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Story 1: The Creation of the Universe

In the beginning, the earth was without any shape or form. There was no brightness and
darkness covered the face of the earth. Only GOD existed at that time. And He said, “Let there
be light.” And there was a shining light. GOD separated the light from the darkness, and He
called the light “day” and the darkness “night.” GOD saw that the light was good, and that was
the first day –the creation of both morning and evening.
GOD said, “Let there be space between the waters to separate water from water.” So
GOD made the empty space and separated the water under the vault from the water above it. And
so it happened. GOD referred to the empty space as “the heavens.” That was the second day –the
creation of the skies.
GOD said, “Let the waters be gathered in a single place, and let dry land appear.” And so
the waters were gathered together in one place, and dry surface appeared. The waters were called
“seas” and the dry surface “lands.” Then GOD said, “Let the land produce different types of
vegetation –plants that bear seeds and trees that bear fruit on it.” And plants of different kinds
and trees of different shapes, forms and fruits covered the face of the land. And GOD saw that it
was good. That was the third day –the creation of the land.
GOD said, “Let there be lights in the sky to separate day from night, and let them serve as
signs of days, months, and years, as well as to give light to the earth.” And GOD created two
great lights –the sun to light the morning and the moon to light the evening. GOD also created
the stars to help the moon light up the nights. GOD set them all in the sky to serve as guiding
light. And GOD saw that it was good. That was the fourth day –the creation of the sun, moon,
and the stars.
GOD said, “Let the sea be filled with living creatures, and let birds fly across the heavens
above the face of the earth.” So the LORD created fishes, crabs, whales, sharks, and other
creatures to live in the sea, and birds to fly gracefully in the heavens. GOD blessed them and
said, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the waters and the heavens.” And GOD saw that it was
good. That was the fifth day –the creation of birds and sea animals.
GOD said, “Let the land be filled with living creatures, livestock, creatures which move
along the face of the land, and wild animals according to their kind.” And so GOD made
different kinds of animals –livestock, wild animals and other critters which moved on land. Then
GOD spoke, “Let us now make man in our own image, in our likeness, so that they may rule
over the birds of the air and the fishes of the seas and the creatures of the land.” And GOD
created human beings in his own image. And GOD said, “Be fruitful and multiply and inhabit the
entire land. Rule over the creatures that move on the ground, the fishes that swim in the waters
and the birds spreading its wings in the sky. I give you seed-bearing plants and fruit-bearing trees
for your food; I give every green plant for the beasts of the earth, the birds of the air, and
creatures moving on the ground.” And GOD saw that everything he has made were very good.
That was the sixth day –the creation of the land animals and man in His own face.
On the seventh day, GOD was already finished with His creations. He rested from all His
work, blessed the seventh day and made it holy, for in this day, He rested from the process of
shaping the entire universe.
Story 2: Adam’s First Day

No plant, tree or shrub has grown yet, for GOD has not brought down rain from the
heavens and there was no one to till the ground. But GOD sent up a mist to water the entire
surface of the Earth. Now, what do you imagine what He did next?
GOD formed something out of the dust that was formed in the ground. It was a human
just like Him –with a body. GOD thought that the human that He created deserved the precious
gift of life. The man would live to take good care of His creations and experience how to speak,
run, walk, eat, and sleep. So GOD breathed into the man’s nostrils life, and the man became a
living being.
GOD planted a beautiful garden in the land of Eden, and the man was sent there to live.
The garden was a complete pleasure –attractive trees grew out of the earth, with strong branches,
colourful leaves, and delicious fruits for food. Four rivers also flowed their ways through the
garden –Pishon, Gihon, Tigris, and the Euphrates. The man was given the name Adam, meaning
“man of red earth”, because he was created from a reddish surface, which is dust. Then the
LORD commanded Adam, “You may eat the fruits from any of the trees that I have planted here
in the garden, but not the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the middle. If you
eat any of its fruits, you will certainly die.” Adam complied with the LORD’S command.
GOD said, “It is not good for man to be alone in the garden. I will make a companion
fitting for him.” He brought to Adam all the animals of the earth, and Adam gave names to each
and every one of them. “Elephant.” “Lion.” “Deer.” “Snake.” “Frog.” Whatever Adam named
the creature, was its name already. But he found no suitable companion among the animals –they
are not capable of speaking or human thoughts.
So GOD caused Adam to fall into a deep sleep, and while Adam was sleeping, the LORD
took one of his ribs and closed it with flesh. Then the LORD formed another human being out of
the rib –this time, the human has a much longer hair and more slender body. It was a woman, a
good partner for Adam in the garden. The woman was introduced by GOD to Adam, and he was
happy at last.
And Adam said, “This is now the bone of my bones and the flesh of my flesh; she shall
be called ‘woman,’ for she was taken out of man.” Adam and the woman lived in the garden, and
they were naked, yet they were not ashamed. Every day was a happy moment in the garden –
Adam would take walks with GOD among the plants, while they would talk about everything.
Adam also delighted in the plants and creatures in the garden, and life was easy.
Until a serpent came along and caused them to do what was not right...
Story 3: Eating the Forbidden Fruit

Adam and the woman enjoyed living a good life in the Garden of Eden. They would play
with the creatures together, take a refreshing dip in the rivers, and take a delicious bite of the
fruits in the garden. Every day was a good time for Adam, the woman, and GOD. Adam planted
more trees, tilled the ground, and took care of the animals.
Of all the wild animals in the garden, the serpent was the most clever and cunning. One
time, while the woman was looking at the trees and their luscious fruits, the serpent approached
her. The serpent asked, “Did GOD really told you not to eat from any tree here in the garden?”
The woman answered, “GOD told us that we are free to take a bite from any fruits here in the
garden, except from the tree located in the middle. If we touch any of its fruits we will die.” The
serpent said to the woman, “You will not die if you eat from that tree. GOD already knows that
of you eat from this tree, your eyes would be opened, and you will be living like GOD, knowing
what is right and what is wrong.”
The woman deeply thought, if she was like GOD, she is more powerful, sacred, and
perfect than the other creatures in the earth. The fruits looked so tempting to her; she longed for a
delicious bite of them! They are all so pleasant to taste! What a sumptuous way of putting away
hunger! And the serpent’s voice was so cunning that the woman was carried away. The woman
ignored GOD’S command and followed the serpent’s words.
So the woman, who realized that the fruits were a source of wisdom, took a bite of it and
ate. Then she gave some pieces to Adam, who also ate. The next thing that happened was that
their eyes were both opened, and they’ve realized that they were both naked. They now felt
shame among themselves, not because they were naked, but because they’ve disobeyed their
Creator and Friend, the LORD. The serpent was the devil, which does the opposite –encouraging
people to commit mistakes and sin against the will of GOD.
Since the two were without coverings, they sewed fig leaves together and covered
themselves with them. It was almost sunset, and the two heard the voice of the LORD walking in
the garden. Adam and the woman hid among the trees, but the LORD called out, “Adam, where
are you?”
Now GOD must have found out their serious mistake. They might have regretted it but it
was too late already. Too late.

