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Epistemology An Anthology Ernest Sosa

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Epistemology An Anthology Ernest Sosa

Epistemology: An Anthology Eds. Ernest Sosa, Jaegwon Kim, Jeremy Fantl, and Matthew McGrath Requirements
Students are required to attend and participate in class, take a midterm, submit 8 short writing assignments, and
submit a final paper. • Midterm: The midterm will take place on <<date>>. It will be in-class and closed notes. I

Edited by Ernest Sosa and Jaegwon Kim Brown University With the assistance of / Matthew McGrath NOTICE
Texas A&M University This material may be protected by copyr'ght . law (Title 17 U.S. Code.) • A . Blackwell '-"

epistemology itself is a normative inquiry whose principal aim is a systematic study of the condi-tions of justified
belief. I take it that these points are un controversial, although of course there could be disagreement about the
details - for example, about what it means to say a concept or

(Oxford University Press, 2001); in Epistemology, an anthology in epistemology edited by Jaegwon Kim and
Ernest Sosa (Blackwell, 2000); and in Essential Knowledge, a collection edited by Steven Luper (Pearson

Education and Longman Publishers, 2003). "How to Resolve the Pyrrhonian Problematic: A Lesson from

Descartes," Philosophical Studies,

epistemology, reliabilism, and the problem of easy knowledge. REQUIRED TEXTS 1. Ernest Sosa, Jaegwon Kim,
Jeremy Fantl and Matthew McGrath, eds., Epistemology: An Anthology, 2ed (Blackwell, 2008) 2. Ernest Sosa, A
Virtue Epistemology (Oxford UP, 2007) 3. Ernest Sosa, Reflective Knowledge (Oxford UP, 2009)

Oxford Bibliographies Online SOCIAL EPISTEMOLOGY (11/01/11) Antony and Witt 1993 is an anthology of
feminist essays containing several pieces on epistemology. Selinger and Crease 2005 is a collection of papers
Lackey, Jennifer and Ernest Sosa, eds. The Epistemology of Testimony. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006.

10/03/19 Epistemology (HSA020N230A) | University of Roehampton Epistemology (HSA020N230A) (Academic


year 2019-2020) View Online 176 items Week 1 - Knowledge and Justification (10 items) Required Reading (1
items) Epistemology: an anthology - Ernest Sosa, 2008

ernest sosa 7 Language and Literature 183 samuel c. wheeler iii (1999), and Epistemology: An Anthology (2000).
ERNEST LEPORE is Professor of Philosophy at Rutgers University and di- with Ernest Lepore titled Donald

Davidson: Meaning, Truth, Language and Reality (forthcoming).


Contemporary Debates in Epistemology Edited by Matthias Steup, John Turri, and Ernest Sosa Contemporary
Debates in Epistemology Edited by Steup, Turri, and Sosa “I expect that this new edition will serve to guide
epistemological practice for the next several years, and with at least as much authority as the first edition.

Ernest Sosa, Brown University ‘An excellent book. It is comprehensive in scope and very systematically organised.’
Philosophical Books ‘This is a massively impressive book, introducing the reader to virtually all areas of
epistemology. Robert Audi’s text is lucid and highly readable, while not

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