1. As used in this reading, the words "useless stuffing" refer to ________________ .

A. unimportant lobes on the surface of the cerebral cortex
B. unimportant material
C. unused or new neurons inside the brain
2. People who injure the side lobe of the cerebral cortex ________________ .
A. may not be able to feel happiness or sadness as well as other people
B. may have trouble remembering things
C. are usually not very intelligent
3. What is the main idea of the third paragraph?
A. The cerebral cortex has three parts.
B. People used to think the brain was not important.
C. The cerebral cortex, which has four parts, makes us intelligent.
4. Adult humans have ________________ connections between neurons.
A. 1 00 billion B. 125 trillion C. 700 million
5. The top of the cerebral cortex ________________ .
A. processes sounds that people hear
B. processes things that people touch
C. processes images from our eyes
6. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?
A. The brain's neurons send and receive information throughout the body faster than
any computer.
B. The brain has 100 million cells called neurons.
C. People are born with most of the neurons they have when they become adults.

Read the conversation between the doctor and the patient. Then, make these notes
of her interview with Mr. Green
Doctor: Come in, Mr. Green. Come and sit down here. I’ve had a letter from your
doctor and she tells me that you’ve been having pain, pain in your chest.
Patient: Yes, and in my arm and also tinglinng in my fingers and…
Doctor: Yes, now when did you first notice this pain?
Patient: Er, well, I suppose about six months ago.
Doctor: And can you remember when it first came on?
Patient: Yes, well I remember, I got a bad pain in my chest when I was shopping. It
was so bad I couldn’t breathe and….
Doctor: and where, in which part of your chest did you feel the pain?
Patient: Well, right across my chest.
Doctor: And how long did it last?
Patient: Ooh, about ten minutes.
Doctor: And what did you do when it happened?
Patient: I had to stop and wait for it to go away.
Doctor: So, have you had this, the pain again since then?
Patient: Yes, I often get it when I overdo things, and when I …
Doctor: Well, I think at this stage I’d like to examine you, your chest. So if you could
strip to your waist
Patient: Right, There we go
Doctor: That’s fine. I’ll just check your pulse first of all. Fine. That’s fine. It’s quite
normal, seventy per minute.
Patient: Er, right
Doctor: Now your blood pressure. Fine. That’s quite nornal too. 130 over 80
Patient: Oh, I’m pleased to hear it
Doctor: Now I’m going to listen to your heart, so I want you to breathe normally…Mn,
your hearrt sounds quite normal.
Patient: Well, that’s a relief
Doctor:Well now, I want you to take deep breaths in and out while I check your lungs.
In. Out. In. Out. Fine. They’re completelt clear. Well, Mr. Green, the pain you’ve been
having sounds very much like the pain of what we call angina, and this, well, this
occurs when not enough oxygen is getting to the heart. Now. I’d like to check a few
tests, and following that I’ll be able to advise some treatment for you…

SURNAME……… (1)…………
AGE 42
Pain in the ……… (2) ……… and ……… (3) ……… , tingling in ……… (4)
Pain lasted……… (5) ……… relieved by rest.
Chest ……… (6) ………
Pulse ……… (7) ………
Blood pressure……… (8) ………
Heart sounds ……… (9) ………

Fill in the blank
Doctor: Good morning, Mr. Hall. What’s brought you along today?
Patient: Well, you see, doctor. I’ve been having these …… (1) ………., you see, and…
Doctor: Aha, and how long have they been bothering you?
Patient: Er, well, they started about, well it must have been about …… (2) ……….ago.
Doctor: I see. And which part of your …… (3) ………. is affected?
Patient: Well, it’s, it’s right across the front here.
Doctor: Mm. And can you describe the pain?
Patient: Erm, it’s a sort of dull, dull and throbbing kind of pain.
Doctor: I see, and do they come on at any particular time?
Patient: They seem to be, they’re usually worse …… (4) ……….. I notice them when
I wake up
Doctor: Mm. And is there anything that makes them better?
Patient: Well, if I lie down for a while, they seem to get, they go away
Doctor: Yes, and has there been anything else apart from these headaches?
Patient: Well, the wife, my wife, she says that I seem to be getting a big deaf
Doctor: Oh, well, Mr. Hall, I think at this stage I’ll start by checking your …… (5)
……….. to see if there’s any wax…

Bài tập nhóm

1. With a partner, act out the roles below.

Student A: You are a doctor. Talk to student B about:
- an injury
- what happened to cause the injury
- what you think the problem is
Student B: You are a patient. Talk to Student A about an injury.

2. With a partner, act out the roles below.

Student A: You are a doctor. Talk to Student B about:
- the reason for his or her visit
- where he or she feels pain
- when he or she feels pain
Student B: You are a patient. Talk to Student A about pain in your torso.

3. With a partner, act out the roles below.
Student A: You are a nurse. Talk to student B about:
- a patient’s injuries
- the location of the injuries
- the severity of the injuries
Student B: You are a doctor. Talk to Student A about an injured patient.

I. Choose the correct words to complete the description of the injuries shown
in the illustration.
There are ______1_________(scratches/ grazes)
above the left eyebrow and on the left side of the neck,
a _________2______(contusion/ laceration) to the
left side of the lower lip and
________3_______(cuts/tears) to the left cheek.

