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SPINE Volume 24, Number 16, pp 1646 –1654

©1999, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.

Urgent Surgical Stabilization of Spinal Fractures in

Polytrauma Patients

Robert F. McLain, MD,* and Daniel R. Benson, MD

Segmental spinal instrumentation has been shown to

Study Design. A prospective, longitudinal study of provide suitable stabilization in a variety of thoracic and
multiply injured patients treated with segmental instru- thoracolumbar spinal fractures.3,37,49,63 McBride48 re-
mentation for spinal fractures with a minimum 2-year fol-
ported good results in thoracic and thoracolumbar frac-
Objectives. To determine whether urgent stabilization tures treated with longer hook and rod constructs, and
of spinal fractures in severely injured patients increases short-segment pedicle instrumentation constructs have
the risk of surgery compared with early treatment and been recommended for treatment of lumbar frac-
historical results. tures.24,35 These systems are far more rigid than nonseg-
Summary and Background Data. Opinion in clinical
mental instrumentation, and surgeons can take advan-
studies is divided about whether operative treatment of-
fers an advantage over nonoperative treatment in iso- tage of the intrinsic stability of segmental spine systems
lated spine fractures. Concomitant trauma is rarely dis- to mobilize injured patients aggressively. Although con-
cussed relative to decision making or surgical timing. struct patterns have been refined over the past 10 years,
Urgent stabilization of long-bone fractures improves sur- there is still little consensus about when to operate on
vival and outcome in polytrauma patients. To date, urgent
treatment of spine fractures in polytrauma patients has
patients with spine fractures. Some surgeons still recom-
not been considered in the literature. mend that spine surgery be routinely performed 48 to 72
Methods. Seventy-five consecutive patients treated hours after injury,38 whereas older published reports
with segmental instrumentation for spinal trauma were suggest waiting 7–10 days for surgery, irrespective of
observed prospectively to assess perioperative and long- other injuries. Although the orthopedic trauma literature
term outcome. Twenty-seven patients with severe poly-
clearly shows that urgent stabilization of long-bone in-
trauma (injury severity score, !26) were separately ana-
lyzed. Perioperative and postoperative results were juries reduces both morbidity and mortality in poly-
analyzed relative to timing of surgery, injury severity trauma patients, many physicians think that urgent spi-
score, and surgical approach. Urgent treatment was de- nal surgery is too dangerous to consider in ill or
fined as that provided within 24 hours of the spinal injury, injured patients.11–13,39,60
and early treatment was defined as that provided be-
Because an unstable spinal fracture presents many of
tween 24 and 72 hours after injury.
Results. Twenty-five patients (93%) sustained two or the same hazards to recovery as a femur or pelvic frac-
more major injuries in addition to the spine fracture, and ture, (pain, systemic shock, enforced recumbency, inabil-
17 of 27 (63%) had neurologic injury. The mean injury ity to mobilize the patient) delayed treatment of a spinal
severity score approached or exceeded the LD50 (50% fracture would probably result in the same complications
expected mortality) in each group—36.0 for the early-
treatment group and 42.0 for the urgent group— but only
as delayed long-bone stabilization, including pulmonary
one patient in each group died. There were no deep ve- insufficiency, adult respiratory distress syndrome
nous thromboses, pulmonary emboli, neurologic injuries, (ARDS), sepsis, and thromboembolic phenomena. In the
decubiti, deep wound infections, or episodes of sepsis in current study, perioperative and long-term results were
either group. Blood loss for anterior procedures was sig- analyzed in a consecutive series of polytrauma patients
nificantly higher in the urgent group, but estimated blood
with thoracic and thoracolumbar fractures, treated with
loss for posterior procedures was similar for both group-
s.At 49 months’ mean follow-up, no revisions were ne- early stabilization using Cotrel–Dubousset (CD) instru-
cessitated by the urgent spinal treatment. mentation (Sofamor–Danek, Memphis, TN). The pur-
Conclusions. Urgent spinal stabilization is safe and pose of this study was not to endorse urgent or emergent
appropriate in polytrauma patients when progressive surgery as the best treatment of spinal fractures or to
neurologic deficit, thoracoabdominal trauma, or fracture
suggest that surgery is necessary for all isolated spine
instability increase the risks of delayed treatment. [Key
words: Cotrel–Dubousset, fractures, instrumentation, fractures. Our hypothesis was that urgent surgical treat-
spine, trauma] Spine 1999;24:1646 –1654 ment (within 24 hours of injury), when necessitated by
neurologic conditions or concomitant injury, would not
significantly endanger polytrauma patients and would
allow the application of well-established principles of
fracture care shown to reduce morbidity and mortality in
From the *Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Cleveland Clinic
Foundation, Cleveland, Ohio; and the †Department of Orthopaedic
trauma of the skeletal extremities.
Surgery, University of California, Davis, California.
Acknowledgment date: June 19, 1998 Materials and Methods
First revision date: August 24, 1998
Acceptance date: October 6, 1998 Seventy-five consecutive patients with spine fractures treated
Device status category: 1 with CD segmental instrumentation were enrolled at the time