Story 4: Driven Out of Paradise

Adam and the woman have already felt guilt since eating the forbidden fruit from the tree
of knowledge of good and evil. Now since they have realized that they have done something not
right, they hid in the plants and the trees. GOD looked for them, saying, “Adam, where are you?”
Adam, ashamed to speak, answered softly, “I heard You walking in the garden, and I was scared
that I was naked, so I hid.” And GOD said to him, “Who told you that you were naked? Did you
eat from the tree which I have commanded you not to eat?” Now the two have been found out!
Adam admitted, “The woman whom you created for me gave me some fruit from that
forbidden tree, and I ate.” The LORD inquired the woman, “What is it that you have done?”
Afterwards, the woman spoke, “The serpent tricked me, and I was tempted to eat the fruit.” Then
the LORD directed His attention to the serpent. He said to the serpent, “Cursed are you among
the livestock and all the wild animals. You will eat dust all the days of your life, and you will
forever hate the woman, and your son will forever hate the woman’s son. He will crush your
head, and you will strike his heel.”
Then the woman heard her punishment for not following the LORD’s command. The
LORD proclaimed, “You will give birth to your children in painful labour, and I will make your
pains at childbearing severe. Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you.”
Then to Adam were spoken mighty words which would forever change his life for good. The
LORD said, “Because you listened to your wife and ate fruit from the forbidden tree, cursed will
be the ground because of you. You will produce food from it through painful work, and it will
produce thorns and thistles for you. With sweat all over your body you will till the land until you
return to the ground from where you were taken, since you are made from dust and to dust you
will return when you die.”
Then Adam named the woman Eve, since she is considered as the mother of all the
living. GOD created garments made of animal skins and clothed them with it. And the LORD
said, “Since man already knows good and evil, becoming like one of us, he must not be allowed
to take fruit from the tree of life and live infinitely.” And Adam and Eve were driven out of the
garden by GOD; He placed afterwards cherubim to guard the way to the garden and a flaming
sword which moved at every direction to guard the way to the Tree of Life.
Paradise was lost, at the price of disobedience. If Adam and Eve didn’t listen to the
serpent all that time, they should have been living a better life in the garden. Now they have to
adjust to a new, much difficult life east of Eden.

Story 5: Adam and Eve’s Life Outside Eden

It may have been too sad for Adam and Eve to suddenly be driven out of the paradise that
was specially made for them to live in. Now they have to live in land that is barren and has to be
grown with various types of crops. Now Adam has to manually plant crops in the ground, while
he perspired and panted because of labouring. Meanwhile, Eve may have probably did the first
household chores, such as cleaning, cooking, and taking care of Adam after his work on the
But they still worshipped the LORD, even if they have not followed His command way
back in the Garden of Eden. Adam and Eve brought together stones from the fields and built an
altar made of them. Smoke from their offerings approached the skies, and GOD was favoured
with them, because they still worshipped and praised Him.
Soon, Adam made love to his wife Eve, and she gave birth to her firstborn son Cain, in
hard labour. Eve said, “With the help of GOD, I have brought forth a man.” Then Eve gave birth
to Cain’s brother, Abel. They were raised by their parents to be good children, and the essence of
diligence and patience in life was instilled in their minds. Cain would become a farmer, growing
crops for food, and Abel a shepherd, keeping flocks and letting them graze in pastures.
Then something rebellious is going to happen...

Story 6: The Opposite Brothers

Adam and Eve had two sons, Cain and Abel, who are complete opposites at everything.
Cain took up farming and planting fruits and vegetables, while Abel was interested in taking care
of flocks of sheep. It also meant that the places where they stayed also differed. Cain stayed in
the fields where he worked as a planter of food, while Abel stayed at the pastures where he
looked after the sheep.
I’m sure that they were raised up by their parents to be obedient, faithful and kind people,
characteristics that are seen in true children of GOD. But did they still apply the values that they
have learned from their parents until their coming of age? We shall find out.
One time, the brothers decided to offer something valuable to the LORD. They both built
altars made of stone in a plain. Cain brought some of the finest crops that he had grown. It may
have been a combination of fruits and vegetables, which provided food for them at the time.
Meanwhile, Abel chose the fattest sheep among his flock and laid it upon the altar. Now, GOD
looked down upon their offerings. What did He notice on the offerings?
GOD appreciated and liked Abel’s offering but He disliked Cain’s. Upon hearing this,
Cain was jealous and upset. He thought that everything that he had given away to be offered to
GOD were just rejected by Him. It may have seemed that his offering had no value at all.
Meanwhile, Abel remained humble and steadfast even when GOD accepted his offering. GOD
saw that Cain looked frustrated, so He asked him, “Cain, why are you so down on yourself? Will
you not be accepted if you do what is right? Sin is slowly approaching you; it desires to have
you, but you must conquer it.”
Cain was too angry to listen to what the LORD says to him. He is still irritated by the
rejection of what he has offered to GOD, and his jealousy over Abel. He ignored the LORD’s
words because he was furious and envious at his brother.

Story 7: Cain Commits a Crime

Cain hasn’t gotten over his anger yet, so he thought of a way to gain advantage over his
innocent and righteous brother Abel. He thought to himself, He should have been the one
rejected, not me. The LORD will surely accept me if no one stands in my way. I should get rid of
my own brother. Cain said to Abel, “Let’s go out to the fields.” Abel went with Cain to the
nearby fields. Now, why did Cain asked him to accompany him there?
Once they were in the fields, Cain attacked Abel, and then slew him. Abel fell down on
the ground, dead and bloody. Cain escaped as if nothing happened. He hid far away from the
scene of the murder. Cain was asked by GOD, “Where is your brother?” Cain answered, in one
of the famous quotations from the Scriptures, “I don’t know where he is right now. Why, am I
my brother’s keeper?”
GOD was displeased with Cain’s reply because he had spoken with such disrespect. He
replied, “Cain, what have you done? Listen! Your brother’s blood cries out to me from the
ground. Now you are cursed and driven from the ground, which opened to receive your brother’s
blood from your evil hands. When you work the ground, it will not produce anything for you
anymore. Now you must be a tireless wanderer over the world, as punishment for your sin.” Cain
cried out, “My punishment is heavy to bear! Today you are making me a man who travels the
whole world, and I will be hidden from your presence. Anyone who finds and recognizes me will
put me to death.” The LORD assured him, “No, you will be safe from people who wish to take
your life away. I will make sure that anyone who kills you will regret what they did. I will put
something in you that will serve as a sign that you’re safe.” And the LORD put a mark in Cain so
that no one who found him will kill him.
If only anger didn’t conquer Cain’s mind and heart, he would have still found favour in
the eyes of the LORD. Now he must be a restless wanderer in search of a proper home. Cain left
the place where he was born, and settled in the land of Nod, located east of Eden.

