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2.    Answer the questions.

1.  What is one of the most important civic duties?

Jury service

2.  What is Grand and petit jury?

A grand jury determines if there’s probable cause or enough evidence to charge a person
with a crime.

A petit jury examines the facts and renders a guilty or not guilty verdict in a criminal trial.

3.  What is voir dire?

Questioning potential jurors to ensure an impartial juror (preliminary examinations)

4.  What are the challenges for jurors?

Excuse a limited number of potential jurors without stating cause

5.  Why are alternate jurors selected?

To take the place of jurors who may become ill during the trial

6.  Who is a foreperson? What are his/her tasks?

This person refuses arguments, ensures each juror has a fair say and addresses any
necessary correspondence or questions to the judge

7.  What does proper behavior of a juror include?

Jurors must not discuss the case and keep away from media

8.  What is a hung jury?

Jury that cannot come to a decision

3.    Watch the episode and mark the statements as True or False.

1.    The 5th amendment to the Constitution states that in all criminal prosecutions the
accused must enjoy their right to a trial by jury. F (6th)

2.    Trial by jury is a constitutional right. T

3.    Litigants in a civil law suits don’t enjoy the same right. F (they enjoy this right)

4.    You must be over 21 and the US citizen to be chosen as a juror. F (18)

5.    Jurors listen to testimony and review evidence. T

6.    Grand jury is for criminal cases while petit jury is for civil. F (petit)

7.    Grand jury consists of 16to 23 people and proceedings are usually open to the public. T
8.    Petit jury consists of 6 to 12 jurors. T

9.     The verdict may be guilty or not guilty. T

10.  In some cases the juror can be excused on the basis of their gender or race. F (they

11.  The number of peremtory challenges is limited. T

12.  Alternate jurors are chosen only for special cases. T

13.  Jurors will listen to opening statements, testimonies, evidence, closing arguments and

instructions of the judge. T

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