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1. What do you prefer to drink?

i. Tea
ii. Coffee
iii. Both

2. Which tea brand do you prefer?

i. Lipton
ii. Tata Tea
iii. Brooke Bond Taj Mahal Tea

3. How many times in a day would you prefer it?

i. One time
ii. Two times
iii. More than two times

4. How many members of your family prefer to have coffee?

i. One
ii. Two
iii. Three
iv. All

5. From where did you see Parle product?

i. Advertisement
ii. Own experience
iii. Reference

6. Are you satisfied with Parle product and Advertisement?

i. Yes
ii. No

7. What is your the most important criteria to buy tea?

i. Price
ii. Taste
iii. Aroma
iv. Brand
v. Packaging

8. How do you usually get your tea for drink?

i. Brew by yourself
ii. Tea Café
iii. Bottle tea from a shop
iv. Other

9. What Kind of tea you usually drink?

i. No addition
ii. Add sugar /sweetener
iii. Add milk/Honey
iv. Add flavor/juice
v. Other

10. What’s the most you would pay for a 500g pack of tea?

i. 125-135
ii. 150-165
iii. 175-190
iv. 200-215
v. 225-250

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