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Comparative Genomic Hybridisation

The CGH is a molecular cytogenetic analysis that particularly useful in solid tumor to
identify gained or losses of either whole or only sub part of cromosome by comparing it with
DNA reference. This technique was developed decade ago til today this technique has
improved by increased of the resolution, so we could se more detail in cromosome. This
tecnique use some dye (Cyanine 5,3) to give the DNA color (the patient and the reference
determined by color) and after that the special machine (microarray) will scan the DNA
thoroughly. After that the special software used to read the result and we can analyze the

The advantage of this technique, we didn’t need to do cell culture to analysis more
detail to cromosome than ordinary cytogenetic test, and also we can se the abnormality of
cromosome more detail such as loss or gaining little pice of cromosome in particular place
but, to do this technique its required a lot of tools, long preparation, three days of analysis so
the cost is high. maybe those can be considered as disanvantage.

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