Story 8: Descendants Who Made History

Cain was now an ordinary person who didn’t care about his past, and he never
communicated with the LORD again. Of course, he married and had children of his own. Cain
built the first city, and he named it after his son Enoch. Cain’s descendants also settled and lived
in Nod, and they pioneered several things that are now common throughout the Bible. Cain had
several grandsons, and his great-great-great grandson Lamech married two women.
Lamech’s first wife gave birth to Jabal, who was the father of people who pitched up
tents and raised livestock. These people would eventually transfer from one place to another in
search of good pastures for their flocks of sheep, cattle, and goats. Jabal’s brother was named
Jubal, and he was the father of those who play stringed instruments and pipes. Jubal introduced
music and therefore people had their first form of entertainment in his time. At this time, people
began to express themselves by just playing their instruments and also by providing music for
dances. Lamech’s second wife gave birth to Tubal-Cain, who forged and fashioned tools out of
bronze and iron. He may have been the first user of tools that carpenters use today, like
hammers, nails, chisels, axes, saws and others. Tubal-Cain may have also forged the first
weapons that people will use later in warfare against their enemies.
Adam and Eve were deeply saddened that their son Abel has been murdered by his
brother, and they mourned for him. At this time, Adam was now old, yet he made love to his
wife again. Eve gave birth to their third son, named Seth. And Eve spoke, “GOD has granted me
another child in place of Abel, since he was killed by my firstborn.”
At this time, people began calling out the holy name of GOD, and as time went on, more
and more people covered and inhabited the earth...

Story 9: The Man Who Walked With God

Adam and Eve had a third son, named Seth, and Seth had many sons, grandsons, and
descendants. And Adam lived to a ripe old age, during which he was able to encounter even his
great-great grandsons! He would tell them stories about the Garden of Eden in which he formerly
lived and the beautiful life he had once enjoyed there. I sure hoped that Adam’s extended family
were curious and interested to see where that garden is. Adam also taught younger members of
his family to till the soil and work hard for food.
Adam soon died, and those who followed him also lived to remarkable old ages. During
this time, they were able to pass on to their descendants the fact that GOD always watches over
them and cares deeply for them. For example, Methuselah, one of Adam’s descendants, lived to
the age of 969 years, a record-breaking lifespan for a human being! Other descendants of Adam,
such as Cainan, Enosh, Jared, and others, also lived to remarkable long lifespans. During that
time, they had many sons and daughters who also gave birth to their grandsons and great-
grandsons. Because of it, many people came to live in the world GOD created.
Methuselah’s father, Enoch, was only 65 years old when Methuselah was born. At that
time, it was still a relatively young age to be a father but nowadays, 65 years is already
considered to be old to be a parent. Enoch loved his sons and daughters, and taught them to be
obedient, faithful, and contented with the blessings that they receive from GOD. He lived all the
days of his life “walking with the LORD.” What could have that phrase mean?
That phrase meant that Enoch lived according to the rules that GOD has set for the
people. He did righteous deeds such as helping the poor, obeying GOD’S commandments,
feeding the hungry and praying for the sick and the needy, showing respect for other people and
worshipping GOD. That’s why GOD considered Enoch as a friend, somewhat like GOD’S
relationships with Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses and other prophets. Perhaps GOD may have
talked to Enoch face to face and may have even sent him to warn the people of GOD’S
punishment, since the people have begun living like wicked and disobedient people.
Enoch felt saddened when the people wouldn’t listen or care about his warnings.
Everywhere he went, he saw people committing sin, like murder, stealing, cheating, and
engaging in improper advances. His heart was full of sorrow and he couldn’t bear that his fellow
people have been lost in the right path. GOD may have told Enoch that He was sorry for creating
people in His own image, and that he would destroy them all in a large disaster. Enoch still
continued to warn them, but they still wouldn’t listen to him.
Enoch lived to the age of 365 years, and most believe that he didn’t die a natural death.
Instead, it is mentioned that he suddenly disappeared from the face of the earth, because the
LORD took him. It may have meant that GOD has prepared for him a special place in heaven,
where he would spend his second life with joy and peace.
Meanwhile, more and more people came to live on the earth, and they were doing acts of
evil. They lived in a sinful way, and the LORD was displeased and disappointed. He sadly said,
“I will wipe out all the human beings I’ve created, along with the animals and the plants that I
have crafted with my hands, for I am deeply sorry that they have existed.” People at that time
had only bad values within their hearts and minds.
But one man and his family found favour in GOD, because of his righteousness...

Story 10: Noah the Ark-Builder

Noah was a simple but obedient farmer living with his wife and three sons in a wide
plain. He always worshipped GOD and obeyed His commands, no matter how easy or hard it is.
He was also a loving and devoted father to his sons, and a hard-working patriarch who would do
anything to provide for his loved ones. Noah also did acts of good will, and was blameless
among the people at the time. His three sons are named Shem, Ham and Japheth.
The people in Noah’s time had been consumed with wickedness, greed, and corruption,
and they had already grown so violent that GOD decided to wipe them out from the world. One
day, Noah was tending to his fields when the LORD told him, “Since the world is filled with
violence and chaos because of the bad attitudes of the people, I will put an end to them and the
world in which they live in. Noah, you have made me glad because you and your family are the
only ones still believing and trusting in me. I want you to build yourself an ark made of cypress
wood; make some rooms inside it and coat it with pitch inside and outside. Here are the
measurements: the ark must be 450 feet long, 75 feet wide and 45 feet high. Build a roof for your
ark and leave an opening 18 inches high all around. Put a door on the side of it and divide the
inside of the ark into upper, middle and lower decks. I am going to bring a massive flood that
will destroy every creature under the heavens, and everything will perish and get lost. But I have
established my covenant with you, and you, your wife, your sons and your sons’ wives will enter
the ark when heavy rain finally pours down. And bring into the ark two of all living creatures,
male and female, to be kept alive with you. You are also to store food for you and for the
Noah did as GOD had commanded him, and built the large ark in the middle of a wide
field. Different creatures, two by two, entered into the ark to live alongside Noah and his family.
People around them mocked Noah and his ark. They laughed, “Ha ha ha!!! What is the
ugly ark for, old man? There is no water in this land!!!” But Noah didn’t mind the insults he had
received from them. As they continued to gather near the ark and jeer at what Noah had created,
Noah would tell them to change and abandon their wicked ways. But they just didn’t care,
believing that GOD’S punishment would never come true.
But the people, with hearts corrupted by evil, were wrong...

Story 11: Unstoppable Rain

Noah was 600 years old when the earth got flooded by deep waters that GOD had
brought. The LORD commanded him, “Noah, go take your entire family and enter the ark which
I have ordered you to construct, because I have found you good, obedient, and faithful among
this bad and disloyal generation. In seven days, water will fall down from the heavens for forty
days and forty nights, and all creatures will be destroyed in a huge inundation.” So Noah and his
family entered the ark and took with them pairs of animals to survive the flood with them. And
then the LORD closed the ark’s door when all creatures have finally entered it.
On the seventeenth day of the month, things have taken a turn for the worst. The great
springs of water burst open with great force, and the floodgates of heaven were opened. It started
to rain! At first, the people who were left behind thought it was just light precipitation, but they
were wrong...
While Noah and his family were staying inside the ark, rain continuously fell down from
the sky, and it lasted for forty days and forty nights. The water levels steadily increased, and
coastal cities were wiped out, destroying many buildings and homes and drowning many. As the
water levels increased, the ark floated on the earth’s surface. The water’s depth was so high that
even the peaks of the highest mountains were covered by the flood waters. Many people were
killed, and all creatures such as birds, livestock, fishes, wild animals, and humankind, didn’t live
to see another day. Only Noah and his family remained safe and sound inside the ark.
What a heavy penalty for a life of wickedness and unfaithfulness!!! If only the people
have been kind, industrious, honest, polite and well-behaved, they would have been survivors of
the great flood. But Noah kept on insisting them to leave behind their old bad life, and yet they
never listened to him. So they lay lifeless underwater, along with the creatures that had the breath
of life within it...
The waters flooded the earth for 150 days.

