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Personal Teaching Philosophy Statement

My philosophy of education as an engineering educator is that all children are unique and
have something special that they can bring to their own education. They must be provided
with an educational environment where they can grow emotionally, mentally, physically and
socially. I like to create an atmosphere where the students love to learn and achieve their
dreams. It is my desire to create a class atmosphere where students can share their ideas and
discuss things for better understanding. To create the safe learning environment, as a teacher I
know that I should use new techniques to teach and become an expertise in content domain
with constant updates. I will love my students and will always have transparency in all

As a teacher for the millennial learners, I will learn to understand their learning needs. Grown
up with the technology, they need more visual and practical approach to learning. They need
relaxed environment to work, have very short attention span and enjoy research and
autonomy. There are three essential elements for providing an encouraging learning
environment for millennial learners. (1) Students must be encouraged for practical approach
of learning. (2) The teacher's should act as a guide. (3) Students should be able to have
choices and let their curiosity direct their learning.

Personal interaction and transparency with my students is one of the most important aspects
of my teaching. My students will be treated as individuals and will be given due respect and
also learn to respect the views of their peers. I will take note that each student is a unique
learner who deserves my love, attention, and respect. I will present a curriculum that will
incorporate different learning style, with real time examples to make the content relevant to
the students' lives. I will incorporate hands-on learning, projects, cooperative learning, and
themes that engage and activate students learning.

Teaching is lifelong learning process where you learn new ideas from your students,
colleagues, and the community where you work. As educator, my noble mission is to
inculcate the love of learning in my students so that learning becomes a lifelong process.

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