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Administration of drugs must pay attention to the principle of 6 correct administration of

drugs at home to be safe for patients, namely as follows:

1. True Patient

It can be confirmed by looking at the name on the drug label and matching it with the name,
age, and gender.

2. Correct Medication

Make sure the medicine given must be according to the prescription of the treating doctor,
from the name of the drug, its shape and color, and to read the drug label up to 3 times

when looking at the drug packaging,

when pouring medicine

after pouring the medicine.

If the label is illegible, the contents may not be used and must be returned to the pharmacy.

3. Correct Dosage

Ensure the dosage given is according to doctor's instructions and drug administration notes.

4. Correct Time of Giving

When administering the drug must be in accordance with the time indicated on the drug
administration records, for example the drug is given 2 times a day then the drug
administration record will be listed when the administration is for example at 6 am and 6 pm.
Note whether the drug is given before or after eating.

5. Correct Method of Drug Administration

Make sure the medicine is given in the manner instructed and check on the label how to
administer the drug. For example, oral (through the mouth) sublingual (under the tongue),
inhalation (aerosol spray) etc.

6. Properly Expired Medication

Care should be taken to expire the date of expiration of the drug to be given. Usually on the
label of the medicine bottle when the drug expires. Pay attention to the color change (from
clear to turbid), the tablet gets wet / the shape is broken.

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