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what is food allergies

A food allergy is an abnormal reaction to a particular foodstuff (such as a seemingly harmless

prawn, kiwi or piece of fish), which the body then considers as an intruder. The onset of a food
allergy depends on individual genetic predispositions, the plants present in the environment and
also on eating habits. Celery, for example, is more frequently consumed in Central Europe,
resulting in a higher proportion of allergies there compared to the rest of the world.

An inherited family predisposition is called an atopy, i.e. a predisposition of the body to produce
antibodies against substances in the environment. If either one of the parents is allergic, the child
has a 30% chance of being so, while the risk is 70% if both parents are allergic.

2. what is the characteristic if someone is allergies to some food

Symptoms can range from mild to severe and affect each individual differently. Not every person
will experience all of the below, and each reaction may be slightly different, but commons signs
and symptoms include:

tingling in the mouth

burning sensation in the lips and mouth

lips and face might swell
skin rash
skin may become itchy and/or blotch
runny nose
streaming eyes

3. what should everyone do if she/he allergic to some food

Immediately stop eating these foods
Taking medication
Apply cream to relieve itching
Soak in warm water
Ice pack
Drink enough water
4. tips or suggestion about food allergic
Read food labels
Avoid cross-contact and cross-reactivity
Recognize your symptoms
Prepare an emergency action plan
Know how to use an auto-injector

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