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Hradec Kralove
Czech Renublic PI1 SO899-9007(96)00408-X

Potential of Ketone Body Esters for

Parenteral and Oral Nutrition
The report by Birkhahn et al.’ in this issue of Nutrition exogenous ketone bodies.3 There is evidence that ketone bod-
describes the synthesis and initial biological testing of the ies are good substrates, not only for peripheral tissues but
monoester and triester of glycerol and DL-3-hydroxybutyrate. also for the developing brain’ and the lactating mammary
These compounds, which are nonionized, sodium-free pre- gland.’ For reasons that are not understood, the capacity
cursors of DL-3-hydroxybutyrate, are potential substrates for of peripheral tissues to utilize physiologic ketone bodies is
intravenous nutrition. decreased in diabetes. However, this is probably the only
Because of the life-threatening aspects of diabetic ketoac- real case of intolerance to ketone bodies.
idosis, ketone bodies are most often viewed as harmful com- Although ketone bodies are good fuels for peripheral tis-
pounds: their presence in body fluids is to be minimized. In sues, they are also strong acids that cannot be administered
fact, physiologic ketone bodies, i.e., acetoacetate and D-3- in the free form. Infusing ketone bodies as sodium salts
hydroxybutyrate, are water-soluble forms of fat that are very would result in a dangerous sodium overload. In addition,
well used by peripheral tissues, except in diabetes.’ Also, acetoacetic acid and its salt are unstable, decomposing spon-
nondiabetic animals can be administered a very large fraction taneously to acetone and CO2 .8 This nonenzymatic decompo-
of their caloric requirement as ketone bodies without marked sition is catalyzed by free amino groups in proteins.
accumulation in body fluids and without acidosis.3.4 Even It has been proposed’ that D-3-hydroxybutyric acid be
pigs, which have a congenital defect in HMG-CoA synthase administered as a mixture of basic amino acid salts (with
(a key liver mitochondrial enzyme involved in ketone body arginine and lysine). However, the administration of a large
production5), are able to rapidly metabolize large doses of amount of these salts might interfere with the transport of

