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2nd speaker affirmative team of the motion

“This House Believe That Chidren Entertainer Should be banned”

Defense (menjawab dan mengglafirikasi kembali apa yg di tanyakan oleh 1st speaker

Ladies and gentelmen let me defense our argument by reresphone the

resphoneses from the first speaker of negative team.

1. The first speaker of negative team said that our background was not
Rebutles (Menyanggah argument yang dibawa oleh first speaker of negative team)

Before iam going to explain my splits let me give my rebutles to the

argument brought by the first speaker of opposition team:

1. First is about

My own split (perpecahan masalah dari saya)

Now i want explain my own split . iam as the second speaker of affirmative
team, my name is HESTY ALVAENATUN was going to explain about the bad
impact for the children edducation and violate the rights of children

Bad impact for the children edducation . as we know ladies and gentelmen
that the children must foccus the their schhool,not just busy of their jobs,
and i believe that

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