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The global growth and awareness about cryptocurrencies is increasing year by year which in

turn has contributed to growth of cryptocurrency trading however crypto traders are facing
huge problems which include excessive regulation from government which has affected
trading of cryptocurrency asset. Also excessive consumer protection by government has
inhibited free trading of crypto assets. As a result of above problems facing cryptocurrency
trading, Spindle is launching an initiative called ZETA which will solve the challenges facing
cryptocurrency trading. Below are features ZETA will bring to cryptocurrency trading
Transparent and free investment and asset management: through ZETA initiative, a
totally fair platform will be developed which will give people opportunity to invest and
manage their asset without problem.
Automatic Credit scoring Processing: according to investopedia, credit scoring is a
statistical analysis performed by lenders and financial institutions to access a person's
creditworthiness. Lenders use credit scoring, among other things, to decide on whether to
extend or deny credit. Credit scoring based on countries and companies are centralized and
are calculated manually which give room for foul play. The proposed ZETA will implement
automitization of credit scoring using autonomous human being which will give no room for
subjective intervention of any authority as it appear in centralized organization.
As we have mentioned above, ZETA are developed in order to create an autonomous human
beings which will help in a solving problem ranging from excessive government regulation of
cryptocurrency and asset management related problems. However, ZETA will be developed
by Spindle through four basic steps which will be explained as follows.
Service monitoring and reporting: the previously developed zeta-1 uses blockchain
technology to monitor and report cryptocurrency activities. This service is free for
cryptocurrency exchanges and investors. Zeta-1 allows users to be able to confirm fund
profile, have access to past transaction and give report freely. All this will be delivered by
using blockchain technology. Making important investment decision is very important to
cryptocurrency trader. ZETA has a tool that allow investor to make good investment decision
Distinctive Distributed Exchange: the role exchange play in cryptocurrency trading is
enormous. However, a centralized exchange is dangerous because massive loss of asset may
occur just like what happened regarding Mt.Gox. Even though centralized exchange
supposed to be controllable and predictable, they lack these and history has shown that they
are risky. ZETA will offer a completely decentralized exchange (DEX) which will allow
users to have sole control over their asset. The DEX platform speed will be high in order for
seamless transaction. ZETA (ZETA_2) will also provide asset management which does not
allow outsourcing of asset to others but allow user to follow chosen operators.
Distributed Credit Scoring system: data accumulated by Zeta-1 and Zeta-2 will be used in
implementing a distributed credit scoring system which will be completely fair and
transparent because it does not depend on individual, company or countries compare to the
traditional centralized credit scoring system. For more information on Spindle project startup
kindly visit the website or download the whitepapper here Announcement:
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