other amino acids across the blood-brain barrier. In addition, of these esters could be useful for the nutrition of trauma and burn
it is probably not advisable to administer large amounts of patients. These conditions are associated with very low ketosis,
arginine or lysine to patients suffering from hepatic and/or presumably because of the hypermetabolic status of the liver.
renal pathologies. Under these conditions, the citric acid cycle in the liver can accom-
The first acceptable form for administering large amounts of modate most of the carbon processed through fatty acid P-oxida-
ketone bodies was presented by Birkhahn et al.,“’ who described tion, resulting in minimal ketogenesis. In the final analysis, keto-
the synthesis of the monoester of glycerol and acetoacetate, re- genesis represents simply a spillover of carbon that cannot be
ferred to as monoacetoacetin. Esterification of acetoacetic acid processed by the liver citric acid cycle. In trauma and bum patients,
ensures its stability. Monoacetoacetin, which is water soluble, whose peripheral tissues are insulin resistant, the ketone body
is hydrolyzed by plasma, tissue, and digestive esterases.” This esters would provide to peripheral tissues a water-soluble form of
hydrolysis yields glycerol, which is used by the liver and kidney energy that does not require insulin for its metabolism.
for gluconeogenesis. It also yields acetoacetic acid, which is imme- Another potential use of ketone body esters administered
diately neutralized to acetoacetate, a physiologic fuel. Monoace- enterally is the treatment of intractable epilepsy by therapeu-
toacetin can be safely infused in normal and burned rats and exerts tic ketosis.‘7,‘8 Many children whose epileptic seizures are
a nitrogen-sparing effect in burned rats.‘2.‘3 not controlled by a combination of drugs are treated by the
To increase the caloric density per osmol of monoacetoacetin, so-called “ketogenic diet,” a high-fat diet. This diet is de-
Birkhahn et al.’ synthesized the triester of glycerol and acetoace- signed to induce and maintain a constant degree of ketosis,
tate. Since this triester is not very soluble in water, they sought which, in some cases and for unknown reasons, inhibits sei-
to increase its solubility and caloric density by reducing it with zure activity. Since the presence of carbohydrates in the diet
hydrogen to the triester of glycerol and DL-3-hydroxybutyrate. The inhibits ketogenesis from long-chain fatty acids, the keto-
equivalent monoester was also synthesized. The hydrolysis of genie diet contains very few, if any, carbohydrates. For this
these esters yields glycerol and racemic DL-3-hydroxybutyrate. reason, it is often not well accepted by the patients. We
The D-moiety (also called R-3-hydroxybutyrate) is the physiologic hypothesize that some of the ketone body esters could be
ketone body that equilibrates with acetoacetate via mitochondrial used in epileptic children together with an almost normal
D-3-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase. The L-moiety is not a physi- diet containing carbohydrates. The production of ketone bod-
ologic compound; however as a CoA ester, it is one of the final ies from these esters occurs by either simple hydrolysis or
intermediates of fatty acid P-oxidation. L-3-hydroxybutyrate (also via liver alcohol dehydrogenase. These processes are not
called S-3-hydroxybutyrate) is well used by the livert4 and periph- inhibited by carbohydrates. The inclusion of these ketone
eral tissues.‘” Although it is “nonphysiologic,” L-3-hy- body esters in the children’s diet may facilitate the dietary
droxybutyrate is metabolized to the same intermediates and end- management of their epileptic condition.
products as D-3_hydroxybutyrate, i.e., acetyl-CoA, CO,, and lipids. The mechanisms by which ketone bodies inhibit seizure activ-
Metabolism of L-3-hydroxybutyrate starts by mitochondrial activa- ity are not understood. It is not clear whether the active agent is
tion to L-3-hydroxybutyryl-CoA (the intermediate of fatty acid /?- acetoacetate, D-3-hydroxybutyrate, or acetone (resulting from the
oxidation), which is then converted to acetoacetyl-CoA and then spontaneous decomposition of acetoacetate). It is therefore not
to acetyl-CoA.‘4 (clear whether the nutritional treatment of epileptic seizures would
Birkhahn et al.’ infused rats for 7 d with the mono- or triglycer- be optimized by ketone body esters that yield a mostly reduced
ide of m_-3-hydroxybutyrate at one-half of their caloric require- form of ketone bodies (glycerol-tri-m-3-hydroxybutyrate, glyc-
ment. Control rats were infused with glucose or saline. No obvious erol-tri-D-3-hydroxybutyrate, or DL-1,3-butanediol-DL-3-hydroxy-
toxicity from the ketone body esters was detected after 7 d. Isoca- butyrate), a mostly oxidized form of ketone bodies (glycerol
loric amounts of ketone body esters and of glucose had similar triacetoacetate), or a mixture of reduced and oxidized ketone
nitrogen-sparing effects compared with saline infusion. Thus, bodies (DL-1,3-butanediol diacetoacetate, or a mixture of the
these esters show good potential for parenteral nutrition. above esters). The availability of the various forms of ketone
The preparation of a nonionized, water-soluble form of ketone body esters should allow this question to be resolved in properly
bodies has also b&en sought by other groups. Desrochers et alI5 controlled clinical trials.
synthesized the mono- and diester of m-3-butanediol and either
acetoacetate or m-3-hydroxybutyrate. These compounds, after HENRI BRUNENGRABER, MD, PHD
metabolism of the diol moiety in the liver, are converted to a Department of Nutrition
mixture of D- and L-3-hydroxybutyrate. The 1,3-butanediol-ketone Case Western Reserve University
body esters can be infused to anesthesized, hypoglycemic dogs at Cleveland, OH 44106
up to 90% of their caloric requirements without marked ketosis.4
They also partially alleviate the symptoms of insulin-induced hy- REFERENCES
poglycemia in conscious dogsI Leverve et al. (personal commu-
nication) synthesized the triester of glycerol and D-3-hydroxybu- 1. Birkhahn RH, McCombs C, Clemens R, Hubbs J. Potential of
tyrate. To ensure the physiologic stereochemistry of the hydroxy- the monoglyceride and triglyceride of m-3-hydroxybutyrate for
butyrate moiety, they developed an elegant but complicated (and parenteral nutrition: synthesis and preliminary biological testing in
probably costly) synthesis procedure. One has to balance the phys- the rat. Nutrition 1997;13:213
iologic character of all hydrolysis products of glycerol-D-3- 2. Balasse EO, F&y F. Ketone body production and disposal: effects
hydroxybutyrate with the potentially high cost of its production. of fasting, diabetes, and exercise. Diabetes Metab 1989;Rev. 5:247
In contrast, the esters that yield racemic DL-3-hydroxybutyrate ‘J’ 3. Desrochers S, Dubreuil P, Brunet J, et al. Metabolism of R,S-
1,3-butanediol acetoacetate esters, potential parenteral and enteral
can be made in large amounts at a relatively low cost.
nutrients in conscious pigs. Am J Physiol 1995;268:E660
The above discussion concentrates on esters that could be used 4. Ciraolo ST, Previs SF, Agarwal KC, et al. Model of extreme hypo-
for intravenous feeding. One should also take into account that glycemia in dogs made ketotic with (R,S ) - 1,3-butanediol acetoace-
some of these esters, including those that are poorly water soluble, tate esters. Am J Physiol 1995;269 (Endocrinol Metab 32):E67
could be used for enteral feeding, either orally or via nasogastric 5. DuCe PH, Pegorier JP, Quant PA, Herbin C, Kohl C, Guard J.
tube. A combination of intravenous and nasogastric administration Hepatic ketogenesis in newborn pigs is limited by low mitochon-

