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Name : ………………………………………....................................... Date : ………………………….


Instructions / Arahan :
1. Fill in the blank box with correct answer.
2. Parents should guide their children to pronounce the words and say it together.

Shoes Trousers T-shirt Skirt Socks Bag

1. 2.

3. 4.

5. 6.
Name : ………………………………………....................................... Date : ………………………….……

Instructions/Arahan :
1. Fill in the blank with correct answer in the boxes below.
2. Parents should guide their children to pronounce the words and read it aloud together.

Teeth School Shower

I get up at o’clock.

I brush my ………………………..

and take a ……………………..

Then I have

and go to ……………………….

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