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The Importance of a Strong Employer/Employee Relationship

When employees have a strong, healthy relationship with their employers, the entire company benefits.
Studies show that employees who have mutually respectful relationships with their employers are more
likely to be happy, loyal and productive in the long-run. Unfortunately, building a relationship of this
nature is easier said than done, and if you are considering taking a second look at your relationship with
your employees, here are some reasons to continue doing so.Retain Loyal Employees

Losing an employee to a competitor can be devastating, but unfortunately, employees who do not have
an amicable relationship with their employers are more likely to leave. When an employee feels
comfortable around their employer, and appreciated, they are far more likely to remain loyal.
Companies that encourage positive relationships between workers and managers are generally more
successful, and since their employees are more likely to stick around, they don’t spend as much on
recruiting, hiring and training new workers.

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