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History | Graded Assignment | To Ratify or Not to Ratify

Name: Gabriel Oliveira Rodrigues Date:

Graded Assignment
To Ratify or Not to Ratify

Total score: ____ of 25 points

(Score for Question 1: ___ of 16 points)

1. According to Article VII, the Constitution would go into effect when nine states ratified it. A fierce debate
raged for months between the Federalists, who supported the Constitution, and the Anti-Federalists, who
opposed it. What arguments did each group present? Fill in the chart below with a brief description of the
main arguments.

Federalist arguments Anti-Federalists arguments

One of the Revolution’s major points was to Republics were weak

establish a republic.

It would help to secure the liberty for which It would impose tyranny.
Americans had fought.

The current America was in a weak state Republics were unable to prosper in a large
and needed a solution. nation.

With its strong federal government and its The Constitution included no bill of rights
system of checks and balances, would help
provide a republican remedy for the evils
most incident to republican government.

(Score for Question 2: ___ of 9 points)

2. If you had to choose sides, would you side with the Federalists or Anti-Federalists? Explain why you sided
with the particular group by summarizing, in your own words, their arguments

I would stand by with the Federalists. They were positive and believed changes were necessary to make

a greater country. The nation was in a week spot and the republic was the primary plan of the

Revolutionary War. And, as a bonus, I really like the Hamilton musical.

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