Story 12: Noah and the Flying Twosome

The LORD remembered Noah and his family and all the creatures inside the ark, and He
sent a mighty wind that made all the flood waters recede. The great springs of water and the
floodgates of heaven closed up permanently, and rain stopped falling from the earth. The water
steadily dried up, and the ark soon came to rest on the mountains of Ararat. The peaks of the
mountains were visible by the beginning of the tenth month.
But Noah and his family still didn’t know that the earth was completely dry, because
there was no window for them to look directly outside. How could they make sure if it’s already
safe for them to come outside the ark?
But Noah had made a window directly under the ark’s roof, and after the forty days of
non-stop rain he opened it. He sent a raven out to check if the waters had really dried, and the
raven just kept on flying back and forth until the waters had finally dried up. Then Noah sent out
a dove, to see if the waters had receded from the ground. But the dove found no dry place to
perch because there was still water everywhere, so it returned to Noah in the ark. Noah reached
out his hand and took upon the dove into him. He waited seven more days, and he sent out again
the dove. That evening, there was a big surprise! What was that surprise the dove had brought?
The dove has on its beak a branch of an olive tree. It was enough proof that the water is
drying up. Noah again waited for seven days and he sent out the dove, but this time, the dove did
not return. Now Noah knew that the enormous flood is finally over...

Story 13: The Story of the First Rainbow

After the long amount of time spent on waiting, the earth was now completely dry of the
flood waters that had wiped out all humanity. The sun began to shine once more, and clouds
appeared on the blue skies. It is so great to have a fair weather again!
The LORD instructed Noah, “Noah, you and your family may come out of the ark now,
since I have dried the entire world of the waters. Bring out with you all the creatures which have
accompanied you inside the ark, so that they could be fruitful and multiply. Creatures, big and
small, short and tall, will inhabit the earth which I have created.” So Noah and his family now
stepped outside the ark’s door and lo, the earth was now dry! With them came out all the
creatures that stayed with them during 150 days of heavy downpour. Now they are free to enjoy
the world which was specially made for them. Noah built an altar to the LORD and taking some
of the creatures, made burnt offerings on it. After He smelled the pleasant aroma of the offerings,
GOD proclaimed, “I will never again destroy the world because of humans, even if their hearts
are already evil from the beginning. And I will never again destroy any living creatures in the
earth, as they have made the earth a good place to be. As long as the earth endures, days and
nights will come to pass without any trouble.” Then GOD blessed Noah and his family and said
to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill every land. I will now give you everlasting
responsibility upon all the creatures that move along the surface of the earth, and they may now
serve as food for you and your family, as I have given you the green plants to eat.”
The LORD then promised Noah and his family, “I will now be establishing my covenant
with you, your family, and all the living creatures that thrive on the surface of the earth. Life
would not be destroyed by a large flood anymore; there would be no flood to destroy the world.”
Then a beautiful sign appeared before their eyes on the sky, and it was a curved line consisting of
seven colours: red, blue, green, yellow, orange, indigo, and purple. It was very pleasing, and it
was called a rainbow. The LORD said to Noah and his family, “This rainbow will be a sign of
our covenant that I will not send rain to flood the earth which I have created. Whenever I set a
rainbow in the clouds, I will always remember our covenant.”
Until now, after a rain is finished, a rainbow appears in the clouds, reminding people of
GOD’S everlasting promise to Noah and his family not to engulf the world with deadly and deep
Story 14: A Curse for Disrespect

After GOD made a permanent covenant with Noah not to flood the entire earth with a
deadly flood, Noah settled on to a normal life with his family at the foothills of Ararat. He
planted a vineyard to grow grapes and other plants, and soon had grandchildren and great-
grandchildren. Noah would always tell stories to his descendants about his experiences inside the
ark and the flood that put evil to its end. And his grandchildren and great-grandchildren are
amused to hear him tell a story.
Once more, many people began to live on the different parts of the earth, all of them
being descendants of Noah through his three sons: Shem, Ham, and Japheth. Yet Noah still
continued to be obedient and faithful to the LORD. Whenever he would worship the LORD, he
would build an altar out of blocks of stones and sacrifice a particular animal. Whenever the
smoke reaches the heavens, it means that GOD is pleased with him.
But there’s one weakness within Noah: he couldn’t control his tendency to drink wine.
He drank some of the wine pressed from his vineyard and soon became asleep. What Noah
didn’t notice is that he was uncovered and naked. Ham, one of the three sons, noticed that his
father was lying naked, so he told his brothers, “I just saw our father laid on the floor without
any clothes.” But instead of laughing loudly, Shem and Japheth proceeded to get a garment and
laid it across their shoulders. Then they walked backwards to lay the garment through his body
and left. Do you know why they acted the opposite way? It’s because they didn’t want to see
their father naked because it is disrespectful.
What happened next? Noah awoke from his drunkenness and heard about what Ham had
done. What did you think Noah felt? He was not happy. He was rather angry at Ham for his
disrespectful behaviour. He exclaimed, “Cursed be the descendants of Ham! They will serve as
the lowest class of slaves to his brothers.” Now Ham’s descendants are destined to eternally
serve the descendants of his other two brothers. If only Ham didn’t see his father naked, then his
descendants would go on to live free and prosperous lives. But it was really a consequence
for...disrespect. But Noah instead gave blessings to Shem and Japheth for respecting him by not
looking at him naked. He put their hands on them and said, “Praise the LORD, the GOD of Shem
and Japheth. May GOD extend your lands and make your descendants prosper all the days of
your lives.” The two sons were rather overjoyed that any good deed is rewarded by blessings.
After the flood, Noah lived 350 more years, a significant long period of a lifetime. And
he died at the age of 950 years, leaving behind many descendants continuing to obey, praise and
serve the LORD.
But some of them became proud and arrogant, and GOD’S mighty punishment went upon

