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I’m Adriana Sofía Perilla Caballero, I’m 17 years old. I’m from Colombia, I was born in
Yopal Casanare, but I’ve lived all my life in Villanueva Casanare, it’s a little village in
the Eastern plains of the country.

I like play Volleyball, take photographs, exercis e, sleep, and eat a lot. But I also like
watch TV, movies, and series. I’m studying International Business in the Santo Tomas
University in Tunja Boyacá. On my holidays I like work because I can buy my things
and give away gifts to all my family.

My family is so big. My mom and my daddy are teachers. I have 3 siblings. 2 sisters
and 1 brother. My sister Daniela is a doctor, and my sister Lyda is a teacher. Besides
my brother Alejandro is student at the school. My parent s don’t live together,
nevertheless I love my family so much,

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