drial 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA synthase activity. Biochem tate: a ketone body-carbohydrate substrate for parenteral feeding
J 1994;298:207 of the rat. J Nutr 1979; 109: 1168
Pate1 MS, Owen OE. Development and regulation of lipid synthesis 13. Maiz A, Moldawer LL, Bistrian BR, Birkhahn RH, Long CL,
from ketone bodies in the rat brain. J Neurochem 1977;28: 109 Blackbum GL. Monoacetoacetin and protein metabolism during
Buckley BM, Williamson DH. Acetoacetyl-CoA synthetase; a lipo- parenteral nutrition in burned rats. Biochem J 1985;226:43
genie enzyme in rat tissues. FEBS Lett 1975;60:7 14. Lincoln BC, Des Rosiers C, Brunengraber H. Metabolism of (S)-
3-hydroxybutyrate in the perfused rat liver. Arch Biochem Biophys
Pederson KJ. The ketonic decomposition of beta-carboxylic acids.
J Am Chem Sot 1929;51:2098 15. Desrochers S, Quinze K, Dugas K, et al. (R,S)-1,3-butanediol
Beylot M, Chassard D, Chambrier C, et al. Metabolic effects of acetoacetate esters, potential alternates to lipid emulsions for total
D-P-hydroxybutyrate infusion in septic patients: inhibition of lipol- parenteral nutrition. J Nutr Biochem 1995;6:111
ysis and glucose production, but not of leucine oxidation. Crit Care 16. Singh JV, Hazey JW, Chandar G, Bomont C, David F, Brunen-
Med 1994;22:1091 graber H. Model of ketotic hypoglycemia and hypolactatemia in
10. Birkhahn RH, Border JR. Intravenous feeding of the rat with short- conscious dogs (abstract 1358). FASEB J 1996; lO:A236
chain fatty acid esters. II. Monoacetoacetin. Am J Clin Nutr 17. Kinsman SL, Freeman JM. Efficacy of the ketogenic diet for intrac-
1978;31:436 table seizure disorders: 58 cases. Epilepsy 1992; 33: 1132
11. Sun Q. Birkhan R. Monoacetoacetin hydrolysis in the rat (abstract). 18. Rothner AD. The management of intractable epilepsy in children.
FASEB J 1993;7:A413 Int Pediatr 199 1;6:261
12. Birkhahn RH, McMenamy RH, Border JR. Monoglyceryl acetoace- PI1 SO899-9007(96)00409- 1

Inherent Plant Toxins

Inherent plant toxins are naturaUy occurring compounds associ- tally active compounds, we need to know which plant toxins
ated with adverse health effects in laboratory animals, livestock, occur in plant genera, species, strains, or varieties and what
or man. Some of these compounds in food plants also show their toxic effects are for mammals including humans.
protective health effects in mammals. A well-known example of For many years, plant toxins remained a somewhat neglected
this is the group of glucosinolates found in Brussicaceue, such as area in scientific circles. In the last decade, a turn in scientific
cabbage, Brussels sprout, and rapeseed. Glucosinolates can be attitude has become perceptible. Internationally, the concern
hydrolized to vinyloxazolidones, thio-, and isothiocyanates, which about the possible risk of inherent plant toxins interfering with
cause toxic effects in mammals (hepatoxicity, thyrotoxicity, and human health is increasing. This is reflected by actions taken
mutagenicity). On the other hand, protection against genotoxic by international bodies such as the European Union, World
and carcinogenic effects of other compounds were found to be Health Organization, Food and Agricultural Organization, In-
associated with certain (indole) glucosinolates. ternational Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, the Interna-
The function of inherent plant toxins has been the subject tional Life Sciences Institute, and the Nordic Working Group
of much speculation. One of the functions ascribed to them is on Food Toxicology of the Nordic Council of Ministers. These
acting as a defense mechanism against attack by herbivores actions include exploration of data needed for risk assessment,
(e.g., insects) and pathogens. There is an extensive literature stimulation of research to provide these data, and research dedi-
demonstrating the deterrent and/or toxic nature of these com- cated to the question of what type of regulation is necessary
pounds for such organisms (phytoalexins). Some specific ex- and how to deal with the safety evaluation of inherent plant
amples suggest that a protective role against insects could be toxins. In general, data on toxicologic properties and the occur-
their primary function, but in most cases one can only speculate rence of inherent plant toxins, essential for safety assessment,
on which of the many possible evolutionary pressures have are limited. Nevertheless, some data are currently available for
played a major role in selecting for high levels of biologically certain groups of plant components, e.g., glycoalkaloids and
active compounds. For flavonoids and glucosinolates, physio- furocoumarins. For these toxins, the actual intake levels are
logic roles in plants have been established, e.g., color and hor- very close to the adverse-effect levels for humans. Conse-
monal regulation. In the scientific field of plant-breeding tech- quently, there is a very small margin of safety. Comparing
nology, much is still unknown about the function of plant tox- inherent plant toxins with other categories of compounds such
ins. Because of the speculation, some experts in plant breeding as food additives, pesticides, and even environmental contami-
and selection refer to these compounds as secondary plant me- nants makes it obvious that essential gaps in our knowledge
tabolites. It is important to realize that changes in levels of plant exist when assessing the safety of plant toxins.
toxins may have potential consequences for other properties of The application of new food technology, new breeding and
the plant product. Likewise, modification of plant properties selection methods, and modem molecular genetic techniques
may lead to toxicologic implications. Since they are biologi- reinforces our need for toxicologic knowledge of inherent plant

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