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The 4 Disciplines of commitments/actions

Execution: Discipline 4
Essay 5
Proyectos I+D II | Primavera 2020 In order to undertake these importants
Vladimir Pedraza Durán moments during the sessions:

- Show respect with all the

Create a responsibility cadence participants
- Step up the responsibility so
The fourth discipline is to create a everybody understand the
responsability cadence, this mean, a importance of themselves into the
recurring cycle of taking responsability for team
the performance and projects planning - Stimulate performance letting
The fourth discipline is the place of everybody report their personal
execution. Disciplines 1, 2 and 3 set the game succes in the goals of each one
but if the discipline 4 does not apply the
team is not in the game.
Discipline 4 keeps the team into the
The team must have meetings weekly. These game everyweek. The team feels the are
must be short, about 20-30 minutes. The winning but most important, they feel
main subject is to decide the responsibilities they are a winning team which is the
for each goal. final result expected when you invest in
The responsability for this must be personal the discipline 4.
and not about the organization, it’s not The result of discipline 4 is an often
about a general result that we don’t have the session about the important objectives
greater influence but a weekly responsibility that moves the strategic indicators.
that it is in our possibilities.

When the team realice their teammates are

making right their responsibilities they learn
to trust in the peaople they work with. And
all this improves a lot the effort and

Avoid these mistakes that decrease the

cadence of responsibility:

- Whirlwind of conflicto in Powers

- Sessions of main goals without
specific results
- Repeat the same
commitment/actions for two weeks
in a row

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