Urgent Stabilization in Thoracic and Thoracolumbar Fractures • McLain and Benson 1647

of surgery in a longitudinal study of perioperative and long- ally used in one- and two-level lumbar burst fractures.28,65
term outcome. All spinal surgeries were performed by four Patients with these constructs were excluded from this study.
fellowship-trained surgeons with extensive experience in Polytrauma patients selected for segmental instrumentation
trauma care and spinal fracture management. All patients were had higher ISSs and more associated injuries than the cohort
diagnosed and treated at our Level 1 trauma center from Jan- selected for nonsegmental instrumentation and could not tol-
uary 1988 through December 1993. All patients underwent erate either prolonged bed rest or immediate casting and mo-
posterior spinal stabilization. bilization. Patients with pathologic fractures or inadequately
From this group, 27 polytrauma patients, each with an in- treated fractures requiring late reconstruction were excluded.
jury severity score (ISS) higher than 26, were analyzed for out- With the exception of hemodynamic stabilization, patients
come relative to the timing of spinal stabilization. Polytrauma treated at any other facility before transfer were excluded.
was defined as significant injury (requiring hospital admission
and active management) to two or more major organ systems. Timing of Surgery. Patients were treated according to the
Injury severity scores were calculated using the Revised Abbre- standards of polytrauma management,13 ensuring adequate
viated Injury Scale.19 In this system a score from 0 to 5 is fluid resuscitation, early and aggressive intervention for vis-
assigned to each organ system, with 0 indicating no injury and ceral injuries, and a concerted effort to stabilize skeletal injuries
5 indicating severe injury. The three highest scores are squared and mobilize each patient as soon as possible. Twenty-six of 27
and then summed to provide a final ISS. Unsurvivable injuries polytrauma patients were treated within the first 48 hours of
are automatically assigned a score of 75. The highest ISS any admission. Seven underwent spinal stabilization in combina-
isolated injury can generate is 25. Therefore, a minimum score tion with other emergent operative procedures at the time of
of 27 was selected for inclusion in this series, ensuring that admission (Table 1). Ten patients with incomplete or progres-
every patient had at least one major associated injury in addi- sive neurologic injuries were treated as soon as medically sta-
tion to a spinal fracture. For example, the maximum score for ble. Steroid therapy was initiated in the emergency room for all
an isolated spine fracture with complete spinal cord injury patients with neurologic deficit, in accordance with the second
would be 5, which would produce an ISS of 25 (52 " 0 " 0 # National Acute Spinal Cord injury Study.15 Two treatment
25). An ISS threshold of 27 was selected to exclude those pa- groups were analyzed.
tients with isolated spinal column injuries or spinal injuries
associated with only a minor secondary injury, (ileus, or minor Urgent Treatment. Fourteen patients (11 men, 3 women)
laceration) (52 " 12 " 0 # 26). Although a score of 27 could be were surgically stabilized within 24 hours of spinal injury.
attained by combining the most severe spinal injury with mul-
tiple minor injuries, there were no such patients in this study Early Treatment. Thirteen patients (10 men, 3 women) were
group. Any patient with a score of 27 or higher would, by treated between 24 and 72 hours after injury. All but one re-
definition of this analysis, have sustained significant injuries to ceived treatment within 48 hours. None of the polytrauma
at least two major organ systems. patients in this prospective series was treated on a delayed basis
Approximately 80% of the 1200 thoracic and thoracolum- (!72 hours).
bar fractures treated at our institution during the study period Indications for urgent treatment included a progressive neu-
were treated nonoperatively. Indications for surgical treat- rologic deficit, extensive polytrauma that predisposed to severe
ment were: pulmonary and/or metabolic derangements if the patient were
not mobilized, associated injuries that dictated emergent surgi-
● An unstable thoracic or thoracolumbar spine fracture, cal treatment, and chest trauma and pulmonary contusions
determined by neurologic injury, sagittal angulation of 25° that would predictably result in pulmonary deterioration.
or more relative to adjacent levels, axial compression of If the patient was adequately resuscitated and hemodynam-
50% of vertebral height or more, multiple contiguous frac- ically stable and if the patients’ status was likely to deteriorate
tures, and/or three-column spinal injury.22 over the first 48 hours after hospital admission, we believed
● Potentially unstable fractures in a patient with multiple that surgery would be safer earlier than later, and the fractures
associated injuries. in these patients were urgently stabilized. This view was held
● Patients needing decompression and reconstruction for even, and sometimes particularly, if the patient was already in
persistent or progressive neurologic deficit or severe frac- the operating room.
ture comminution.
Surgical Treatment. The posterior instrumentation used for
Fractures were classified according to Denis’ injury classifica- all cases in this study was the CD Universal System (Sofamor–
tion.22,23 Associated injuries and additional spinal fractures Danek) using 7.0-mm knurled rods, combinations of open and
were noted, along with neurologic deficits, recorded by Frankel closed hooks, and 6.0-mm and 7.0-mm sacral screws. The CD
grade. Segmental fixation was selected at the discretion of the segmental instrumentation was used in three principle config-
attending surgeon based on his interpretation of the fracture urations, depending on the level and complexity of the fracture.
pattern, the complexity of the fracture, and the vertebral level. Rod– hook constructs using laminar claw configurations at
During the study period, patients with stable fractures, thoracic each terminus and one or more intermediate hooks for segmen-
compression or stable burst fractures, and some lumbar burst tal distraction or compression, were applied to thoracic and
fractures were treated nonoperatively or with nonsegmental upper thoracolumbar fractures.48 Extended pedicle screw con-
systems. Harrington rods, with or without Drummond wires, structs were used to treat thoracolumbar fractures (T11–L2),
were used for single-level thoracic fractures in otherwise stable using a transverse process pedicle claw for thoracic fixation and
patients.1,16,33,67 Also, the AO Fixateur Interne, (Synthes, Pa- pedicle screws for lumbar fixation.37 Short-segment pedicle in-
oli, PA) was used in single-level thoracolumbar burst fractures strumentation constructs were applied to thoracolumbar and
in patients with no or limited associated injury31,32; and VSP lumbar fractures, with pedicle screws placed immediately
plates and screws, (AcroMed, Cleveland, OH) were occasion- above and below the fractured level to limit the length of lum-
1648 Spine • Volume 24 • Number 16 • 1999

