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          We are gathered here tonight to witness the transformation of a
young girl to a beautiful lady. We are very lucky for we are chosen to be here
and be part of this momentous occasion in the debutant's life. You see her
grow up. You see her smile. You see her laugh. You see her everything. And
now you are about to see her as a grown up lady. A lady of good heart,
character and ambition.
            An 18th birthday marks almost the steps from youth to young
adult, with all its relative responsibilities. Join us as we celebrate this
wonderful girl's coming of age. Let us all celebrate as our girl becomes a full-
bloomed lady tonight, as our girl turns 18.


                In a land not so far away, there was once a little girl with a
beauty of an angel. Born under the sign of ___________, this girl is the___________
among the children of Mr. ________________and Mrs. _______________.
                She grew up with so much love and kindness. She is loved by
everybody for her beauty inside and out. Her voice is an angel. Her smile
bears no limit. Her heart is unafraid. Her mind is ready to try. She's ready for
any adventure for the sake of fun and friendship. More refined than shy, more
adventurous than playful, more charismatic than charming, more alluring
than beautiful. Indeed, she has all grown up and what a sight she has
                  Ladies and gentlemen, may we introduce to you the
debutant. Let us all welcome our dazzling lady of the night,

                Before we proceed to the main part of the occasion, let us first
give this moment to the people who made all these a success: from the
planning to the execution, for the foods, the details of the party. Without
these people, this event would not be possible. May we call in the proud
parents of our debutant Mr and Mrs. __________, to welcome us all tonight and
as well to extend their gratitude for coming. 

                    Flowers often symbolize degrees of love and affection, but
they can also send a variety of messages. Messages of forgiveness, purity,
modesty, hope, beauty and love.The 18 roses signify 18 very special
gentlemen in the life of the debutant, like her friends, relatives, brothers,
boyfriend and of course we can never forget the father for he is always the
first or last dance. 
                    To begin with, let us call all the gents to gather on the side
for the smooth flow of the program. As your name is called, it is your chance
to offer a flower and to dance with the debutant. So the first dance goes to,
Mr. _____________________________.

                    Let us now have the 18 Lights. Candle often reveal a
sense of mystery and supernatural guidance. It symbolizes security as
it may illuminate circumstances. It may also signify 18 significant
people in our celebrant's life who serve as her guide as she grows up.
These are also the people who care for her and love her
                      As you hear your name, please be on stage, light
your candle and give a brief message or birthday wish for ____________.

                    Let us now proceed to the 18 treasures. It doesn’t
matter how expensive, how elegant or how precious the gift is, what
matters most is the thought, the value and the essence that the gift
contains. These gifts are significant to the debutant and that she will
truly treasure these for the rest of her life. 
                    To start, let us have _____________________.

                    Wines is a symbol for good luck,  victory and
sometimes defeat. It is always present in every occasion because it
makes the event more meaningful and well-remembered. People toss
wine to give wishes of good luck for love, work, family, and for other
future endeavors. 
                        So now, here are the 18 men who will toss for the
success of our debutant's life. To begin with, may we call in

18 K
                  They say money makes the world goes round. Which I
do agree. This time, here are the 18 people who will give _________
something that she would need in the future. We know that this thing
will be of great help for her especially for her studies. 
                      And without any further ado, let’s start with

                      Tonight's celebration will not be complete without
hearing any message from the debutant herself. So let us give this time
for ___________ to express her gratitude for all of us.

Thank you ___________. It is also our pleasure to be part of this
significant celebration of your life. Tonight is not the end but the
beginning of a longer road to walk. We wish you nothing but the best
that life can offer. Happy birthday again and for the guests enjoy the
rest of the evening. It is now time to party.

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