II.Match the words and their definitions:

1. Elbow a. the part of the body at the bottom of the leg on which
a person or animal stands
2. Ankle b. the part of the body above the neck where
the eyes, nose, mouth, ears, and brain are
3. Foot c. the main part of the human body without the head, arms, or legs
4. Knee d. the joint (= place where two bones are connected) between
the foot and the leg, or the thin part of the leg just above the foot.
5. Arm e. the upper front part of the body of humans and some animals,
between the stomach and the neck, containing the heart and lungs
6. Wrist f. the place where your legs meet the front of your body
7. Hand g. the middle joint of the leg that allows the leg to bend
8. Shoulder h. the organ inside the head that controls thought, memory, feelings,
and activity
9. Head i. the structure in the body formed by the bones in
the chest that protect the heart, lungs and other organs
10. Neck j. the part of the body at the end of the arm that is used
for holding, moving, touching, and feeling things
11. Chest k. the part of the body between the hand and the arm
12. Torso l.the part in the middle of the arm where it bends
13. Rib cage m. the part of the body that joins the head to the shoulders
14. Groin n. one of the parts of the body of a human or animal that is used
for standing or walking
15. Mouth o.either of the two bones in your mouth that hold your teeth
16. Abdomen p. one of the two parts of the body at each side of
the neck that join the arms to the rest of the body
17. Leg q. the line of short hairs above each eye in humans
18. Shoulder r. the flat part of the face, above the eyes and below the hair

19. Jaw s. the lower part of a person's or
animal's body, containing the stomach,
bowels, and other organs.
20.Forehead t. the part of the face that sticks out above the mouth, through which
you breathe and smell
21.Eye u. the soft part of your face that is below your eye and
between your mouth and ear
22. Eyebrow v. blade a large, flat bone on each side of your back
below your shoulder that helps to increase the range of movement of
your arm
23. Nose w. either of the two organs, one on each side of the head, by
which people or animals hear sounds
24. Cheek x. one of the two organs in your face that are used for seeing.
25. Ear y. the opening in the face of a person or animal, consisting of
the lips and the space between them
26. Brain z. either of the two long parts of the upper body that are attached to
the shoulders and have the hands at the end.

III. Complete the sentences.

Anatomical term Patient’s statement
1. Inguinal swelling I’ve got a lump in the _________.
2. Abdominal pain My little boy has got a _________ache.
3. Periumbilical rash I’ve got some spots around my _________.
4. Thoracic pain I’ve got a pain in the middle of the _________.
5. Enlarged axillary node There is a painful swelling in my_________.
6. Mandibular pain I’ve got a pain in my _________.

IV. Complete the table with words from the box. The first one has been done
for you
Abdomen Elbow Loin Wrist Thigh
Knee Chest Arm Leg Finger

Trunk (1) Upper limb (2) Lower limb (3)


V. Label the diagram using words from the box.

Diaphragm Lobes Windpipe Heart

Lung Airways Bronchioles

VI. Match the conditions (1-8) with the organs affected (a-h), using your medical

1. Hepatitis a. Bladder
2. Pneumonia b. Gall bladder
3. Nephritis c. Heart
4. Gastric ulcer d. Kidney
5. Cystitis e. Liver
6. Angiana pectoris f. Lung
7. Cholecystitis g. Stomach
8. Ulcerative colitis h. Large bowel


Mục tiêu bài học:
1. Nêu tên các bộ phận trong hệ tuần hoàn
2. Đọc và hiểu được các dấu hiệu của bệnh tim
3. Nghe một số triệu chứng về bệnh tim
4. Đọc lá thư của một bác sĩ và điền thông tin về bệnh đau tim
5. Hỏi đáp về bệnh tim giữa một bác sĩ và bệnh nhân

Bài tập cá nhân

I. Read the following passage. Choose the best answers.

1. The normal heart rate of a person is____________.
a. 65-75 beats per minute
b. 40 beats per minute
c. 200 beats per minute
2. The irregular rhythm is known as__________.
a. palpitations b. fibrilation c. arrhythmia
3. Patients often describe the symptom of irregular rhythm as_____________.
a. fibrillation b. palpitations c. arrhythmia
II. Read the following passage and mark the sentences as TRUE (T) or FALSE

1. When the heart doesn’t get enough blood to pump to the organs, TRUE/FALSE
heart failure occurs. E

2. There are two types of heart failure. TRUE/FALSE

3. Pitting oedema begins in the feet and ankles. E

Exercise 1

Exercise 2

Exercise 3: Choose the correct answer.

1. Shortness of breath is termed ______.

a. palpitation b. palpation c. dyspnoea d. fibrillation
2. Breathlessness when lying flat is termed ______.
a. palpitation b. dyspnoea c. fibrillation d. orthopnoea
3. ______ is the amount of blood pumped by the heart each minute.
a. Heart failure b. Pitting oedema c. Swelling d. Cardiac output
4. One of the four stages in medical examination is ______ or looking.
a. palpation b. percussion c. inspection d. auscultation
5. On examining the heart and circulation, look at the lips, tongue and nails for the blue
discoloration of _______.
a. cyanosis b. clubbing c. apex beat d. murmurs
6. When atria contracts, ventricles__________.
a. relax b. also contract c. squeeze d. block
7. The innermost layer of the heart wall is termed __________.
a. myocardium b. pericardium c. endocardium d. epicardium
8. Which type of blood vessels carries blood away from the heart?
a. Veins b. Arteries c. Capillaries d. Arteries, veins and capillaries

9. In adult blood, there are billions of living blood cells floating in a liquid
a. veins b. platelets c. plasma d. arteries
10. The _______ carries oxygen in blood to all part of the body.
a. circulatory system b. respiratory system
c. endocrine system d. reproductive system

Listen and complete a conversation between a doctor and a patient.