Table 1. Characteristics of 27 Polytrauma Patients Treated for Spinal Fractures Using CD Segmental Instrumentation
Time to Initial Additional Number of
Patient Age ISS OR* Mechanism Neurological Injury Injury Associated
No. (yr) Sex Score (hr) of Injury Finding Level to Vertebra Injuries Associated Injuries†

1 41 m 75 1 Ped CCI T5 None 7 CHI, IAI, Thor inj, multi LE Fx
2 24 m 57 3 Crush ICEI L5 None 3 SI disloc, IAI, Thoracic Inj
3 26 f 50 4 MVA ICEI L2 C4 4 IAI, hemo/pneumo, talus Fx, C spine
4 40 m 41 6 Crush CSCI T12 None 2 Hemothx, rib Fx, IAI
5 46 m 35 6 Fall CCEI L2 None 2 CHI, facial lac
6 41 m 48 8 MCA ICEI L1 None 4 CHI, thorac inj, pelvic Fx, IAI
7 16 f 27 10 MVA Intact L3 None 2 CHI, IAI
8 17 m 34 10 MVA ICEI L1 None 1 R wrist Fx
9 34 m 33 12 MCA ICI T5 C2,C3 3 IAI, facial Fx, C-spine Fx
10 19 m 34 12 MVA ICEI L1 None 4 CHI, IAI, facial Lacs, ankle Fx
11 27 m 34 12 Fall Intact L1 T4,T6 5 Pelvic Fx, BBFA Fx x2, T-spine fx, R
wrist Fx
12 15 f 36 20 MVA Intact L1 None 2 IAI, rib Fx
13 21 m 34 20 MCA Intact T3 T10 5 Rib Fx, ankle Fx x2, TL-spine fx, R radius
14 19 m 48 20 MVA ICEI L3 L2 4 CHI, Thorac inj, IAI, rib Fx
15 23 m 34 24 MVA ICEI L1 L4 4 Knee disloc, humerus Fx, Thorac inj, CHI
16 21 f 50 24 MVA CCI T5 None 4 CHI, pelvic Fx, clav Fx, Thorac inj
17 47 m 27 24 MVA Intact L1 C6,C7 2 Neck Fx, scapula Fx
18 32 m 29 24 MVA CCI T9 None 2 Rib Fx, CHI
19 18 m 50 24 MCA Intact L5 L4 4 CHI, IAI, bladder rupt, femur Fx
20 42 m 41 24 Fall CCI L1 None 1 Thorac inj
21 58 m 34 24 Fall ICEI L1 None 3 IAI, pelvic Fx, TibFib Fx
22 21 m 29 36 MCA CCI T6 T5 2 Thorac inj, CHI
23 37 m 41 36 MCA Intact T12 L1,T11 2 Open pelvic Fx
24 20 m 41 48 MVA ICEI L3 None 4 CHI, Thorac Inj, R BBFA Fx, L BBFA Fx
25 19 f 34 48 MCA Intact T7 T8 2 IAI, hemoTx
26 35 m 29 48 Fall Intact L1 None 2 TibFib Fx, Thorac Inj
27 21 f 34 72 MVA Intact L2 None 3 CHI, IAI, Rib Fx
* From admission to start of surgical treatment.
† Additional contiguous and noncontiguous vertebral fractures.
Crush # crushed under falling wall; Fall # fall from height; Ped # auto vs. pedestrian; MCA # motorcycle accident; MVA # automobile accident; ICEI and CCEI #
incomplete and complete cauda equina injuries, respectively; ICI and CCI # incomplete and complete cord injuries, respectively; CHI # closed head injury; IAI #
intraabdominal injury; SI Disloc # sacroiliac dislocation; Hemothx # hemothorax; Thorac inj # pulmonary or cardiac contusion, bronchial rupture, etc.; Fx #

