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Author by : Lia Asli Lotim Sridaya



Currently our country is in an uproar with the outbreak of the corona virus
or commonly known as (COVID 19).
The corona virus was first discovered in China's wuhan city at the end of
2019. Initially, this virus only attacked wuhan city. But now, it has spread to
various states including Indonesia. Precisely on 22 March 2020, corona positive
case data in Indonesia increased to 514 people (reported from page,
Corona virus is lurking at us, the number of deaths has been reached 48 people.
(launched from Youtube Kommpas Tv).
Jhon Hopskin University has collected data, there are at least 11,282 people
who died in the world due to corona virus. This disease has a high mortality rate.
Unfortunately, vaccines or drugs to treat corona have still not been found.
This condition requires us to always be vigilant and anticipate ourselves to stay
safe by means of a healthy lifestyle and increase awareness to maintain personal
hygiene and the environment.
Maintaining personal hygiene is very important, especially to keep
ourselves healthy, and reduce the risk of ourselves and those closest to the
disease. Many diseases are spread when harmful bacteria move from one person
to another through direct contact, such as contact with an infected person, or
indirect contact, such as touching an item that has been touched by an infected
Environmental cleanliness is a state free from dirt, including in it, dust,
garbage, and odors. In Indonesia, the problem of environmental cleanliness has
always been a debate and a growing problem. Cases involving environmental
cleanliness every day and every year continue to increase.
Therefore, maintaining environmental cleanliness is very useful for all of us
because it can create a safe, clean, cool and healthy life.
Benefits of maintaining personal hygiene and the environment include:
1. Avoid disease caused by an unhealthy environment.
2. Avoiding various infectious diseases.
3. Minimizing the transmission of the corona virus (ccovid 19), which is currently
4. The environment becomes cooler.
5. Free from air pollution.
6. Water becomes cleaner and safer to drink.
7. More calm in carrying out daily activities.
8. Healthy Environment Avoid Various Diseases
9. Cleanliness is always synonymous with health. That is, the benefits of
protecting the environment first is to keep your health maintained. You need to
know, just a clean environment does not necessarily make the body not easily
hurt, you know. Especially if you don't try to keep it clean. Unclean environment
is the best place to nest mosquitoes. Not to mention the variety of bacteria that
also live in it.
10. Healthy Environment Relating to Mental Health
Not only physical health is maintained when you have a clean environment.
Reporting from the website page of The United Nations Environment Program, a
healthy environment has great benefits for one's mental health. Clean air, clean
water, plenty of green space and sanitation can improve one's quality of life.
11. A Healthy Environment is More Comfortable to Live in
How to maintain personal hygiene and the environment
1. take a shower using clean water and soap. Bathing with a good cleansing soap
can remove fat, dirt, and bacteria that accumulate during the day and prevent
problems such as body odor. Using bath soap will be effective in helping us avoid
the germs that cause disease.
2. When we go about our daily lives, our hands actually become the 'host' for
harmful germs and bacteria. To prevent germs from entering our bodies and cause
disease, it is very important to wash hands thoroughly with antibacterial soap
especially at important times, such as after using the toilet, after coming into
contact with someone who is sick, and before eating.
3. To keep the body fresh and clean, we also need to wash clothes and bedding
regularly. Underwear and other clothing worn directly in contact with the skin
must be changed every day, while for bed linen can be cleaned at least every
4. must be aware of the importance of environmental cleanliness starting from our
own homes, for example, diligently sweeping the yard, diligently cleaning the
sewers of our homes, throwing trash in its place, and we must also be able to
preserve trees that are in the surrounding environment and keep it from being
damaged by people other.
And there are many more benefits and ways we can do to maintain personal
hygiene and the environment.
Even in Islam we are taught to always live clean, because cleanliness is part
of faith (HR.Al-Thirmidzi). in essence we must be able to protect the environment
around us so that things that are not wanted do not happen. Thanks.

American Heart Association. Diakses pada 2019. Spend Time in Nature to

Reduce Stress and Anxiety

Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia. Diakses pada 2019. Lingkungan

yang buruk menjadi penyebab penularan penyakit

Kristian,dedy.2018.Pentingnya Menjaga Kebersihan Lingkungan Dan


The United Nations Environment Programme. Diakses pada 2019. Healthy

Environment, Healthy People
kebersihan-lingkungan-sekitar/amp(diakses 21 maret 2020)

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