Doctor: Come in, Mr Green. Come and sit down here. I’ve had a letter from your
doctor and she tells me that you’ve been having pain, pain in your chest.
Patient: Yes, and in my arm, and also tingling in my fingers and…
Doctor: Yes, now when did you first notice______ _________?
Patient: Er, well, I suppose about six months ago.
Doctor: And can you remember when it first came on?
Patient: Yes, well I remember, I got a bad pain inmy_________ when I was shopping.
It was so bad I couldn’t _________ and…
Doctor: And where, in which part of your chest did you feel the pain?
Patient: Well, right across my chest.
Doctor: And how long did it last?
Patient: About ten mins.
Doctor: And what did you do when it happened?
Patient: I had to stop and wait for it to go away.
Doctor: So, have you had this, the pain again since then?
Patient: Yes, I often get it when I overdo things, and when I….
Doctor: Well, I think at this stage I’d like to___________ you, your chest. So if you
could strip your waist.
Patient: Right. There we go.
Doctor: That’s fine. I’ll just check your__________ first of all. Fine. That’s fine. It’s
quite normal, seventy per minute.
Patient: Er, right.
Doctor: Now your_________ ____________. Fine. That’s quite normal too. 130 over
Patient: Oh, I’m pleased to hear it.
Doctor: Now I’m going to listen to your__________, so I want you to breathe
normally....your heart sounds quite normal.
Patient: Well, that’s a relief.
Doctor: Well now, I want you to take deep breaths in and out while I check your
___________. In-Out_In-Out-Fine. They’re completely clear. Well, Mr Green, the pain
You’ve been having sounds very much like the pain of what we call ____________,

and this, well, this occurs when not enough__________ is getting to the ___________.
Now I’d like to check a few tests, and following that I’ll be able to advise
some__________for you…


Tell B that they are at Ask A to explain
increased chance of right
heart failure
Give B more information. Express concern
Tell B what long term Ask A for the symptoms.
effects could be
Tell B the symptom (swollen Thank A.
feet and ankle) and what to

Read the letter from a GP to a consultant and fill out the form below.


Date Oct 3rd 20-

Dear Dr Scott

I would be grateful for your opinion and advice with regard to

(Name) GREEN, Peter

A brief outline of history, symptoms and signs and present therapy is given below:

This 42-year-old salesman had a severe attack of central chest pain six months ago
which lasted 10 mins and was relieved by rest. This has recurred several times after
exertion. His father died aged 56 of a coronary thrombosis. Physical examination was
normal and I refer him to you for further assessment in view of his age.
Diagnosis: angina
Thank you for seeing him.
Your sincerely,

Signature: Mary Chapman

Complete the form

Patient name
Present complaint


Mục tiêu bài học:
1. Nêu tên các bộ phận trong hệ hô hấp và các bệnh thường gặp
2. Đọc về các vấn đề liên quan đến hô hấp
3. Nghe thông tin triệu chứng liên quan đến hô hấp
4. Điền thông tin về đơn thuốc
5. Hỏi đáp về bệnh liên quan đến hệ hô hấp

Bài tập cá nhân

Exercise 1: Read the extract from amedical textbook and mark the statements

1. A patient who has a loose cough produces phlegm.

2. A patient who has non-productive cough produces sputum.

Exercise 2: Read the extract from a medical textbook and mark the statements

1. Crackes are heard when the airways are narrowed.
2. Wheezes are typical of pleurisy.
3. A pleural rub is a sign of asthma.

I. Match the following anatomic structures with their descriptions below.
alveoli larynx
bronchi pharynx
bronchioles trachea

a. windpipe________________
b. branches of the windpipe that lead into the lung______________
c. throat__________________
d. voicebox________________
e. smallest branches of the bronchi__________________
f. air sacs of the lung___________________
II. Complete the following sentences.

a. The gas that passes into the bloodstream at the lung is___________________.
b. Breathing in air is called______________________.
c. Breathing out air is called_____________________.
d. The gas produced by cells and exhaled through the lung is______________.

III. Match the following terms with the description below.

ashma chronic bronchitis

emphysema lung cancer

a. chronic inflammatory disorder characterized by airway

b. hyperinflation of air sacs with destruction of alveolar
c. malignant neoplasm originating in a lung or
d. inflammation of tubes that lead from the trachea, over a long period of

IV. Choose the correct answer.

1. The sound of a (n) ________ patient’s breathing is also called wheeze.
a. asthma b. pleurisy c. pneumonia d. haemoptysis
2. When a patient coughs up blood, his symptom is ______.
a. asthma b. pleurisy c. pneumonia d. haemoptysis
3. When a patient coughs up blood, his symptom is ______.
a. asthma b. pleurisy c. pneumonia d. haemoptysis
4. A loose cough is one that produces sputum. It is also known as a _______ cough.
a. productive b. non-productive c. dry d. whooping
5. What is the name of the tiny air sacs in your lungs?
a. Bronchioles b. Ravioli c. Alveoli d. Bronx
6. Air enters your lungs through the ____________.
a. trachea b. esophagus c. alveoli d. lobes
7. ___________is the inflammation of the pleura.
a. Pleurisy b. Pneumonia c. Pleural effusion d. Anthracosis
8. Gas exchange in the lungs happens by the process of_________.
a. osmosis b. diffusion c. exocytosis d. active transport
9. The narrowing of the windpipe is termed ____________.
a. tracheotomy b. tracheostomy c. tracheal stenosis d. tracheostenosis
10. ______________means blood in the pleural cavity.
a. Empyema b. Pyothorax c. Hemothorax d. Hemoptysis

Listen to a conversation between a doctor and a patient. Complete the notes

Bài tập nhóm:

SPEAKING: Work with your partner.