bar fusion.50,51 Constructs were bilaterally symmetrical, as a segmental rod– hook systems, surgeons can mobilize patients
rule, and paired rods were cross-linked with the CD device for rapidly, obtaining an upright posture, improved cardiopulmo-
transverse traction (DTT). nary function, and a reduced risk of pneumonia, venous throm-
Anterior decompression was performed in seven patients bosis, or urosepsis. All patients in this study were sitting up in
with incomplete neurologic lesions, high-grade residual steno- bed immediately after stabilization and were fitted with a
sis, and/or severe vertebral comminution and kyphosis. The molded orthosis before ambulation.
anterior decompression was performed at the same time as the
urgent stabilization in four patients with incomplete or pro- Follow-up. Patients were seen at 2 weeks, 6 weeks, 12 weeks,
gressive neurologic lesions. Three patients had anterior decom-
and 6 and 12 months after surgery and were followed up an-
pression at the time of early stabilization or as a sepa-
nually thereafter. All surviving patients were observed for a
rate procedure.
minimum of 2 years after surgery. If patients could not return
Operative time and blood loss, operative and perioperative
for annual follow-up, records of functional status and radio-
complications, and the construct pattern were recorded for
each patient. Spinal cord–injured patients were managed after graphs were obtained from their local physician. A follow-up
surgery in our spinal cord rehabilitation unit. Polytrauma pa- interview was conducted with each patient to assess functional
tients were managed in cooperation with general surgery and status (return to work, need for further surgery, pain level). A
orthopedic trauma services. private investigator was employed to locate eight patients who
The principle indication for early surgical intervention in could not be located through hospital, phone, or postal records
polytrauma patients is to permit early mobilization and elimi- or next of kin. All patients were interviewed by the first author
nate the hazards presented by bed rest and recumbency. De- at final follow-up.
layed spinal stabilization (more than 72 hours after injury) is Follow-up examinations assessed neurologic recovery or de-
inconsistent with these basic tenants of trauma management. terioration, development or improvement of back and leg pain,
Because segmental spinal instrumentation systems offer supe- development or progression of deformity after surgery, hard-
rior versatility and reliability of fixation compared with non- ware loosening or failure, pseudarthrosis, and the need for
Urgent Stabilization in Thoracic and Thoracolumbar Fractures • McLain and Benson 1649