Story 15: When Languages Scattered

Noah’s descendants spread to many other parts of the world, and soon they occupied the
lands beyond the mountain of Ararat. One of them, a man named Nimrod, became a strong-
willed hunter and built several magnificent cities on a wide and fertile plain. He became a ruler
in his own right.
During Nimrod’s time, the people could understand each other very well because they
had only one language to make use of. Men, women and children uses the same words often, and
because of only one language, the people were united as one community. They travelled far and
wide from their original homeland and looked for a suitable place to settle down. But where
could that be? Is is a mountainous land, or a plain near the sea, or is it located on a hilly
It was a wide plain that the people settled in, and it was called Shinar. They built their
homes there and settled into a normal life. But the people were ambitious, and they envisioned
something great. So they talked among themselves, “Let’s go and make some bricks and build a
city and a great tower that reaches into the heavens, so that we could make ourselves a name out
of ourselves, unless we will be scattered abroad.” How proud they are of themselves; they
completely didn’t think what being humble means. And they did not even think that GOD
punishes those who are too boastful of themselves.
In the next days, people had duties to do: men made bricks out of clay and mortar, and
labourers went to work on the construction of the tower, which would be the highest tower in the
land. The tower was so high that it almost reached the clouds. How happy the people were of the
tower and the city! How powerful they might be due to the tower’s height! Now they will boast
something to their fellow neighbours!
But GOD noticed that what they were doing was wrong, and He didn’t like the attitude of
the people who were not even humble. He came down to see the city and the tower, created with
the hands of greedy and proud people. He said, “These people wanted to build this tower so that
they could become famous, yet they are completely forgetting that I was the one who gave them
the breath of life and the ability to do work. Behold, the people have one language they use, and
they could understand each other very well. They used their speech to build a city and a tower
beyond their imaginations. I will confuse their languages so that they couldn’t understand each
other and leave this city and the tower unfinished. I want them to learn the value of humility and
Out of a sudden, the people noticed that they were speaking different speeches, and they
could not understand each other anymore. Since a person didn’t know what another person was
implying, they got confused and did not know what to do next. So they ran away in different
directions, and the city and the high tower were left unfinished. They went to live on different
parts of the world, and the city and the tower was called “Babel”, meaning that the LORD
confused the people’s tongues so that they could stop building the tower out of their wildest
The saying “Whoever is first will be last, and whoever is last will be first” is therefore
true in this story. Had the people thought of GOD first and lived simply and humbly, they would
still speak one language and share one culture.

Story 16: Called on to Canaan

There was once a man named Terah, who lived in the magnificent city of Ur. And Terah
became a father to three sons, whom one of them was Abram. Abram was a righteous and
obedient man, and he married a woman from his own land named Sarai. He lived at Ur, and
possessed many riches and properties. Abram always prayed to the LORD and remained humble
and helpful despite being considered rich by other people around him. But one day, the LORD
sent him to a fertile and pleasant land, which would change his and his family’s life forever.
GOD said to Abram, “Arise, and go from your own people and your father’s homeland to
the place that I will show you. I will create a great nation out of you, and I will bless you and
make your name great throughout the land. Whoever blesses you will be blessed, and whoever
curses you will be cursed. And all people in the world will also be blessed through you.”
It must have been hard for Abram to decide whether to stay in Ur, as it is a prosperous
and large city, or to leave behind everything and set off for the land GOD will point out to him.
What could be the land look like, Abram thought to himself. Are there any suitable pastures for
his flocks of cattle, goats, and sheep, and suitable ground as well to pitch tents where they would
live? But he has to follow, how hard it is for him.
Although it must have been difficult, Abram still followed what the LORD told him and
prepared himself and his belongings for a long trip. He left behind his own home and city and he
was accompanied on the way by his nephew Lot, his beloved wife Sarai, his father, and the
people who became their friends at Ur. They also took their flocks along with them on the way,
and they settled for a while at Harran, where Abram’s father Terah died. Abram accumulated
more people and properties at Harran, and after he mourned for his father’s passing, continued
on his way.
It was really indeed a long and extreme trip for Abram and his people, which took several
days. But GOD was always with them along the way to the promised land. Abram was seventy-
five years old when he was called by GOD to the place which will be shown to him and his
people. At last, after days of travelling through rough, fertile, and sandy terrains, they finally
reached the place the LORD had shown Abram. It was really a good place to settle and live,
since it contained many fields, plains, trees, hills, valleys, and mountains to look and marvel at.
Abram explored the land, remarking how abundant plants and animals are in the land, until he
reached the site of the great tree of Moreh at Shechem. At that time, there were already people
occupying the land before them, known as the Canaanites.
And the LORD said to Abram, “Abram, you have delighted me because you are obedient,
faithful, wise, and hard-working. I will give this bountiful land that I have shown you to your
descendants.” And Abram was of course, happy about the LORD’S words. An entire land to be
lived by his descendants! Taking note of the LORD’S presence, Abram gathered some stones
and built an altar to the LORD there.
From there, Abram journeyed on with his people, and finally pitched his tent on the lofty
hills near the city of Bethel. There his flocks of sheep, goats and cattle enjoyed the green
pastures and fields. Abram also built an altar to the LORD there and called on His name.
Then Abram set out and continued his journey towards the land of the Negev. But
unfortunately, there was a famine there...

Story 17: Sarai’s Princess-Like Beauty

There was indeed a severe famine in the land of the Negev, and resources were scarce, so
it was difficult for Abram and Sarai to survive there. They both went to Egypt, a civilized land
with its own people, language, culture, and religion, to live there for the time being. But Abram
was deeply concerned about his wife, who might suddenly disappear out of his sight one day.
Many had admired his wife because she was beautiful and attractive. He doesn’t want any harm
to come to his wife.
Once they were already in Egypt, Abram reminded Sarai, “I know how pretty you look
and act. When the Egyptians see you, they might notice that you are my lovely wife. They might
kill me but they might let you live. Just say that you are my sister, so that I will be treated well
and my life be spared from death.” The Egyptians saw Sarai was a beautiful woman, and even
Pharaoh (king of Egypt) and his officials praised her. She was brought into the Pharaoh’s palace,
and he treated Abram with respect and generosity. He was able to acquire sheep, cattle, donkeys,
servants, and hump-backed camels. But this was not to last long...
But the LORD realized that Pharaoh and his officials are admiring a beautiful wife who
HAS already a husband, and because of it, they were inflicted upon by a serious disease that they
couldn’t take anymore. The Pharaoh was very outraged, and summoned for Abram at the palace.
He yelled angrily, “What have you done to us?! Why didn’t you tell me that she was your wife?
Why did you instead tell me that she was your sister so that I took her to be my wife?! Here is
your wife, and get out of here! Never come back to Egypt, or you shall truly die!” The Pharaoh
then ordered his men to send Abram, Sarai, and everything they had out of Egypt.