Inform B that you have her Ask A what the results say.
chest X-ray
Tell B she has asthma Ask if it can be treated.
Respond positively Ask A how it can be treated.
Tell B about treatment Ask A about the treatment.
options. (prescribe (take pills)
something to inhale)
Respond and explain Thank A


Read the case report written by Dr Martin and fill out the form.

Hamilton, a 49-year-old man presented in A & E with chest pain. He had had the pain
for 3 hours prior to arrival. The pain was in the centre of his chest and radiated to his
left shoulder.
He had a history of chest pain on exercise, which has been present for the previous six
He smoked approximately 20 cigarettes a day and was teetotal. He has been prescribed
aspirin, B-blockers for the previous two years, and a GTN spray to use as required,
which is two to three times per week. His father died of myocardial infarction aged 65.
He worked as a gallery attendant.

Doctor’s note

Doctor’s name:
Patient’s name: __________________________


Mục tiêu bài học:
1. Kể tên được các cơ quan cấu tạo nên bộ máy tiêu hóa và một số bệnh lý liên quan
2. Đọc một chuyên mục tư vấn sức khỏe trên trang web về hệ tiêu hóa
3. Nghe đoạn hội thoại giải thích về quy trình thực hiện nội soi đại tràng và đóng vai
bác sỹ giải thích cho bệnh nhân về phẫu thuật tiêu hóa.
4. Điền thông tin cần thiết vào ghi nhớ của bác sĩ miêu tả tình trạng bệnh nhân.

Bài tập cá nhân

Task 1: Read chapter 5_ Digestive system (The language of Medicine, 10th.ed.,
W.B. Saunders Company) and answer the following questions about the digestive
1. What are two purposes of saliva?
2. What two cavities lead to the pharynx?
3. What is the difference between the esophagus and the trachea?
4. Does the epiglottis close to cover the larynx or the esophagus?
5. How many layers of muscle are in the stomach?
6. Why does the stomach need alkaline mucus?
7. What is the purpose of bile? Where is it made and stored?
8. What are the two important hormones that the pancreas produces?
9. Where does the absorption of food molecules take place?
10. If someone says that they have a high metabolism, what does that mean?
11. What is the purpose of thyroid hormone?
12. What three things are absorbed in the large intestine?

Task 2: : Read the following passagage and do the following exercises

1. Circle the correct answer to complete each sentence.
The Small Intestine
The small intestine is six meters (19.7 feet) long. When liquefied food leaves the
stomach and enters the small intestine, bile and pancreatic juices follow. Enzymes in
the wall of the small intestine and pancreatic enzymes digest food, breaking it into
smaller molecules. The majority of food digestion occurs in the small intestine. The
only exceptions are the partial digestion of starch in the mouth by saliva and the partial
digestion of proteins in the stomach.
Most of the smaller food molecules pass through cells that line the small
intestine and enter the bloodstream. This process is called absorption. Because the
membrane of the intestinal cells only allows smaller food molecules to pass in and out
of the cell, food must be digest first before it can be absorbed.

Once the food molecules pass through the cells that line the small intestine, they
enter capillaries, which are small blood vessels that lie just beneath the intestinal cells.
These capillaries transport the molecules to larger vessels that eventually lead to the
liver. In the liver, some of the food molecules are stored for later use, while others
remain in the blood for immediate use by the body's cells. For example, if there is a lot
of sugar in the blood after eating, insulin tells the liver to store it. In addition to making
bile and storing food molecules, the liver also takes poisons (for example, alcohol or
drugs) out of the food.
When digestion and absorption is complete in the small intestine, peristalsis
occurs to push the food waste forward into the large intestine.
If something causes food to move too quickly through the small intestine, very
little of the water is absorbed. This causes feces (waste) to become liquid, a condition
called diarrhea. Diarrhea may be caused by bacteria or viruses or by a food allergy.
1. The small intestine is the location where ___________.
a. most foods are digested
b. most foods are absorbed
c. most foods are digested and absorbed
d. very little food is digested or absorbed
2. After food is digested, it _________________.
a. enters the blood immediately
b. enters intestinal cells and then passes into capillaries
c. passes immediately into the large intestine
d. is eliminated
3. Blood containing food molecules goes from the small intestine to the
a. pancreas
b. stomach
c. liver
d. large intestine
4. The liver _________________.
a. makes bile
b. stores excess sugar
c. takes toxins out of food
d. all of the above
2. Match the terms with their definitions by writing the letters in the correct
1. absorption a. breaking up food into small molecules
2. bile b. a substance that breaks down food into smaller
3. capillaries c. food moves too fast through the small intestine
4. digestion d. when molecules cross cells to get to the blood

