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1899 NZR Velocipede including “Throw Out” Gear Sent in by Rich Harner

NZR 1899
These inch scales look good and were useful, you measured off a line on the
drawing onto the edge of a sheet of paper and moved it to the appropriate
scale. Now just part of History.

”Scales” is Drawn with a thin Brass stencil, I believe these were etched
much as scale model locomotive kits are today.
NZR 1899

TOOL BOX ½“ STUFF - “Stuff” refers to the thickness of wood the Boxes were to be made from. These spokes are Unique to New Zealand.
NZR 1899

The seat springs are unique to this machine in the velocipede world.
NZR 1899
NZR 1899
NZR 1899
NZR 1899
NZR 1899
Throwing Out Gear NZR 1899
Gear In (normal drive) Gear Out (freewheel) Handle removed for a clearer view

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