Story 18: Separate Vocations

After the furious encounter with the Pharaoh at his palace, Abram and his wife Sarai went
out of Egypt and returned to the land of the Negev. Perhaps, by that time, there was no longer
scarcity in resources, especially food and water, so living there was once more a reality. But
coming back to Negev was productive for Abram. Why do we say so? Because at that time, he
has become increasingly wealthy in livestock and in possession of so much gold and silver
objects. Now, Lot, Abram’s nephew, accompanied them, and he was also wealthy in livestock,
servants, and silver and gold.
But Abram couldn’t stay permanently in the land, because their flocks of sheep and cattle
need a better pasture to graze upon. So they moved from one place to another, until they reached
Bethel, where Abram had earlier pitched his tent when he had first come to Canaan. He also built
his first altar there. Upon reaching that place, Abram called upon the name of the LORD.
Lot also has many possessions just like his uncle. But there was a big problem for both of
them. The land’s resources could not support both of them at the same time, because Abram and
Lot’s possessions were so great that they are not able to stay together and share resources. And
Abram and Lot’s shepherds and herders began to quarrel over the land their flock will have to
graze. Both of them fought over who would control the pasture with their flock.
Both Abram and Lot were concerned about their herders, who have begun fighting
among themselves because the land is unable to support both their needs. Of course, they didn’t
want anything bad to happen to their herders and their flock, so they came to a compromise.
Uncle and nephew will go separate ways so that there would no longer be quarrelling between
their herders over the land. Abram said to Lot, “Let us not allow our men or ourselves to quarrel
with each other, for we are close relatives. It would be better if we part company, so that the land
would be able to support our needs. If you go to the right, I’ll go to the left; and if you go to the
left, I’ll go to the right. Is that clear for the two of us?” Before Lot could agree, he must find a
suitable land for settlement of his possessions and everything he had.
Lot looked around him and saw that the plain beyond the Jordan River was fertile and
bountiful, just like the Garden of Eden wherein the first man and woman lived. He thought that
the land is very excellent for grazing, growing crops, and eventual settlement. So Lot chose to go
to the Jordan Valley, with his wife and two daughters and everything he possessed. At that time,
the two cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were prosperous and thriving in trade. Many people lived
in those twin cities, but they were living in a sinful and immoral way against the commands of
GOD. And GOD would soon put an end to their evil lives by destroying those two cities. But Lot
didn’t know that the people there were wicked and disobedient, so he pitched his tent outside the
city walls.
Abram must have been a little saddened that his close nephew had to separate from him,
but GOD assured otherwise. He said to Abram, “Abram, look around you in all directions. All
the land that you see with your eyes will be given to you and your descendants forever. I will
make your descendants like the dust of the earth, so that if anyone could count dust, then your
descendants can be counted. Go now and explore the entire land, for it is all yours now.” And
Abram pitched his tents near the abundant forest of Mamre, near the city of Hebron, and built an
altar to the LORD.
But then, unfortunate news would soon reach Abram and his company...

Story 19: Abraham’s 318 Brave Men

While Lot and his family were living quietly on their tents on the outskirts of the great
but evil cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, something terrible has happened. The kings of the plain
went to war against the five kings of the valley, and the five kings were defeated. Their
battlefield was filled with numerous tar pits, which seemed to be an advantage to both of the
forces. But it was a trap for the men of the kings of the valley, because some of them fell on it.
The rest of the five kings’ forces fled to the hills for their lives; while the victorious four kings of
the plain seized and looted Sodom and Gomorrah of its precious belongings and food. A sudden
thing happened: Lot, his family and his possessions were carried off the city by the victorious
forces of the four kings of the plain.
A man witnessed Lot’s capture, and he ran several miles from there just to report to
Abram what just happened. Can you imagine what Abram must have felt? Of course he was
saddened by his nephew taken away as a prisoner of war by a mighty army. How could they do
this to an innocent man? Abram thought to himself. He must do something to rescue his beloved
nephew and his possessions. It was the least he could do for his nephew since they went their
separate ways.
Abram then has a plan: he will rescue Lot no matter what happens. But the men who
captured Lot were too many; he needs men to assist him in his rescue. It was good to hear that
the people who lived around Abram’s place were allied with him, so he recruited and trained 318
men from his household and the surrounding lands. This was a few number of men as compared
to the four kings’ superior army, which might have numbered a thousand. But Abram didn’t
mind clearly; what was important to him was that his nephew be rescued safely. He went in
pursuit with his 318 men as far as the northern frontier; they reached as far as Hobah, north of
Now Abram has a strategy. It was already dark as it was night time, and seeing that he
has only a few men, he divided them into groups so as to surprise the enemy. The enemy was
routed by Abram’s 318 brave men, and Lot and all of his possessions were recovered. People
who were also captured by the enemy were saved as well. Just as the saying goes, “It only takes
fewer men to win a large battle.” As long as GOD is with them, they will always be victorious.
After Abram and his men returned from defeating the kings of the plain, the king of
Sodom met him at the King’s Valley. The king offered Abram riches, saying, “Give me the
people you just saved and you will earn all these possessions.” But Abram rejected them all. He
protested, “I have sworn to the LORD that I will not accept anything belonging to the king of
Sodom, not even a thread of fine clothing or a strap of a sandal, so that you will never say that
you made me rich. I will accept nothing but a fair share that will go to the men who went with
me to defeat the enemy and rescue my nephew. Let them benefit from this share.” The king
agreed to Abram’s humble conditions.
Shortly afterwards, the king of Salem (present-day Jerusalem) Melchizedek, also serving
as a priest of the LORD, heard of Abram’s victory over the kings of the plain, and he brought
bread and wine. He blessed Abram, saying, “Blessed be Abram by the Most High GOD, Creator
of Heaven and Earth. And praise to the LORD, for he has delivered your enemies into your
hand.” And Abram gave him a tenth of everything. Each and every one then returned to their
own homes.

Story 20: As Many as the Stars

Abram once more returned to his normal life in his tent with his wife Sarai, his flocks of
animals, and servants ready to serve him. Although he is living comfortably and content with
everything around him, he felt that there is something lacking –a child who would be their joy
for the rest of their lives. One night, Abram was inside his home when the LORD appeared to
him in a vision. The LORD assured him, “Do not feel afraid, for I am your shield always here to
protect you from any harm.” Abram answered, “What can you provide me that I and my wife
remain childless and my faithful servant Eliezer will inherit my possessions upon my passing?
Since I have no children, a servant will be my heir.” The LORD replied, “Your servant will not
be your heir, but rather your own flesh and blood will be your heir.” Then the LORD took
Abram outside his home and said to him, “Look at the stars in the sky and count them if you can.
Your offspring and descendants would be as many as the stars.”
And Abram believed in the word of the LORD, and he considered it as righteousness.
The LORD said to Abram, “I am the LORD who called you out of Ur to give you this land to
take possession of it.” Abram wondered, “But LORD, how do I know that I am taking possession
of this land?” The LORD commanded him, “Bring me a young cow, a goat and a ram, each of
them three years old, along with a dove and a young pigeon.” Abram did as he was told, and he
brought these animals in the presence of GOD. He cut the cow, goat, and the ram into halves,
and he arranged the halves opposite each other. But he didn’t cut the birds into halves. Then
birds of prey came down and tried to feed on the carcasses, but Abram sent them away.
With the breaking dawn approaching, Abram fell into a deep slumber, and a thick
darkness came over him. In the dark, GOD spoke to him, “For four hundred years your
descendants will live as strangers in a country that is not theirs and they will be enslaved and
mistreated by the people there. But I will punish the country that enslaves them, and they will
come out of there laden with great possessions. But you will go to your ancestors peacefully and
be buried at a ripe old age. Soon your descendants will come back here, for the sin of the people
who live here has not yet reached too much.” The words of the LORD would eventually be
fulfilled several years after Abram’s death.
When the sun has finally set, a smoking pot and a blazing torch suddenly appeared and
passed between the halves of the animals Abram cut. Now Abram finally knows that GOD has
really called him to take possession of Canaan. The LORD made a covenant with him and said,
“I give to you and your descendants this land, from the river of Egypt to the river Euphrates.”

