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#BiasFree Month hashtag#Day22 Don't take for granted - neither the young nor the old.

hashtag#BeBiasFree Click here to book our Unconscious Bias workshop: hashtag#UnconsciousBias hashtag#InclusiveWorkplace

#BiasFree Month hashtag#Day21 If it seems like a 'gut' feeling, stop. Think. It could be a bias.
Let's hashtag#BeBiasFree
#BiasFree Month hashtag#Day16 Do not judge based on age. Count willingness. Lets
#BiasFree Month hashtag#Day20 Listening is a great way to start. It opens up our mind to
others' perspectives. Let's hashtag#BeBiasFree
#BiasFree Month hashtag#Day19 English speaking is not necessarily a measure of one's
capability. Let's re-think. Let's hashtag#BeBiasFree
#BiasFree Month hashtag#Day15 Overconfidence is a bias too. Don't let it burden you. Or
others. Lets hashtag#BeBiasFree
#BiasFree Month hashtag#Day18 Let the Job Description hashtag#BeBiasFree
#BiasFree Month hashtag#Day17 Office housework is a chore. Just like chores at home, these
need to be shared equally too. Lets hashtag#BeBiasFree
#BiasFree Month hashtag#Day14 Lets look at everything afresh. Lets hashtag#BeBiasFree
#BiasFree Month hashtag#Day13 Hindsight is always perfect. Don't lose sight of the real issue.
Lets hashtag#BeBiasFree
#BiasFree Month hashtag#Day9 What seems an easy choice for you might be ruining
someone's career. Check before you decide someone's life for them. Lets hashtag#BeBiasFree
#BiasFree Month hashtag#Day12 Ask. Don't assume. Lets hashtag#BeBiasFree
#BiasFree Month hashtag#Day11 Don't confuse trends for personality traits. Be and let be. Lets

( Horn Bias)
#BiasFree Month hashtag#Day10 Don't let a previous experience mar your future possibilities.
Lets hashtag#BeBiasFree
#BiasFree Month hashtag#Day8 Are we letting our affinities colour our outlook? Are we
favouring someone just because they are like us? Lets hashtag#BeBiasFree
#BiasFree Month hashtag#Day7 How come we think everyone should fit in to our definitions of
what they should be? Lets open up. Lets hashtag#BeBiasFree
#BiasFree Month hashtag#Day6 "Women cook and love their families." Is that the truth or a
stereotype? Which do you care for? Lets hashtag#BeBiasFree
#BiasFree Month hashtag#Day3 Do mothers have it easy or the happily singles? Does the tag
decide or the individual? But then, what is "easy"? Let's hashtag#BeBiasFree.
#BiasFree Month hashtag#Day5 Lets use language to connect, not exclude. Lets
#BiasFree Month hashtag#Day4 Be fair in your attitude. Unlearn the urge to label people by
color of the skin. Lets hashtag#BeBiasFree
#BiasFree Month hashtag#Day2 Have you noticed the biases around you? Don't ignore. Let's
hashtag#BeBiasFree. To know more, click here:
#BiasFree Month hashtag#Day1 Let's spot the Biases in and around us. Let's call out the Biases
in and around us. Let's be aware of the Biases in and around us. Let's hashtag#BeBiasFree.

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