additional surgery. Fusion status was determined based on se- Table 2. Injury and Perioperative Characteristics of
rial roentgenographs, patient symptoms, and the presence or Urgent and Early Treatment Groups
absence of fixation failure over time. Flexion and extension
radiographs were obtained to rule out pseudarthrosis in all Urgent Group Early Group P Value
patients with equivocal examination findings or radiographs.
Mean age (yr) 27.5 (16–46) 30.0 (18–58) NS
Pain was recorded as absent, minor, moderate, or severe Mean ISS 42 (27–75) 36 (27–50) NS
(0 –3) for back and lower extremity symptoms. Neurologic % with neurologic injuries 71 54 NS
function and improvement or deterioration were rated accord- Mean time to OR (hr) 9.7 35.0 $0.00001
ing to the Frankel scale (E–A). Progressive kyphotic deformity Mean Op time, post (hr) 5.18 5.60 NS
was graded as none, minor (less than 5°), moderate (5–15°), or Mean Op time, comb (hr) 12.0 13.25 NS
Mean EBL, post (mL) 1432 1600 NS
severe (loss of sagittal correction of greater than 15°). Hard- Mean EBL, comb ant/post (mL) 6812 4000 NS
ware failure was recorded as broken screws or rods, bent Mean EBL, total (mL) 2966 1877 NS
screws, screw pullout without hardware failure, or no failure. Perioperative deaths 1/14 1/13 NS
Work status and function were determined at final fol- ARDS 0/14 1/13 NS
low-up relative to preoperative status. Patients were deter- NS # not significant; OR # operating room; EBL # estimated blood loss;
mined to be fully employed at their previous occupations; fully ISS # injury severity scale; ARDS # adult respiratory distress syndrome.
employed, but at a less demanding occupation; employed with
established limitations; or unemployed or disabled. Function
was recorded as severely limited, limited, normal, or limited by at a noncontiguous level, including three patients with
other conditions, such as paralysis, amputation, or head injury. cervical spine fractures.
Patients lost to follow-up at less than 2 years were not analyzed The mean ISS for urgently treated patients (ISS, 42)
with respect to outcome measures but were retained in analysis was slightly greater than for the early treatment group
of perioperative complications and outcomes. Because Short
(ISS, 36; Table 2). The mean ISS overall was 39 (range,
Form (SF)-36 and SF-12 tests were not widely used at the ini-
tiation of this study, it was decided not to introduce these sur-
27–75), and was not different for men or women (39.1
veys partway through the follow-up period. vs. 38.5). One patient from each group died during the
initial hospital stay; one patient, (male, early-treatment
group; ISS, 41), died 14 days after surgery because of
Results pneumonia and ARDS after falling 35 feet from a scaf-
Of the 29 patients with an ISS higher than 26 originally fold. The second patient, also male, (urgent-treatment
entered into the study from June 1987 through Decem- group; ISS, 75), died immediately after surgery of mas-
ber 1993, 2 were excluded because they had been treated sive visceral injury. He had been struck by a car, sustain-
at another facility before transfer. Twenty-seven patients ing a closed head injury, intraabdominal and intratho-
enrolled in the study were available for operative and racic injuries, and multiple long-bone fractures. Because
perioperative analysis. There were two perioperative our trauma surgeons thought he would not survive bed
deaths, and two patients were lost to follow-up, leaving rest, a rapid posterior instrumentation was performed at
23 patients available for final outcome analysis. Of the the time of laparotomy to stabilize a thoracolum-
two patients lost to follow-up, one had moved to another bar fracture.
state and could not be contacted, and the other had Seventeen patients (63%) had neurologic injury at the
disappeared and could not be located by a private in- time of fracture. Ten (37%) had incomplete cord or
vestigator. cauda equina injuries, and seven (26%) had apparent
complete cord or cauda equina injuries at the time of
admission. Ten (71%) of the 14 patients treated urgently
Injury Characteristics
had neurologic injuries: Seven (50%) of 14 injuries were
Seventy-four percent of the patients were injured in mo-
incomplete, and 3 (21%) were complete. Of the 13 pa-
tor vehicle accidents (Table 1). Twelve patients were in-
tients treated early, 7 (54%) had neurologic deficits, 3
jured in automobile accidents and seven in motorcycle
(23%) incomplete and 4 complete injuries. One patient
accidents; one was a pedestrian struck by a car. Five
in the early group had significant progression of neuro-
patients fell from height (18.5%), and two were crushed
logic deficit when he became combative before surgery
by collapsing walls (7.5%). Injury mechanisms, vertebral
and tried to leave his hospital bed.
levels, and injury severity were similar for the 21 male
(78%) and 6 female (22%) patients. Fourteen patients Surgical Treatment
(20%) had three or more major associated injuries; on All patients underwent posterior stabilization as the in-
average, men had 3.0 associated major injuries in addi- dex procedure. Fourteen patients (52%) were treated ur-
tion to spinal fracture compared with 2.9 for women. gently, with a mean interval from time of injury to sur-
The most common associated injuries were thoracic gical stabilization of 9.7 hours. Thirteen patients (48%)
trauma (14 patients), intra-abdominal injuries (14 pa- underwent early surgical stabilization at a mean of 35.0
tients), head injuries (13 patients), and pelvic and ex- hours from the time of injury. Seven (26%) of 27 patients
tremity fractures (16 patients). also had an anterior procedure as part of the initial op-
Eleven patients (41%) had an additional vertebral eration, for neural decompression, mechanical stabiliza-
fracture, five (19%) at a contiguous level and six (22%) tion, or both.
1650 Spine • Volume 24 • Number 16 • 1999