Story 21: Runaway Servant

Sarai, for many years already, has remained barren and childless. She was almost not
expecting GOD will give her children to be her ultimate joy. But she has an Egyptian servant
named Hagar who cleans and cooks for them. She thought that through Hagar, she could finally
have a son with Abram. She suggested to Abram, “The LORD has made my womb barren and
unable to conceive, so sleep with my servant Hagar, perhaps I could begin a family through her.”
Abram agreed to her wishes, and days afterwards Sarai entrusted Hagar to Abram to be his wife.
They slept together, and Hagar conceived a boy.
When Hagar realized that she is already pregnant, it was her chance to show how tough
she is. She began to look down on her mistress and despise her. Sarai couldn’t take it any longer,
so she came to his husband and complained, “You’re the one responsible for my misery right
now. I gave my slave to be your wife, and now that she is pregnant, her attitude has changed.
May the LORD judge between you and me.” Abram simply replied, “Do with Hagar whatever
you think is best for her.”
Now it was Sarai’s chance to show her who is really superior, and as her mistress, she
began to mistreat her Egyptian servant. Hagar could no longer endure the mistreatment she
received from Abram’s wife, so she ran away from home. Hagar, of course, from the long trip,
became thirsty and went to stop by a spring in the desert to drink water. But an angel of the
LORD found her there and inquired, “Hagar, where have you come from and where are you
going?” Hagar said, “I’m running away from my mistress because she’s mistreating me.” Did
you know what the angel said next?
The angel said to the servant, “Go back to your mistress’s house and serve her with all
your heart. I will make your descendants multiply in number so that they would be as many as
the stars. You will give birth to a son and you will name him Ishmael, for GOD has heard your
misery from above. He will be against everyone as everyone would be against him. He will also
live in hostility with his fellows.”
Hagar followed what the angel of the LORD had told her, and she named the place of her
encounter Beer-Lahai-Roi, meaning “One Who Sees Me”, since she spoke with the LORD who
sees her and her misery from time to time.
Not long afterwards, Hagar gave birth to a son, and Abram named him Ishmael. The
name meant “GOD Hears.” Abram loved Ishmael as his son, and taught him about GOD’s love
and compassion. Years passed, and Abram was soon approaching the age of 100 years. In his
99th year, GOD made a memorable covenant with him...

Story 22: From Abram to Abraham

Now Abram was living comfortably and quietly in his tent with his wife Sarai, his
Egyptian maid Hagar, his son Ishmael, loyal servants and countless flocks of cattle, sheep and
goats. He continued to do good in the eyes of the LORD and serve Him faithfully. He still
received blessings for his unending commitment to worshipping the LORD. One year before he
turned 100, GOD made a covenant with him.
One day, Abram was tending to his fields when the LORD appeared to him. He said to
him, “I am the Almighty GOD appearing before you now; walk before Me faithfully and be
blameless against any sin. Then I will make My covenant between you and Me, and I will make
your descendants increase in number.” Abram fell facedown to the ground upon hearing what the
LORD said; it signified humility. GOD further said, “This would be my everlasting covenant
with you: you will be called the father of many nations. You will be no longer be called by your
original name; instead I will change your name to Abraham; since from you and your
descendants, nations will spring. I will make you fruitful and productive; kings will come from
your family and nations will be formed. I will establish My covenant as a long-lasting agreement
between you and me and the next generations to come; to be the LORD of you and your people.
The whole land in which you live as a foreigner will now be your everlasting possession; and
your descendants will also live here. As for you and your descendants, you must keep this
covenant for the rest of your lives. This is my covenant with you and your descendants to be
kept: every male among you must be circumcised. As a sign of this covenant, you must
experience circumcision, as well as your sons and descendants. For the generations following
you, every male who is eight days old must be circumcised, whether you were born in your
household or adopted from a person not living in your land. Any uncircumcised male will be
punished for breaking My covenant.” The LORD added, “As for your wife Sarai, her name will
also be changed. She will now be called Sarah, for she is a princess, and princes, princesses,
kings and queens will be coming from her, as she is now the mother of nations.”
Abraham thought that having a child at an old age would be impossible; can a hundred-
year old man still be a father? Can a 90-year old woman still conceive and give birth to a son?
But men who lived before Abraham became fathers of their respective brood when they were
already past 100 years old (for example, Adam, who was 130 years old when Eve gave birth to
their third son Seth), so being a parent at the age of 100 has happened before Abraham’s time.
He also thought if even Ishmael would be included under GOD’s covenant.
GOD said, “Yes, Ishmael will be a part of the covenant. But Sarah will bear you a son,
and you will call him Isaac. I will establish my everlasting covenant with him once he grows up.
As for your first-begotten, I will surely pour down My blessings upon him; I will make his
descendants multiply. Ishmael will be the father of twelve rulers, and he will be the father of a
great nation. But I will establish my everlasting covenant with Isaac, whom Sarah will conceive
next year.” When the LORD has already finished speaking with the patriarch, He left.
Afterwards, what did you think Abraham did next? He summoned all the males in his
household, his sons, shepherds, servants, and slaves, and circumcised them all in the presence of
the LORD. Abraham was ninety-nine years of age when he was circumcised; while his elder son
Ishmael was thirteen when it occurred.
Abraham would soon receive a surprise visit from three unexpected visitors who will
reveal something marvelous and dreadful to happen...

Story 23: Three Heavenly Guests

In Abraham’s time, people would commonly receive guests who would stay at their
houses for the night, even those who have ventured from faraway places. They would be given
delicious and healthy food to eat, fresh grass and hay for their animals, and a nice and
comfortable mat or bed to rest and sleep. Besides, people were also hospitable and caring to their
visitors; they are always responsive and accommodating to anything that they need. The LORD
has taught his people to be always kind and respectful to everyone that they meet, like guests
who stay temporarily for food and a good night’s rest.
Abraham’s house is a tent that can easily be moved to and pitched in other places since
his flocks of cattle and sheep need greener and fresh pastures in order to survive. Although it is a
tent, visitors are always welcome. Such as it is one day, while Abraham was resting in the door
of his tent in the middle of the day, three mysterious men suddenly appeared standing in front of
him. Abraham thought, “Who could they be?” But nevertheless, when he saw them, he hurried
up and met them. Abraham bowed low to the ground upon seeing them. He said to the three men,
“If I have found favor in your eyes my lord, let me be a servant to you. I will have a basin of
water brought here so that you could clean your feet and rest under the tree’s shade. I will have
also prepared food for you so that you may be refreshed before you continue on your journey.”
“Very well, you may do as you say”, replied the guests.
Abraham called on to Sarah, who was doing household chores inside the tent. “Sarah,
prepare some of the finest flour we have, then knead it into dough and bake some bread to feed
our guests.” Then he went to where his herd was grazing and selected a tender calf from it; he
gave it to a servant who cooked it. Abraham then brought some curds and milk and the calf that
had been prepared, and set them before the guests. During lunch, a conversation sprang up
between him and the three men. What did they exactly talk about? Let’s find out.
They first asked Abraham, “Where is your wife?” Abraham simply answered, “She’s
inside the tent.” Then one of them spoke, “I will surely return next year and your wife will give
birth to a son.” They didn’t even know that Sarah was listening from inside the tent. It would
now be unusual for an old couple to be parents, especially in modern times. Sarah was now past
the age for childbearing, as she was now an elderly woman at the age of 90. Now, the most
common age for giving birth to children is in the twenties or thirties.
Sarah thought of giving birth at an old age is impossible, so she laughed to herself. She
said as she chuckled, “Ha ha ha! Me, becoming a mother when I’m already old? That’s
impossible.” Then one of the guests, who turned out to be the LORD in human form, said to
Abraham, “Why did your wife laugh and said that she’s about to give birth to her son now that
she’s old and barren? There’s nothing too hard for the LORD. I will return in the right time next
year, and Sarah will conceive a son in her womb.” Meanwhile, inside the tent, Sarah, afraid that
she might be found out, rebuffed, “I did not laugh at your words, O LORD.” The LORD insisted,
“But I heard you laugh inside.”
Abraham, realizing that the three guests were the Almighty GOD and two of His angels,
now learns that they have another reason for dropping by his place. What could that be?

