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Class : IIC Keperawatan

Institute : STIKes Widya Nusantara Palu


1. What are the steps to deal with the patients,if they have one of these
a. Dehydration
b. Diarrhoea
c. Cold
d. Fatigue
2. What are the signs,if a patient has one of the disease? (It is based on what
you have chosen)

1. a. Dehydration
1) Natural flavored drinks
Drinks that taste by adding pieces of fruit such as
lemon,lime,orange slices or make it into juice
2) Consuming foods that contain water
Water content in food is needed to replace the amount of liquid
in the body that will be teken every day.Fruits thet contain lots
of water include watermelons,melons,grapes and tomatoes.
3) Another way to use dehydration
Put a wet cloth on the body especially on the peers,fece,back,
chest or stomach.
b. Diarrhoea
1) Enough fluid
2) Eat the right foods
Foods the are recommended include fruits,foods high in
potassium such as potatoes or yams,food containing electrolyte
miso soup, cooked vegetables rether tender, and sufficient
3) Avoid certain foods
Foods to avoid include high fat foods, oily foods,spicy foods,
foods containing artificial sweeteners,and foods with high
fructose suger levels.
4) Consumption of probiotics
Probiotics are microorganisms that are beneficial to the
digestive system and fight infections.
5) Medicine
c. Cold
1) Move to another place that is more warm and dry.
2) Give warmth by covering the entire body of the patient with a
thick blanket.
3) Warm compresses
4) Always monitor his breathing and heartbeat
d. Fatigue
1) Sleep on time
2) Should consume iron supplements and iron containing foods
such as lean meat,liver,nuts,cereals and protein containing
2. What are the signs,if a patient has one of the disease? (It is based on what
you have chosen)

a. Signs of Dehydration
1). Thirsty
2). Urine color is more concentrated or dark
3). The amount and frequency of urine removal decreases
4). The mouth is ring and sticky
5). Easy to get sleepy and get tired quickly
6). Headache
7). Constipation
8). Dizzy
b. Child and Baby
1). When crying there are no tears
2). Eyes look sunken inward
3). Shrinking fontenel
4). Skin feels cold and dry
5). Irritable and lethargic
6). Dry and sticky mouth
7). Fatigue and dizziness

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