5. enzyme e. small blood vessels that food molecules first enter
6. diarrhea f. a substance that breaks up fat
Task 1:Complete the sentences with the words or phrases given
a. appendicitis b. esophagus c. feces d. gallbladder
e. gastrointestinal f. pharynx g. rectum h. stomach
i. swallow j.villi
1. The part of the digestive tract below the diaphragm is called the ____________
2. The portion of the digestive system that serves as both an air passage and a food
passage is the ______________.
3. The absorptive surface area of the muscle walla is increased by millions of fingerlike
projections called __________.
4. In _________, the appendix become inflamed and infected.
5. The __________ receives food, mixes it, carries on some absorption, and moves
food into the small intestine.
6. The ___________ stores bile from liver and releases it when needed.
7. ___________ largely consist of water, undigested material, mucus, and bacteria.
8. After food in the mouth is chewed, moistened, and softened by saliva, it is ready to
be __________.
9. Despite its name, the ___________ is not straight.
10. The __________ propels food from the pharynx into the stomach.

Task 2: Matching
Match the words in column A with their definitions or functions in column B

1. digestion a. stores bile between meals
2. duodenum b. secrete bile andd stores glucose
3. esophagus c. stores, mixes, and digests food
4. gallbladder d. leads from mouth to the esophagus
5. liver e. part of the small intestine
6. peristalsis f. part of the large intestine
7. pharynx g. become less efficient with age
8. rectum h. moistens food so that it can be swallowed
9. saliva i. carries food from the pharynx to the stomach
10. stomach j.pushes food along the esophagus into the stomach

Task 3: Choose the best answer for each question

1. The major functions of the digestive system are to digest food and to absorb
nutrients into the __________.

A. stomach B. small intestine C. bloodstream D. large intestine
2. Which of the following is considered to be an accessory organ of digestion?
A. pancreas B. stomach C. small intestine D. large intestine
3. Which of the following is the term that refers to the movement of food through the
digestive system via the action of smooth muscles?
A. peristalsis B. ingestion C. defecation D. digestion
4. ________ is an organ under the stomach. It produces insulin and enzymes.
A. Liver B. Rectum C. Pancreas D. Gallbladder
5. ________ is a large organ secreting bile, storing sugar and producing blood proteins.
A. Pharynx B. Liver C. Gall bladder D. Esophagus
6. The small intestine has 3 regions. The first region is called the_________.
A. duodenum B. ileum C. jejunum D. colon
7. Bile is produced in the ________ and stored in the ___________.
A. stomach; liver B. intestine; stomach C. liver; gall bladder D. gall bladder;
8. The gastrointestinal tract consists of_____________.
A. The mouth, pharynx, oesophagus, stomach, gall bladder and large intestine.
B. The mouth, pharynx, trachea, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine.
C. The mouth, pharynx, oesophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine.
D. The mouth, pharynx, oesophagus, stomach, small intestine, and kidney.
9. Liver is the largest gland and is associated with various functions, which one is NOT
A. Metabolism of carbohydrate B. Digestion of fat
C. Formation of bile D. Secretion of hormone called gastric
10. Arrange the correct sequence of the steps involved in the process of Human
Digestive System?
A. Digestion, ingestion, assimilation, egestion and absorption
B. Ingestion, digestion, absorption, assimilation and egestion
C. Egestion, absorption, digestion, assimilation and ingestion
D. Assimilation, absorption, ingestion, digestion and egestion

Task 1: Listen to the talk and complete the following passage:

The primary functions of the digestive system are the (1) ___________ of food called
digestion and absorption of nutrients. Digestion begins in the mouth where the teeth
break food into smaller (2) ____________ during mastication. Salivary glands located
near the oral cavity secrete saliva which begins (3) ___________ digestion and keeps
the food moist.

As food is swallowed, the soft palate (4) ____________ the upper pharynx to prevent
food from entering the nasal cavity and multiple voluntary muscles in the face, neck
and tongue contract pushing food particles through the pharynx. The food passes over
the (5) ___________ which prevents food entry into the respiratory system and then
into the esophagus which connects the pharynx to the stomach. The one-way
movement of the food mass, called a bolus, is controlled by wave-like (6)
___________ muscle contractions. This movement is known as (7) __________

The bolus now enters the stomach. Folds in the stomach wall called (8)
___________allow for expansion as the stomach fills stomach cells secrete
hydrochloric acid, pepsinogen and various regulatory hormones that chemically digest
the bolus. Muscular contractions in stomach turn its contents to further break down the
bolus and mix it with stomach secretions to form a thick liquid called (9)
___________ .

Chyme exits the stomach through the (10) _______________ and enters the small
intestine, the major site of nutrient absorption. The small intestine consists of three
parts the (11) ____________, (12) _____________ and (13) _____________.

(14) _____________ from the liver and digestive enzymes from the pancreas empty
into the duodenum to (15) __________ in digestion. Absorbed nutrients pass from the
lumen of the small intestine into blood and (16) _____________.

Chyme’s not absorbed in the small intestine enters the large intestine. As it passes
through the cecum and ascending, transverse, descending and sigmoid colon, water
and (17) ___________ are absorbed and chyme is converted into (18)
___________ .The rectum stores feces until nervous stimulation initiates the defecation
reflex resulting in (19) ___________ through the (20) ___________.

