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1. Answer these following questions.

a. What was Baghdad like during the Abbasid rule?
b. Who was Sultan Mahmood?
c. Who was Salahuddin Ayyubi and what was his greatest accomplishment?
d. How did the fall of Baghdad occur?
e. Write a short note on the Muslim culture of spain?
f. Name the three new empires of the muslim worls, how long did each last?
g. How did the renaissance occur?
h. When did the fall of spain occur?
i. Explain how colonialism started?
j. What is the importance of rumi’s writings?
k. What was the impact of shakespeare’s plays?
l. Who was the young scholar studying in makkah, and what did the dream about?
m. Explain the third battle of panipat briefly?
n. Who presented the idea of separate electorates in south asia? What does this
means in simple words?
o. Who constructed the suez canal and why was it made?
p. Write a short note on Mustafa Kamal Ataturk.
2. Fill in the blanks.
a. The two most famous Abbasid rulers were _____________________ and
b. Spain remained a part of the Muslim world from __________________ to
c. In 1095, pope Urban II declared that _____________ must capture Jerusalem.
d. ______________________ tried to recapture Jerusalem, but died too early.
e. Ibne Moosa Al-khwarizmi’s most famous books were __________ and
f. _______________ was an Italian traveler.
g. The Mongols brought gunpowder from ________________.
h. _________________ discovered a new sea route to india in 1498.
i. “I own many countries, three continents and two seas,” said ______________,
the ottoman emperor of turkey.
j. Shaikh ahmed sirhindi is better known as _________________________.
k. The british started conquering india with the ___________________ in 1757.
l. In 1914, countries of ________________ went to war, which lasted four years.
m. The _________________ was invented around 1776.
n. Democracy was one of the original ideals of ____________________.
o. Ahmed Shah Abdali defeated the __________________ at panipat.
3. Choose the correct answer.
a. The Mongols came from the:

Sahara Desert, Gobi Desert, Thar Desert

b. Richard the Lion-heart was a:

French king, Muslim king, British king

c. The Abbasids ruled from:

756 to 1358, 820 to 1600, 750 to 1258

d. Salahuddin Ayyubi was the ruler of:

Egypt, Syria, Turkey

e. Ferdowsi wrote a long poem in Persian called:

Babarnama, Shahnameh, Akbarnama

f. Chritopher Columbus was:

An Italian sailor Chinese merchnt The king of spain

g. The ottoman emperor Muhammad the conquerer captured:

Baghdad Constantinople, Egypt

h. During the renaissance, European artists paod more attentions to

Plant life, Animal life, Human life

i. Europeans were impressed by stories about:

Genghis khan, Kublai khan, Halaku khan

j. Sulaiman the magnificicent came to the throne in:

1522, 1537, 1520

4. Guess the personality.

a. German thinker, dramatist and poet.
b. Became a hero of turkey after his victory in the bttle of Gallipoli.
c. A French hero who declared himself the emperor in 1804 AD.
d. He wrote nine books of poetry, out of which the fifth one is called Javid Nama.
e. He wrote books which gave the message of respecting the law.

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