Story 24: Where Evil is Common

The twin cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, located in the fertile Jordan valley, are
magnificent and comfortable places to live but these cities have become notorious in the eyes of
the LORD because of the rampant wickedness happening there. Every evil is present: adultery,
seduction, theft, murder, idol worship and others. The LORD has quietly decided to check to see
whether the people of these two cities are living in a sinful way or not.
The two other men, revealed to be angels of GOD, got up on their feet to leave after the
sumptuous lunch given to them by Abraham. Abraham walked along with them to see where are
they going. They headed towards Sodom while GOD was left behind with Abraham by His side.
What was the other reason why they really wanted to see Abraham?
The LORD first contemplated whether to tell the truth to His confidant or not. He
thought, “Should I hide from Abraham what I am about to unleash on the people of Sodom?
Abraham and his descendants will become a great and mighty nation, and all other nations will
be blessed through him. I have chosen him and his family to continue the rightful way of the
LORD, so that they will remain to be provided for from the heavens above.” Finally, the LORD
has a tactful way of telling Abraham the truth. He said to him, “The outcry against Sodom and
Gomorrah is so great because of the sinful way the people are living there. I will go there and
ensure if their sins are as worse as the cries that have reached Me.” Meanwhile, the two angels
were on their way to the wicked city. Abraham remained standing alongside GOD. He then
approached the LORD and asked, “LORD, I know that you are the Judge of all the earth and fair
in treating the good and the bad. What if there are fifty faithful and obedient people residing in
Sodom? Are You going to destroy the city with the good people in it? Or are You going to spare
the city from utter destruction just for the sake of the righteous?” The LORD replied, “If I find
fifty good people there, I will not destroy the place for the sake of those fifty good men living in
those cities.” Abraham then went on to ask in case Sodom has forty, thirty, twenty, or even ten
people living and following the ways of GOD. In every instance, the LORD answered that if ever
He finds forty, thirty, twenty, or just ten righteous people in Sodom and Gomorrah He will not
destroy those cities just for their sake. In fact, the number of righteous people in Sodom didn’t
even reach ten. There were only four righteous people in Sodom -Lot, his wife, and their two
daughters. When the LORD has finished speaking with Abraham, He went on His way towards
Sodom while Abraham returned to his tent.
Meanwhile, in the city, the two angels arrived when evening approached. Lot was sitting
at the city’s entrance when they came. When he saw them, he stood up to greet them and bowed
down his face to the ground. “Behold, my lords,” he said courteously, “please stay at my house.
You can wash your feet, eat, and spend the night there before continuing on your way the next
day.” The angels answered, “No thanks, we will just spend the night in the city square.” But Lot
insisted that they went with him and entered his house. Lot prepared a meal specially for them,
baked unleavened bread, and they ate. As they were retiring for the night, all the men from
several parts of the city gathered at the front of the house. What are these wicked people going to
do there? They yelled to Lot, “Where are the two men who visited you tonight? Bring them out
here so that we could seduce them.” Lot went outside the house and shut the door behind the two
angels. He carefully said, “No, my fellow townsfolk, don’t do this form of evil. You see, I am
father to two daughters who have never spent the night with a man. Let me bring them out to you
and you can do what you want with them. But please don’t do any harm to these two men for
they have come under my shelter.” The crowd was becoming angry upon hearing Lot’s words.
They insisted, “Get out of our way! You came here as a foreigner, and now you lecture us on
what we must do?! Now we will treat you much worse than your visitors!” They continued to
bring pressure upon Lot and slowly proceeded to break the door. But the angels inside reached
out to Lot and pulled him back into his house and shut the door. Then the evil crowd were
stricken by blindness so that they could not find where the door is. What a rightful punishment
for such wickedness -trying to sleep with their fellow men!
Now the two visitors have something important to say to Lot and his family...but what
exactly is it?

Story 25: Firestorm Over Sodom

The two visitors finally revealed themselves and their real purpose why they went to
Sodom to Lot. They said, “Do you have any family or relatives living here in Sodom? Get them
out of here, because we were sent by the LORD to destroy this wicked city. The outcry against
this city is so great that the LORD has opted to inflict His wrath over this dreaded place.” Lot
nodded silently.
He went out to his sons-in law, who were engaged to his two daughters. He pleaded,
“Hurry and get out of this place, since the LORD is about to destroy this city and the people who
lives here.” But they did not think that their future father-in law is serious with what he is saying.
So they stayed behind in the city. When morning approached, the two visitors finally urged Lot
to hurry up and take his wife and two daughters out of the city, which is about to be destroyed.
Lot hesitated for a while, then the two angels grabbed his hands and the hands of his wife and
two daughters. They were safely escorted out of the city, because the LORD has found Lot and
his family the only righteous family in Sodom. What did they do next?
As soon as they were at a considerable distance from the city, one of the angels
instructed, “Now run for your lives! Flee to the mountains or you will be swept away along with
the city! And remember, do not stop anywhere on the plain, or look back!” But Lot, perhaps due
to his age, could no longer run towards the mountains. He saw a small town nearby and
requested if he could flee there. The two angels said that they would not destroy the town. Lot
and his family fled towards the town.
By the time Lot and his family reached the small town, the sun has already risen, and the
LORD finally unleashed his ultimate punishment upon the evil cities. It signaled doom for the
people there, for that morning, burning sulfur rained down from heaven. Buildings and homes
were burned to the ground, people were burned alive or turned into pillars of salt, and vegetation
were destroyed. Perhaps not one escaped that disastrous event that destroyed Sodom and
Gomorrah and the entire plain wherein they stood. Thus the evil people got what they deserved
for breaking GOD’S rules and doing what was not right in His eyes.
The instruction was very, very clear that Lot and his family never look back into the city
being destroyed by the LORD. But Lot’s wife didn’t follow the instruction. She thought, Our
pretty home and belongings are now gone! I want to have a last glimpse of it before we flee this
wicked city. And since she looked back, Lot’s wife became a solid salt pillar.
Early the next morning, Abraham went down to the place where he had conversed with
the LORD earlier. He looked down at Sodom and Gomorrah, now reduced into heaps of rubble,
and saw dense smoke rising from the plain, like smoke arising from a huge fire. So Lot and his
family were rescued safely out of the cities which cost their existence because of evil, since the
LORD remembered Abraham while He was destroying the city.
Meanwhile, Lot and his two daughters were afraid to stay at the small town, named Zoar,
and instead settled in the mountains, where they continued their normal lives in a cave. Lot,
through his two daughters, would soon become the great patriarch of the Moabites and the

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