Task 2: Listen to the conversation and choose the correct answer

1. The polyp measured 0.6 0.4 x ____ centimetres
A. 0.3 B. 0.4
2. The spcimen was surronded by ___________.
A. mucus B. mushroom shapes
3. Does the patient have cancer of the colon?
A. Yes B. No
4. They used an endocope to do the biopsy.
A. True B. False
Task 3: Explaining gastroscopy (endoscopy)
Exercise 1: Listen to Dr Quinn explaining the endoscopy to a patient, Mr

Which steps does the doctor mention?
1. The needle is inserted by the doctor.
2. This procedure is often performed by a nurse.
3. Gentle pressure is then applied to the puncture site.
4. The procedure is explained to the patient.
5. The skin is cleaned.
6. This emergency procedure is not performed by doctors without training.
7. The vein is tapped.
8. Generally, this procedure is not performed by nurses.

Exercise 2: Listen to Dr Quinn explaining the endoscopy to a patient, Mr

Which words does the doctor use for the following?
1. oesophagus ___gullet___
2. anaesthetze _______
3. pharynx _______
4. flexible ______
5. biosy______
6. sedative _____
7. examine _____
8. eructate _____
9. visualize ____

Bài tập nhóm

Act out the roles below using use language:

Student A: You are a doctor. Talk to Student B about:

• the type of pain
• a recommended procedure
• what the procedure does

Student B: You are a patient. Talk to student A about your stomach pain.

You can replace other problems: upset stomach, peptic ulcer, appendicitis…
Act out the roles in pairs as guided:

PART V: Writing
Complete the doctor's memo describing the patient's problem.
Doctor Jame McEnroy. MD. presented the case of a patient at the surgery:
A 42-year-old woman named Virginia Hansen attended her GP’s surgery on 15th
October, 2019 complaining of sharp stomach pain and craming. She experienced
occasional diarrhea. On examination, the doctor found no evidence of throat or
esophagus problems. It was likely that the patient’s discomfort was from an ulcer. It
was possible the patient had appendicitis. The conducting of further tests was needed to
narrow the possible cause of the patient’s discomfort. He recommended a colonoscopy
to rule out any damage to the colon. This procedure was to include an inspection of
both the small intestine and her large intestine as well.

Doctor’s memo

Date: ___________________

Patient Name: ____________________

Description of problem:











Mục tiêu bài học:
1. Trình bày được các đường đưa thuốc vào cơ thể và lý do lựa chọn các cách dùng
2. Đọc một bảng biểu về thuốc và việc lựa chọn các cách dùng thuốc cho bệnh nhân.
3. Nghe đoạn hội thoại giải thích về việc lựa chọn đường đưa thuốc vào cơ thể phù hợp
cho bệnh nhân.
4. Đóng vai bác sĩ và y tá thảo luận về việc lựa chọn đường đưa thuốc vào cơ thể phù
hợp cho bệnh nhân.
5. Điền thông tin cần thiết vào một bảng biểu về thuốc và việc sử dụng thuốc của bệnh

Bài tập cá nhân


The route of administration of a drug (how it is taken into the body) determines how
well it is absorbed into the blood, and its speed and duration of action. Various
methods of administering drugs are:
Oral Administration. Drugs given by mouth are slowly absorbed into the bloodstream
through the stomach or intestinal wall. This method, although convenient for the
patient, has several disadvantages. If the drug is destroyed in the digestive tract by
digestive juices, or if the drug is unable to pass through the intestinal wall, it will be
ineffective. Oral administration is also a disadvantage if a rapid onset of action is
desired. It takes several hours for oral medication to be fully absorbed into the
Sublingual Administration. Drugs placed under the tongue dissolve in the saliva. For
some agents, absorption may be rapid. Nitroglycerin tablets are administered in this
way to treat attacks of angina (chest pain).
Rectal Administration. Suppositories (cone-shaped objects containing drugs) and
aqueous solutions are inserted into the rectum. Drugs are given by rectum when oral
administration presents difficulties, as when the patient is nauseated and vomiting.
Parenteral Administration. Injection of drug from a syringe (tube) through a hollow
needle placed under the skin, into a muscle, vein, or body cavity. There are several
types of parenteral injections and instillations:

1. Intracavitary instillation. This injection is made into a body cavity, such as
the peritoneal or pleural cavity. For example, drugs may be introduced into the pleural
cavity in people who have pleural effusions due to malignant disease. The drug causes
the pleural surfaces to adhere, thereby obliterating the pleural space and preventing
the accumulation of fluid. This procedure is known as pleurodesis.
2. Intradermal injection. This shallow injection is made into the upper layers of
the skin and is used chiefly in skin testing for allergic reactions.
3. Subcutaneous (hypodermic) injection (subQ). A small hypodermic needle is
introduced into the subcutaneous tissue under the skin, usually on the upper arm,
thigh, or abdomen. Insulin is injected daily via this route.
4. Intramuscular injection (IM). The buttock or upper arm is the usual site for
this injection into muscle. When drugs are irritating to the skin or when a large volume
of solution must be administered, IM injections are used.
5. Intrathecal instillation. This instillation occurs in the space under the
membranes (meninges) surrounding the spinal cord and brain. Methotrexate (a cancer
chemotherapeutic drug) is introduced intrathecally for treatment of leukemia
involving the spinal canal.
6. Intravenous injection (IV). This injection is given directly into a vein. It is
used when an immediate effect from the drug is desired or when the drug cannot be
safely introduced into other tissues. Good technical skill is needed with intravenous
injections because leakage of a drug into surrounding tissues may result in irritation
and inflammation. Some medicines, such as anticancer drugs, are dissolved in a large
volume of saline (sterile salt solution) and given by a several-hour-long intravenous
7. Pumps. Battery-powered pumps may be used for continuous administration of
drugs by the subcutaneous or intravenous route.
Inhalation. Vapors, or gases, taken into the nose or mouth are absorbed into the
bloodstream through the thin walls of air sacs in the lungs. Aerosols (particles of drug
suspended in air) are administered by inhalation, as are many anesthetics. Examples of
aerosols are pentamidine, used to prevent a form of pneumonia associated with
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), and various aerosolized medicines used
to treat asthma (spasm of the lung airways).
Topical Application. Drugs are applied locally on the skin or mucous membranes of
the body. Antiseptics (against infection) and antipruritics (against itching) commonly