Table 3. Outcome in Urgently Treated Patients though only three were neurologically intact at the time
of surgery. By comparison, 8 of the 12 surviving patients
Urgent Early 40 40
in the early-surgery group returned to work (66%), even
though 6 patients were intact to begin with.
Mean neural 1.12 0.65 0.75 1.10 Twenty-one of 23 patients (91%) had a solid arthro-
improvement (FG) desis. Twelve patients (52%) had unlimited activity at
% with neurological 88 50 63 66
improvement* final follow-up, three (13%) were limited by pain, and
Pseudarthrosis 0/11 2/12 1/15 1/8 eight (35%) were limited by neurologic injury. Twelve
Pedicle screw failure 1/4 2/6 2/6 1/4 patients (52%) had returned to their previous levels of
% RTW 64 66 66 64
Mean pain score 0.81/0.54 0.50/0.58 0.40/0.73 0.74/0.25 employment, three (13%) were working but at a lighter
(B/L) job, six (26%) were disabled, and two (9%) remained
Mean function score 3.45 4.15 3.60 4.0 unemployed despite unrestricted activity status. Five pa-
* Percentage of patients with initial neurologic injury who experienced im- tients (22%) required additional surgery: One had treat-
provement with treatment.
FG # Frankel Grade; RTW # return to work, at full or limited functional level; ment of a symptomatic pseudarthrosis, two had hard-
B/L # back pain score/leg pain score. ware removal because of pain or hardware prominence,
one underwent nerve root decompression for foraminal
stenosis, and one had a spinal cord stimulator placed to
relieve persistent neuropathic symptoms.
Operative time and estimated blood loss varied with
Among patients with neurologic injuries, urgently
the complexity of the fracture and the need for anterior
treated patients averaged improvement of 1.1 Frankel
surgery. The mean operative time (including positioning
grades, compared with 0.57 average for patients treated
and draping) for all posterior procedures was 5.33 hours
later. All three patients who had full return of function
and did not differ between the urgent- and early-
were in the urgent treatment group. Fourteen of the 17
treatment groups (Table 3). Estimated blood loss during
patients with neurologic injury were available for fol-
posterior procedures also did not differ between the two
low-up, (2 died, 1 lost to follow-up). No patient experi-
groups. Blood loss averaged 1432 mL (range, 500 –3500
enced neurologic deterioration while adhering to proto-
mL) for the urgently treated group and 1600 mL for the
col. Eight of nine with incomplete lesions improved
early-treatment group. Total blood loss was consider-
(mean improvement, 1.5 Frankel grades), and one of the
ably higher in the urgently treated patients, however,
five with complete lesions improved (mean improve-
(mean, 2966 mL vs. 1877 mL), reflecting the fact that
ment, 0.2 Frankel grades). Recovery was not correlated
four of seven combined procedures were performed in
with anterior decompression: Five patients with anterior
the urgent group and that blood loss during acute ante-
decompression for incomplete deficits improved 0.80
rior procedures was higher than in procedures delayed
Frankel grades on average, whereas four patients with
24 – 48 hours. It should be noted that the mean blood
only posterior surgery improved an average of 2.0
loss during combined procedures included the blood lost
grades. One patient with an L1–L2 fracture-dislocation
during the exposure and included blood lost from hema-
improved four grades (from Frankel A to E) after urgent
toma and during splenectomy or other intra-abdominal
operative reduction and stabilization, without ante-
procedures. Posterior blood loss for isolated injuries av-
rior decompression.
eraged 1160 mL.
Late complications in 23 patients included 2 with
Perioperative complications in 27 patients included
pseudarthrosis (8%) and 3 with sagittal collapse of 10°
one superficial wound infection, two urinary tract infec-
or more (12%). There was a single case of late sacral
tions, and one case of ARDS. There were no complica-
decubitus, secondarily infecting the operative site 7 years
tions related to hardware placement. In one patient, an
after surgery. This patient required hardware removal,
anterior strut graft was displaced during repositioning
extensive débridement, and flap coverage before healing.
for the posterior procedure (replaced at a second opera-
tion). There were no clinically detectable deep venous Discussion
thromboses or pulmonary emboli, no systemic or graft
This prospective study analyzes outcomes in the most
site infections, no cases of pneumonias, and no neuro-
severely injured segment (10%) of the spine trauma pop-
logic injuries or perioperative deterioration.
ulation, those patients whose lives depend on rapid re-
Outcome suscitation, mobilization, and prevention of pulmonary
Twenty-three patients were available for long-term as- and thromboembolic complications. These patients’ sta-
sessment at a mean follow-up of 49 months (range, tus can deteriorate very rapidly after admission, and they
24 – 84 months). Although the mean ISS for the urgent may not be suitable for delayed surgery for weeks there-
group was higher than for the standard group, (42 vs. after, if ever. We again emphasize that the average spine
36), there were no differences in the rate of perioperative fracture patient can be treated in a timely fashion, at the
complications, morbidity, or mortality between the two surgeons discretion, with a reliably satisfactory outcome.
groups (Table 3). In the long run, seven (64%) of the The purpose of this study was not to show that urgent
urgent-surgery group eventually returned to work, even surgery is necessary or efficacious in severe spinal frac-
Urgent Stabilization in Thoracic and Thoracolumbar Fractures • McLain and Benson 1651

