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Hello, my name I Naidelyn Vazquez and this here is my Classroom Management

Portfolio in where I lay out ideas for my future classroom. I will cover different activities and
ideas I would like to implement in a 1st-grade classroom (as I hope to one day teach that grade
level) without choosing a specific subject as these grades usually get one teacher who covers all
subjects. This project will serve as a passage into the activities I will one day do with my
students. Most of the information provided would be activities that help me create a bond with
the students. I want to get to know my students, what they like, how they learn. All this is so that
I can get a better idea of how they think and what would help them learn to their full potential.
My hope is that this project will help me get out of difficult situations I may encounter. I have
learned that at times one might plan their lesson but the time it takes for us to complete those
assignments might leave us short on time. So, I hope that the activities in my CMP will help me
in case I ever run out of activities and still have a lot of time left. I don’t want to seem
unprepared because I know kids notice that.

Philosophical Statement

The one reason students don’t learn is that they don’t feel comfortable in the classroom.
I’ve experienced times where the teacher had no respect for me and so I would decide not to
even try in her class. When a child doesn’t like their teacher, they will do up to everything to
make that teacher's life miserable. I would like to follow Ginott’s idea of good communication.
Communication is key to have a successful classroom is where the students grow, my classroom
hopefully will let the students know that they are all accepted. I will set up clear expectations in
the classroom and will do my best to not forget, as I don’t want to contradict myself in any way.
I want to assure that I build my students self-esteem as oppose to lowering it. It's been said that
when a student feels validated, he or she will have a healthy self-esteem. The child will be given
respect and I hope the respect is mutual, there would be no reason for it to not be. This idea, of
good communication, will also assure that I receive great participation from the students during
different activities. One rule I will not put in place would be that my students can’t speak or get
loud. They will be allowed to speak as that’s the best form of communication, however, they will
also understand when it is okay and when it is not.
First Day Script:

For the first day of first grade, I imagine the students will be escorted to the classroom by

their parents. They typically let the parents walk the child to their class, so the parents can take

pictures of their child. By the time students start arriving, I will have the student sit in their

appropriate desk. Each desk would have already been labeled and a name would be placed at the

top of the desk. Parents will then be welcomed by a small greet, allowed to take pictures of their

children and hopefully be on their way home.

Time: Activity: Instructions:

7:30-8:00 Arrival Students get to class and sit in their desk.
8:00-8:15 Introduction I, the teacher will introduce herself to the class
and talk a little about herself. The teacher will
ask if some students would like to introduce
themselves. If no one participates I will simply
ask a question like, “Who has a pet?”
8:15-9:00 Introduce classroom I will then move on to introducing the classroom
to each student. Explaining where their
backpacks will go, where their supplies will be
placed and what each item in the class presents.
9:00-9:30 1st activity We will then move on to the first activity. Find a
Friend Bingo
9:00-10:00 2nd and 3rd activity The 2nd activity (Time Capsule) will be
introduced to the class and then the 3rd activity
(Birthday Wall) will be done simultaneously.
- Where supplies will be and what to do when they first arrive to class.

When students first arrive to class, they will gather the necessary stuff from their backpack place

it on their desks and then move to hang the backpack on the hooks designated for the backpacks.

- There will be specific materials that I will keep in the class that they will pick up in the

morning so that they don’t lose them. At the front, there will be a pencil holder and

around the pencil figure there

would be color boxes for each

student and they’ll be labeled

with their name.

- Our first activity will be to play “find a friend” this way the students will get to know
each other. They will have the chance to interact with one another and meet each other
when they find someone who likes or has what the chart says then they will gather that
students’ initials. While they do this I, the teacher will prepare for the next activity.
- For the first day of school, I would like my students to create a time capsule so that we
can open it on the last day of school. The children will be given appropriate materials so
that they can write down different ideas/topics.

- Construction paper
- Line paper
- Colors
- Scissors
- Markers

- What would you like to learn this year?
- What would you like to improve on?
- What are you looking forward to this year?
- What’s one of your goals?
- What do you think will happen in the class?
- What do you think of the teacher?

- Once done the students will fold or roll their work and place it in the Capsule jar. I will
then lock it with tape and explain that we will open it on the last day of school.
- While the students write down what they want to put inside the time capsule, I will be
calling on students one by one and taking their picture holding the number of their
birthday. I will do this so that I can put up their pictures on our birthday wall and thus
their picture will be under their birthday month.