are used as ointments, creams, and lotions. Transdermal patches are used to deliver
drugs (such as estrogen for hormone replacement therapy, pain medications, and
nicotine for smoking cessation programs) continuously through the skin.

Task 1:
Match the routes of drug administration in Column I with the medications or
procedures in Column II

Task 2: Answer the following questions

1. What is oral route of administration of drugs? What are the advantages and
disadvantages of oral route of administration

2. How is sublingual medication administered? What drug is most often used to treat
angina and what does it do?
3. What are the the ways to administer medication mentioned in the passage?
4. What is parenteral route of administration? What are the types of parenteral

5. What are topical medications used for?
6. What is the difference between topical and transdermal?
7. Why is rectal Drug Administration recommended?
8. What is inhalation administration? What type of drug are administered by

Task 1: Choose the best answer for each question
1. In ______ administration, drugs given by mouth are slowly absorbed into the
bloodstream through the stomach or intestinal wall.
a. oral b. sublingual c. rectal d. parenteral
2. In ______ administration, drugs placed under the tongue dissolve in the saliva.
a. oral b. sublingual c. rectal d. parenteral
3. In ___________administration, drugs are not swallowed but are placed under the
tongue and allowed to dissolve in the saliva.
a. rectal b. sublingual c. topical d. parenteral
4. In ______ administration, suppositories (cone-shaped objects containing drugs) and
aqueous solutions are inserted into the rectum.
a. oral b. sublingual c. rectal d. parenteral
5._______ is made into a body cavity, such as the peritoneal or pleural cavity.
a. Intracavitary instillation b. Intradermal injection
c. Intramuscular injection d. Subcutaneous injection
6.______ is made into the upper layers of the skin and is used chiefly in skin testing for
allergic reactions.
a. Intracavitary instillation b. Intradermal injection
c. Intramuscular injection d. Subcutaneous injection
7. For ______injection, the buttock or upper arm is the usual site for this injection into
a. intramuscular b. intradermal c. intracellular d. subcutaneous
8. ______ is given directly into a vein.
a. Intrathecal instillation b. Intradermal injection

c. Intramuscular injection d. Intravenous injection
9. The administration route for a drug injected just beneath the top layer of the skin is
called ________.
a. intradermal b. subcutaneous c. intramuscular d. intravenous
10. Which one of the following is NOT a route of administration?
a. Intravenous (IV) b. Oral c. Topical d. Dissolution
11. I have a fear of swallowing pills and for that reason my doctor always prescribes
pills that can be absorbed _________.
a. sublingually b. subcutaneous c. topically d. intramuscular
12. The administration of drugs in gaseous or vapor form through the nose or mouth is
called __________.
a. inhalation b. injection c. oral d. topical
13. ______________administration is accomplished by injection of the drug from a
syringe under the skin, into a vein, muscle or body cavity.
a. Parenteral b. Oral c. Rectal d. Sublingual
14. A/An_________injection is also called a hypodermis injection. The outer surface
of the arm is a usual location for this injection.
a. intradermal b. subcutaneous c. intramuscular d. intrathecal
15. The nurse is teaching a patient about how to take a sublingual nitroglycerin tablet.
Which statement by the patient best demonstrates understanding of the teaching?
a. "I will hold the tablet next to my skin."
b. "I will put the tablet inside my cheek."
c. "I will put the tablet under my tongue."
d. "I will place the tablet in the lower lid of my eye."

Task 2:
Write the name of the route of drug administration according to the definition
1. _________________ swallowed by mouth as a pill, liquid, tablet or lozenge
2. _________________ suppository inserted into the rectum
3. _________________ injected into vein with a syringe
4. _________________ injected into a vein with an IV line and slowly dripped in over
5. _________________ injected into muscle through skin with a syringe
6. _________________ applied to skin
7. _________________ sprays that deliver drug into the nose
8. _________________ inhaled through a tube or mask (e.g. lung medications)
9. _________________ given by mouth and absorbed through the stomach or intestinal
10. _________________ drops, gel or ointment for the eye
11. _________________ under the tongue

12. _________________ injected via syringe under the skin or into a vein, muscle, or
body cavity
13. _________________ a patch on the skin
14. _________________ injected just under the skin

Task 1: Listen to a doctor checking the chart with a colleague and complete the
missing information in the chart

Patient Dob Hospital No

Mrs T Hawthorne 04.02.63 1834572z
Drug Date
_______________1 ______________2
Route Dose Start Time
_______________3 50mg ______________4 _____________5
Max Frequency Max dose/24hr Dose
_______________6 600mg 50mg
Indications for use Route
_______________7 ______________7
Signature Pharmacy Given by
A Smith _____________9

Task 2:
The sentences below are from an explanation of the benefits and side effects of
aspirin to a patient. Mr Johnson, who is being discharged after an uncomplicated
MI. Listen and complete the blank spaces in the doctor's sentences.

