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The Summary About Article

“Why Didn’t I Think of These?

Lecturer: Dr. Darmahusni, M.A.

Arranged by: Tria Mulya Utami Faiziah (1202619045)

Class : 19 DA


The Summary about article “Why Didn’t I Think of These?

This article is talking about three technology inventions that are here to stay. The first
invention is the sign language glove, a great invention for deaf people, or people who can’t
hear clearly. Many people can’t understand sign language, but this glove translates the sign
language and display the words on small screen.

The second invention is the laser keyboard. With this invention makes you easy to
type text messages and long emails into your cell phone, because with this keyboard, your
cell phone can turn into a full-size keyboard. It’s even easy to surf and look at any website
you want.

The third invention is the disposable cell phone which is very convenient and easy to
carry, because it is the size of a credit card. But with this cell phone you can only talk for 60
minutes. When the battery dies, you can just throw the phone away, because you can’t
recharge the battery.

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