- There will be a special cubicle where the students will submit work to me as well as pick
up their homework assigned for that day. It will look something like the picture below.

- In the class I will set up a mail box, I will explain

to the students that this mail box will be there for
them to communicate with me unanimously.
- This will help the child feel comfortable
communicating with me in whatever form they’d
- For the start of each day the expectation for each student is to put their
backpack up and then move on to their desk. Once at their desk they will
take out their ID badge and then when told to do so they will form a line to
get their breakfast. Breakfast will be served and while they eat, we will have
a class discussion, just to share what they did over the weekend or their
plans for the day/week.
- In order to transition into different activities or simply to clean up and put
stuff away, I would like to come up with a song that the kids will recognize
as a signal to clean up because well be doing something else.
- First, I would ring a little bell once and then I would start singing, repeating
the song 3 times. Each student will then sing it at least twice. As they sing,
they put away the stud and head back to their seats, once in their seats they
will be given further instructions.

Example for song:
- Although I will be escorting my students to restroom breaks, I know at times
students will need to go again. Afterall at this age its harder for them to hold
it, so to avoid any accidents the child will raise their hand and make the sign
to let me know they need to go to the restroom. Then depending on when
they ask, I will determine if the entire class goes or if the child is free to go
along with their buddy. I wouldn’t want my first grader wondering around
the halls alone.
- It’s the end of the day and the children are ready to go. 45 minutes before
dismissal I will ask the children to gather their belongings and place them on
their desk. They will make sure they have collected their homework and any
papers they need to take home.
- Lastly, 30 minutes before dismissal I will ask the children to join me in the
carpet. I will then read them a book, I want to do this as many children don’t
get bed time stories so hopefully this works as a type of bed time story. This
will also help with the discussion we have the next morning.
List of classroom expectations I want to facilitate in my classroom:

- I will minimize miss behavior by planning out a seating chart that is best suited for the
- A poster of the rules for the classroom will be placed on the wall for all children to see.
- Expectations and directions for each class will be given in a clear manner, as well as they
will be written down on the board.
- To ensure class runs as smooth as possible the first couple of weeks will be to practice
the different procedures.
- I will be prepared and ready to go every morning so that I am able to provide an energetic
environment for the children.
- In my classroom, a way I will deal with misbehavior will be by implementing the time-
out zone. The child will be pointed in the direction of the zone and he/she will walk over
there. Once there the student will do the following procedures so that they can reflect on
their actions. This will only happen if the child misbehaves out of anger.

- These will be the expectations in order for students to learn. These are just the surface for the
child to understand what good behavior.

be moved down one clothes pin


- The classroom consequences will vary depending on the action, I would like to use the
consequences below but instead of it being the first, second, third or fourth violation, I would
like it to be classified as a first type violation, a second type, third type or fourth type violation.

o The first type of violations could be… to talk during a test and things like that.
o The second type of violations could be… to break one of the rules.
o The third type of violations could be… to hit, bite or punch another student.
o The fourth type of violations could be… something like if a violation 3 recurs and the
problem does not get resolved.

- At the beginning of the year, every child will be handed a small white paper book that we
will use throughout the year. We will add a sticker to the book, each sticker will be
earned for doing good things, such as always being on task, helping others, improving in
a content area. After collecting 20 stickers they will be allowed to pick something out of
the treasure box. This will serve as an incentive to do good and will motivate them to do
their work and behave in order to receive a prize.
good news NOTE HOME!

- For the children that always do good, I’d like to send special notes home to inform the
child’s parents about how great the student is doing. At times parents don’t see that the
child is doing great, so they don’t praise the child. Just do that this can happen I’d like to
make them aware.
Songs and Chants:

- In order to keep the children engaged, I want to make my classroom fun. I

know there will be times where the child is super tired that he/she is no
longer paying attention. Or it would be that the child has lots of energy and
needs to take some out. That’s why I would like to incorporate song or
chants into my class that will get the students out of their chairs and moving.
This will make the class a little more fun and enjoyable.

- Another way I would like to engage my students is by allowing

them some time to think on their own and come up with stuff. I
will allow them to be crafty and draw, paint, build stuff out of
paper and so on.

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