1. I've got some good news for you. You've made ____________and we're going to
2. First, I'd just like to have a brief chat with you _____________.
3. If at any time you want to stop me and ask questions,____________.There's a lot of
information to take in at one time.
4. We're going to give you a very small dose of 75 mg. It's a much smaller dose than
you'd normally buy over the counter. You take it ________________,
5 The aspirin will help you a lot, as ________________ and so ________________.
6. And I emphasize the word possible,________________.But 1 just have to point
them out, so
that you are aware of them and can do something about it if anything happens.

7. Sometimes, people get ______________.
Or aspirin can make ______________.
Or it can cause _______________.

Bài tập nhóm

Act out the roles below using use language:

Student A: You are a doctor. Talk to Student B about:

• what medications to give to two patients
• how they should be administered
• why one route is better than another

Student B: You are a nurse. Talk to Student A about what medications to

give to two patients.
Act out the roles in pairs as guided:

Read the passage below and fill out the patient charts.
Emily Jones has asthma. She needs a three week course of tapering dose of Prednisone
by mouth twice a day. She needs 40 mg per day for one week, then 20 mg per day for
one week, then 10 mg per day for one week. It comes in 10 mg tablets. She should get
no refills.
Last week, John attended his GP’s surgery complaining of his chest pain. He was
administered one tablet of Nitroglycerin under the tongue tablets 3 or 4 times daily
until relief is obtained.

1st Patient Name : ________________________

Problem: ______________
Medication: ____________
Dosage: _________________
2nd Patient Name : ________________________
Problem: ______________
Medication: ____________
Dosage: _________________


Mục tiêu bài học:
1. Giải thích nghĩa của những từ viết tắt liên quan đến việc sử dụng thuốc
2. Đọc mô tả hướng dẫn sử dụng thuốc
3. Nghe cách hướng dẫn sử dụng thuốc
4. Điền thông tin cần thiết vào toa thuốc bệnh nhân
5. Đóng vai tình huống điều dưỡng thực hiện y lệnh của bác sĩ về việc hướng dẫn bệnh
nhân sử dụng thuốc.

Bài tập cá nhân

A. Give the meanings of the following abbreviations.
2. p.r.n, prn
3. q.i.d.
4. t.i.d.
5. Rx
6. b.i.d.
7. q.h.
8. PO
9. q
10. NPO
11. qAM
12. Qpm
13. qh
14. q2h
15. a.c., ac

B. Translate the following prescription orders.

1. 1 tab PO q.i.d. p.c. and h.s. ______________________________________________
2. 15-60 mg IM q4-6h ___________________________________________________
3. 2 caps p.o.h.s. ________________________________________________________
4. 1 tab SL p.r.n. ________________________________________________________
5. Apply topically qhs prn_________________________________________________

C. Match the abbreviations with their meanings.

1. p.c. a. sublingual
2. q.d.s. b. with meals
3. s.c. c. after food
4. s.l. d. intravenous
5. i.v. e. four times a day
6. c.c. f. infusion
7. infusn g. subcutaneous


Here is the prescription that was given to Mr Jameson:

MRS Surname of patient – in BLOCK
Child ALAN
Initials and one full forename whenever possible
Age if under 12 Address 41 Mead Avenue
Edinburgh EH3 5EN Pharmacist’sStamp

NP NO. OF DAY TREATMENT For use only by


Tab. Dihydrocodeine BP 30mg
Mitte 100 (one hundred tabs)
Sig. 2 tablets, 6 hrly for pain, p.c.

Signature of doctor Date

For use by
IMPORTANT Read notes overleaf BEFORE going to the pharmacy.
Medicine urgently required may be obtained outside normal hours if
prescription is marked Urgent by the Doctor

A. Answer the following questions

1. Which part of the prescription gives the following information?
A. how often the tablets should be taken
B. the purpose of the treatment
C. the amount prescribed
D. the name of the medicine
2. What do the following abbreviations stand for?
A. Mitte
B. tabs
C. sig.
D. p.c.

B. Using the information given above, try to complete the doctor’s instructions to
Mr Jameson by putting one word in each gap.
DOCTOR: Now, Mr Jameson, here is a prescription for some ___________(1) which
you are to take ____________(2) of every ____________(3) hours. Try to take them
____________(4) ____________(5) if possible in case they cause you indigestion. You
____________(6) take them during the night as well if you are awake with the

C. When you have finished, listen to the recording. Tract 61 Glendinning. E.H &
Holmstrom, B.A.S, (2008), English in Medicine, NXB TPHCM

Describe each of these prescriptions for a patient with suspected acute coronary
syndrome. The first is done for you.

Medicine Dose Method of administration

Streptokinase 1 500 000 U i.v. infusn over 60 mins
Aspirin 300 mg p.o. stat
Diamorphine 2.5-5 mg i.v. stat
Metoclopramide 10 mg i.v. stat
GTN 300 mcg / 5 ml i.v. infusn start @ 40 mcg/min

Streptokinase, one and a half million units by intravenous infusion over sixty minutes.

Bài tập nhóm:

With a partner, act out the role below. Then switch roles.


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