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Ya'll full of shit

Ya'll full of shit

All of ya'll full of shit.
Otherwise it would take you only one time to get rid of it all.
You go to the restroom everyday, everyday.
Is because ye full of shit.
Why do you think you do all types of shit and even talk shit.
Some claim that they see shit and know shit.
And I know some of you don't want to hear this shit, but you listen to all type s of shit.
Plus you like this shit , like that shit, smoke shit, eat shit, read shit, watch bunch of shit
and even buy shit.
So don't tell me you're not full of shit.
You're all full of shit.
You might say this is bullshit.
But this is my shit.
And just like you full of shit I'm full of shit too.
So don't fuck with my shit.
Isn't it obvious, some of you like the same shit.
The same shit. Everyday the same shit. Old shit. I like new shit.
So what are we gonna do with all this shit.
I think we have to stop this shit.
Pass me a piece of toilet paper.
I have to go...shit!

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