tures, but rather to determine whether there is a compel- from the epidural vessels and fresh fracture. Because
ling reason not to operate on these patients when other more of the urgently treated patients required anterior
conditions press for urgent treatment. The findings of decompression, this greatly increased the total volume
this study show there is not, and indicate that urgent lost among those patients. Stauffer64 has shown that sur-
treatment may be beneficial for some patients with se- gical blood loss is reduced by two thirds if surgery can be
vere, life-threatening injuries. delayed 48 hours after injury. Benefits of urgent stabili-
Findings in several retrospective studies have demon- zation must be balanced against this increased
strated that aggressive early management of long-bone blood loss.
fractures significantly reduces morbidity and mortality in Even though these cases were treated at night, in face
polytrauma patients.11,39,56 In a prospective, random- of increased blood loss and extended exposures and in
ized trial, Bone et al12 demonstrated that stabilizing fem- combination with other surgical procedures, there were
oral fractures within 24 hours of injury reduces pulmo- no neurologic injuries, no deep wound infections, and no
nary dysfunction, ARDS, pulmonary emboli, and patients who required revision surgery to correct an in-
pneumonia, as well as days of ventilator dependency, complete reconstruction or inadequate decompression.
and length of hospital stay. Seibel,60 in a prospective Surgeon fatigue did not impair results, and our Level I
study of blunt polytrauma, demonstrated that 10 days of trauma center provided appropriate operative facilities,
femoral traction essentially doubled the duration of the equipment, instruments, and staff for spinal stabilization
pulmonary failure state compared with patients with im- at any hour.
mediate long-bone fixation, documenting the adverse ef- Perioperative complications of infection, pulmonary
fect of enforced recumbency on patients with multiple disease, thromboembolism, and neurologic injury were
injuries. Although there is agreement on the value of
eliminated by urgent surgical treatment. There were no
stabilizing long-bone and pelvic fractures in polytrauma
incidences of clinical pneumonia, pulmonary embolus,
patients, the issue of urgent spinal stabilization has not
or clinically apparent deep venous thrombi, and only one
been directly explored.
case of ARDS occurred in the perioperative period.
Accepted indications for urgent spinal stabilization
There were no episodes of systemic sepsis or wound in-
include progressive neurologic deficit, unreduced spinal
fection. Complication rates for both groups were lower
dislocation with neurologic deficit, and severe deformity
than in previously published surgical series and confirm
or kyphosis compromising the overlying skin or ability
the findings of Schlegel et al59 in their retrospective se-
to position the patient.29,38,43 When these conditions are
ries.25,34,55,63 Those investigators demonstrated a statis-
absent, some surgeons have advocated waiting 7 to 10
days before surgery. tically significant improvement in morbidity in multiply
The combination of severe, multisystem injury and injured patients (ISS !17) receiving early treatment
thoracolumbar fracture was seen in less than 4% of the ($72 hours) of their spinal injuries compared with those
patients with spine fractures treated at our facility during treated on a delayed basis.
the course of this study. Even among operative cases, the The overall survival rates for patients in the current
magnitude of trauma seen in these polytrauma patients is series were better than expected. Ten patients had an ISS
atypical and is seen in fewer than 15% of injuries. The higher than 40. As expected, they had more associated
predominantly male cohort included in this series is typ- injuries and a higher incidence of neurologic deficit. Con-
ical of blunt and penetrating trauma populations sidering that the expected mortality for patients aged 15
throughout the United States, but these patients to 44 with an ISS of 40 is 50%, the two deaths (20%
had more serious injuries, as a group, than patients mortality) that occurred in this specific subgroup are
seen in any unselected series of spine frac- fewer than anticipated.4,5,21,68
tures.7,10,14,25,34,53,55,57,63 Seventy-four percent of the Unexpectedly, neurologic improvement was better in
patients in the current study were injured in automobile the urgent treatment group than in the early treatment
or motorcycle accidents, either as drivers, passengers, or group. All three patients with complete neurologic recov-
pedestrians, compared with 43– 68% in other large se- ery, and both of those with more than two grades of
ries.26,48,55,57,69 Forty-one percent of the current patients recovery were treated within the first 24 hours of injury.
had an additional vertebral fracture at the time of injury, The numbers involved are too small to indicate a statis-
compared with 7–10% in previous series.69 The large tically significant difference, and the recovery in these
number of associated injuries and the high ISSs further patients cannot be used to argue that urgent treatment
attest to the severity of the trauma in this highly selected may provide improved recovery in complete spinal cord
patient group. injuries. In fact, because it is frequently impossible to
Blood loss for posterior procedures was not different distinguish complete from incomplete lesions in urgently
for urgent and early treatment groups and was compa- treated patients, any urgently treated group is likely to
rable with that reported in other trauma series.27,45 To- contain some apparently complete injuries that would
tal blood loss was greater, however, for patients in the improve spontaneously. This will bias any comparison
urgent surgical group. Patients undergoing urgent ante- with patients treated at a later time when spinal shock
rior decompression frequently had brisk hemorrhage has resolved. Nonetheless, concerns that urgent interven-
1652 Spine • Volume 24 • Number 16 • 1999

