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Your Personal Combination

Basic Effect
The subject correctly dials in the correct combination on your un-gimmicked brief
and is able to open it.
Suspension of Reality
The performer enters the performing area with a small locked case and sets it down
on a
small table. "I've brought afew things with me today to play with your minds. They
currently locked inside this case. It 's your job to open it so we may begin the
show. It 's
a combination lock. It 's an easy task; there are six numbered wheels that are used
enter in the combination. You can turn them to each display a different number or
make them all zeros if you 'd like. If you can 't open the box, there 's no show
and I'll
leave you to impress these people. I'm serious about this, but don 't worry you'11
have it
open in a moment. The fate of the show rests on your shoulders. Go ahead."
The subject dials in whatever he wishes and pushes the two unlock buttons, but the
wont budge. The performer shrugs, and Starts to leave the stage. Pausing just
leaving the performing area, he turns around looks at the audience and back at the
on stage and picks up the case and begins to leave again with it.
"I'm kidding. That wouldn 't be fair, I wouldn 't leave you like that. I understand
scary it is being left standing alone in front of an audience; trust me I do itfar
too often
to count. You have the power to Channel that fear and turn it into something
constructive. Look at me. You know the numbers, even if you don 't know that you
Placing one hand on the case the performer sets all six of the dials to zero.
"If you had to solve this systematically, you might Start at zero on each dial and
each one until you 've gone through all five hundred and thirty-one thousand four
hundred and forty-four combinations. I personally don 't have that kind of time,
there 's

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