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Research as a

is a scientific process of collecting empirical data
that are intended for drawing a conclusion. It
consists of the following core steps:
Step 1

Defining a research
Research problem is also called
a research topic

Traditional researchers usually comply with the SMART

requirement of choosing a research problem.

This means the topic should be

specific, measurable, attainable,
realistic, and time - bound
Contemporary researchers added certain criteria for
defining a research problem.

It should posses newness or novelty

and international character
especially if the research outputs
are intended for presentation in
international conference
Step 2

Developing a research
Doing a research is like building a house

Researchers have to lay out a

Some essentials of research plan includes
specific research aim, background and
significance, related readings and research
design and methods
Step 3

Collecting research data

One of the important steps in
conducting a scientific inquiry is data
It can be carried out using an
approach called methodological
This technique considers three usual
activities; observation, interview, &
document analysis
Step 4

Analyzing research data

This step is carried out when all
necessary research data are intact
and ready for analysis

Here the researcher carefully

analyzes the textual data by
determining significant
statements from the texts
Step 5

Presenting the findings

Checking the accuracy and
completeness of the research data is
an essential task before writing and
revising the contents of the research
paper; otherwise, the presentation
of data would appear insufficient,
and yes, even questionable
Step 6

Disseminating and
utilizing the findings
Gone are the days when completed
researches are lodged on shelves
Modern – day research scientist
present their research findings
in research conferences; others
publish them in reputable
scientific journals

Developing a
and (utilizing)
research plan
the findings

Presenting the Collecting

findings research data

research data
Ethics of Research
At the core of a research undertaking lie ethical

One of the very important considerations of

qualitative research is ensuring that the
informants are not harmed in any way possible
Ethics of Research
This is known as the ethics of non - maleficence

Researchers ought to be aware of the direct and

indirect consequences of the study particularly
on the participants
Ethics of Research
1. Scientific soundness

Once crucial consideration in conducting a

qualitative research is the extent of tangible
benefits that the investigation could produce.
Ethics of Research
Scientific soundness

The research objectives can be so hard to achieve

when the researcher does not possess sufficient
background and skills required
Ethics of Research
Scientific soundness

Hence, an inexperience person in research is

usually advised to seek clear guidance and
constant supervision from experts
Ethics of Research
2. Consent

Seeking informed consent as a voluntary

agreement of the participants to be involved in
the study is prerequisite for almost all types of
Ethics of Research
2. Consent

Before the research starts, an informed consent

should be obtained from each participant
Ethics of Research
2. Consent
Informed consent is used if the approval from adult
participants is sought while informed assent is sought
from participants who have not yet reached the legal
age or very young to give consent but old enough to
understand the risks and benefits
Ethics of Research
2. Consent
The participants should be clarified about the
• Purpose of the study
• Types of question
• Potential risks and benefits
• Method of anonymity
Ethics of Research
3. Informant validation
A validation of qualitative data should be done with
the participants
Remember that it is so unethical to report a particular
statement which is not actually expressed by any of the
research informants
Ethics of Research
4. Confidentiality

Retaining anonymity than revealing full identification

of the participants should be dealt with utmost care
Ethics of Research
5. Exploitation

Being exploited in the conduct of a research is usually

attributed to the research participants
Ethics of Research
5. Exploitation
This happens when the researcher gets along with
them just to gain favor.
Though it is always understandable that the researcher should satisfy
his intellectual and emotional responsibility to the participants being
studied, others are tempted to abuse the basic rights of the
Ethics of Research
6. Misrepresentation
Participants’ narratives as presented in the research
report should be assured

Statements that would seem faulty to largely provoke

mistrust on the part of the informants
Ethics of Research
7. Identification of the participant by self or others

Researcher must mind the method of anonymizing the

identity of the participants

Whether the concerned are willing to divulge their identity or

not, the researcher should responsibly handle the data with
maximum care

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