tion may compromise neurologic recovery were clearly patients did not experience more hardware failure, sug-
not substantiated. gesting that decisions on segmental stability were as well
In the current series, neurologic recovery was more made when they were made quickly as when treatment
directly related to early intervention and fracture reduc- was delayed.
tion than to the method of decompression. There was no Hardware was removed only if the implants were
clear association between anterior decompression and prominent and painful, had lost fixation, or had failed or
neurologic recovery. Canal compromise can be im- if revision was indicated for pseudarthrosis or progres-
proved through indirect reduction in some cases,61,70 sive kyphosis. In all, three in the current series (13%)
and remodeling improves canal diameter over time, irre- underwent hardware removal or revision for implant-
spective of treatment.52 Although we still consider an related problems, compared with 17% in previ-
incomplete neurologic deficit in the face of persistent ous series.49
compression to be an indication for direct surgical de-
compression,9,20,36,41,47 the blood loss associated with Functional Outcome
urgent anterior decompression can be daunting. Overall, 15 (65%) of the 23 follow-up patients returned
to work, whereas 2 others (9%) who were capable of
Follow-up work remained unemployed. Only six (26%) of these
A variety of search strategies were used to locate 25 severely injured patients were considered disabled at fi-
(93%) of the 27 patients originally enrolled, and 100% nal follow-up. This compares favorably with the results
of the patients were available for follow-up during the of Tasdemiroglu,69 who found that only 26% of patients
perioperative period. In this study, each patient was ob- treated with Harrington rod constructs returned to work
served in our clinic until healing of the fracture occurred and that only 12% returned to their original jobs. Al-
or until a pseudarthrosis was clearly identifiable. There- though Carl et al17 and others have reported return to
after, subjective measures of function and pain, as well as work rates of between 84% and 94%,17,66 they have
reports of job duties, activity levels, and ongoing treat- provided relatively short follow-up (18 –22 months). The
ment were obtained by telephone interview in those pa- return-to-work rates tended to deteriorate over time, so
tients who could not return for an examination. Obtain- that long-term results may reflect more true disability
ing this degree of follow-up in any trauma population than is seen in the short term. The slightly better func-
can be difficult,40,44 and this group was particularly tran- tional result seen in the urgently treated patients com-
sient. Of the original 75-patient cohort, only 8 of 68 pared with those treated only 24 hours later probably
identifiable patients (12%) were still at the same address reflects the small sample size. The good overall return to
2 years after injury. Eleven (16%) of the 68 had been work for both groups, however, may reflect the contin-
incarcerated for a portion of the follow-up period. ued effort, beginning with early stabilization and reha-
Instrumentation bilitation, to mobilize rapidly and restore these severely
The risk of sagittal collapse after instrumentation was injured patients.
related to the level and severity of the fracture, the ap-
proach taken, and the construct chosen. Sagittal collapse
after fracture reduction is common, with other investiga- The blood loss, operative times, and complication rates
tors reporting mean progression of between 12° and seen with these difficult patients are greater than would
19°.2,6,8,37,42,58,66 The decision to operate urgently did be expected from a series of isolated spine fractures. All
not affect the construct patterns chosen or the ultimate of these outcome parameters are technique and patient
success or adequacy of those constructs. Although Dimar dependent. The small series of patients presented in the
et al27 reported sagittal collapse after combined anterior current study represent a challenging subgroup within a
and posterior reconstruction, anterior reconstruction much larger trauma experience. Each of the these pa-
eliminated sagittal collapse in the current series. tients was treated by a fellowship-trained senior spine
In short-segment pedicle constructs, cantilever bend- surgeon experienced in spinal trauma. The ancillary
ing loads are concentrated within the vertebral pedicle staff, anesthesia, and general surgical staff assisting in
and can lead to bending failure of the screws.18,54,62,71 patient management were expert in the management of
Bending failure that occurs before the fracture consoli- high-energy polytrauma, and were available at all hours
dates can result in progressive sagittal collapse, which to facilitate the careful management of these patients.
can progress despite bracing.17,37,42,51 Extended pedicle The spine surgical staff routinely worked in tandem with
screw constructs work well as long as the pedicle screws an experienced neurosurgical service that assisted in the
are protected from cantilever loading. Extending thora- management of complex spinal column injuries. Causes
columbar fixation into the lower thoracic segments has for increased blood loss were numerous: the inability to
little mechanical cost and allows the surgeon to correct use hypotensive anesthesia in a polytrauma patient, co-
sagittal deformity and restore neutral or lordotic align- agulopathy or diathesis after serial surgical procedures,
ment.2,37 Hook pullout was not seen in the current series, the need to expose and débride the fresh fracture site, and
nor was there any rod breakage, a common mode of traumatic and surgical disruption of epidural and seg-
failure in nonsegmental systems.30,46 Urgently treated mental vessels. Despite this, patients treated urgently
Urgent Stabilization in Thoracic and Thoracolumbar Fractures • McLain and Benson 1653

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Point of View

Stanley D. Gertzbein, MD
Institute for Spinal Disorders
Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, Texas

This is a retrospective study of 75 consecutive patients laboration with a neurosurgical colleague. The expertise
undergoing posterior stabilization for spinal fractures, provided by this spinal team would certainly contribute
29 of whom were multiple trauma cases. Two groups to this outcome.
were studied, those operated on within 24 hours (urgent The authors are to be congratulated on an excellent
group) and those operated on between 24 and 72 hours review. Surgery in the multitraumatized patient treated
(early treatment group). The purpose of the study was to urgently or early has been shown in numerous studies to
determine the morbidity in the two groups. The results be associated with fewer complications. Now it is clear
are similar in rate of complications and in long-term that spinal surgery falls within the same time frame. It
outcome. The urgent-treatment group appeared to have appears that operating within the first 24 hours does not
better neurologic improvement, but this could be be- compromise patients’ outcomes, and the risks are no dif-
cause spinal shock obscured the analysis. It should be ferent than treatment 24 –72 hours after the injury. Cer-
recognized that this study was performed under the su- tainly, neurologic deterioration is not an issue, as has
pervision of a senior, experienced spine surgeon in col- been suggested in other studies.

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