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Questions and assignment for Unit-3

1. Can you connect two commands through filters? Explain with an

2. What is the use of 'pr' command?
3. Find the last 5 users who have been logged into a system.
4. Refer to the employee database, say the file name is
a) Create a file and simultaneously show them in the display
the first five employees without repeatition.
b) show the 1st and 4th column of emp.lst and keep in cutlist1
c) show the remaining columns of emp.lst and keep in cutlist2
d) combine both these files into cutlist3 with delimeter '||'
and join each line.
e) sort the emp.lst file with primary key column 2
f) sort the emp.lst file with primary key column 3 and
secondary key column 2
g) show the employee having maximum salary
h) how many directors are in emp.lst
i) replace all '|' with '~' in emp.lst
j) show all the employees having names or, or,

5. What will be the output of following commands:

a) grep emp.lst
b) sed 's/unix/linux/3g' file1.txt
c) sed '2,$ s/unix/linux/' file1.txt
d) sed '3,6d' filename.txt
e) sed '/abc/d' filename.txt

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