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THR couples staying in the marriage for the sake of their children (Marriage,children)
2. THW criminalise climate change denial (Environment)
3. TH, as minorities, would boycott the oscars (Minorities)
4. THR the dominant narrative of good vs evil in children’s literature (children)
5. In underdeveloped countries, THW allow corporations to use child labor on the condition
that they provide the children with education (Children, Development)
6. In patriarchal societies, THW actively encourage a culture of chivalry to achieve gender
equality (Feminism)
7. THBT social media platforms should not censor discriminatory opinions (Media)
8. THW not use imagery of extreme suffering of women or children to promote the feminist
agenda (Media, Feminism)
9. THBT development aid should be conditional on the improvement of women’s welfare
(Development, Feminism)
10. THW ban art that glorifies criminality (Art)
11. Assuming feasibility, THW create soldiers without the sense of pain (hypothetical)
12. THW mandate refugees to return to their home states post conflict resolution (IR)
13. THR the culture of taking offense
14. THR admission processes in India which solely rely on ranks in entrance exams
15. In countries with subsidized tertiary education, THW mandate individuals who studied in
public universities to pay back the full cost of their education if they accept job offers
outside their home country (Education)
16. THBT it is legitimate to use unethical means (including but not limited to lying, vote
buying and bribery) to push for progressive legislation (Social)
17. THR important roles in movies not being portrayed by their native actor (Minorities)
18. This House believes that less-developed countries should abandon the war on drugs in
favour of legalization.
19. THBT professional athletes who have been convicted of violent crimes (including
assault, domestic abuse, rape, etc) should be banned for life.
20. THW allow prisoners to volunteer for drug trials in return for a lower prison sentence
21. THW ban the research of Artificial Intelligence
22. A farmer's child falls into a deep borewell on his father's land. Rescue operations require
the digging up of the land which would irreversibly damage the only source of income for
a large family. 72 hours into the rescue ops, no contact has been established with the
child. The father pleads with the authorities to stop the operations to avoid further
damage to his field, saying he has given up hope of ever seeing his son. THBT the state
should stop the rescue operations.
23. THBT Western feminists should not get involved in the battles of women in Muslim
24. THBT decisions about sportspersons' participation should be made by independent
medical professionals in all injury-related incidents
25. THBT the state should actively suppress research into technologies that seek to replace
human laborers
26. THBT the death penalty has no place in modern democratic societies
27. THBT in war zones, war-journalists have a moral obligation to actively assist vulnerable
28. THBT the feminist movement has failed the African American movement (women).
29. This house would impose a male privilege tax.
30. THW allow employees to sign a non-marriage/non-pregnancy contract with their
employers in exchange of higher wages.
31. ASSUMING FEASIBILITY: In cases of heinous crimes, THW allow criminals to choose
re-living the pain of their victims over capital punishment.
32. THBT under equity law, the state would investigate allegations of gender-based
discrimination despite lack of evidence.
33. In conservative societies, THBT feminists should appoint male feminist in a leadership
34. THBT liberal democracies should allow religious communities to implement their own
family laws, including but not limited to marriage, inheritance, child custody and
35. TH prefers a world where the government is run only by individuals within the 25-40 age
36. THBT we should abandon the pursuit of a "one true love".
37. THW make failure to disclose cosmetic surgery as grounds for filing for fault divorce
38. THR the rise of women who claim not to be feminist.
39. THW teach children to prioritise winning over sportsmanship.
40. THBT all sexual offences on varsity campuses should only be handled by the police.
41. THW give prisoners a right to continue living in prison after completing their sentence.
42. THBT the Olympics should ban manoeuvres in sports that are considered too risky or
43. THBT States should offer subsidies to political parties during election campaigns
proportional to the number of female candidates they put up.
44. TH, as the Indian Feminist Movement, will endorse Kali as a prominent Feminist icon.
45. TH supports vote bank politics.
46. THW prefer to live in a world where individual successes and failures were seen as
consequences of random events as opposed to an individual’s personal choices.
47. This house believes that the creation of feminist icons and their cults of personality are
good for the feminist movement.
48. This House supports academic tracking in primary and secondary education.
49. This House believes that sexually assertive female pop stars identifying as feminists is
harmful for feminism.
50. This House Supports the use of tiger parenting techniques.
51. Blind voting = you state your political preferences and a party is matched to you according to
your preferences Motion: This house would introduce Blind Voting.
52. THW Ban Children From Becoming Professional Models.
53. This house would ban video games in which the player engages in brutal and immoral
violence in a realistic setting.
54. This house would close all tuition centers and “after-school” cram schools.
55. This house would give incentives to women to participate in the military forces.
56. This House believes that early childhood education in schools should undermine traditional
gender roles.
57. This House believes that sporting bodies should penalise teams when their players commit
criminal acts off the field.
58. 1) THBT as the king, you would adopt progressive women's/feminist rights in Saudi
Arabia. New foreign min of Sweden decided not to sell arms till saudi adopted
progressive foreign policy.
59. 2) TH as Syria, will denounce its relations with Russia. Syria->Russia.
60. 3) TH would actively fund the Anonymous group in its attack against Donald trump.
61. 4) Th will ban the celebration of martyrs.
62. 5) Thbt non democratic nations must not have voting rights in international
63. 6) Thbt the Indian gov should auction street names to the highest bidder.
64. 7) You're an environmental scientist. THBT you should reject idea of corporate funding
for your research.
65. 8) You're a migrant of a family seeking a better life that moved to the west from a
developing country. You've the opportunity to go back to be part of it's emerging
economy. THBT you should stay in the west.
66. 9) THBT JK Rowling should've made Dumbledore's character come out of the closet in
the books.
67. 10) THW pay the militaries of other states to fight our battles.
68. 11) TH would nationalise all systemically important financial institutions such as banks
and insurance companies.
69. 12) you're a prominent NASA scientist leading a mars expedition. An astronaut was
accidentally left behind. You can choose to stage a rescue mission but will use up funds
intended for colonization. Earth is uninhabitable in the foreseeable future. The media
relays everything transparently. TH will initiate rescue.
70. 13)TH regrets the commoditization of indigenous cultures.
71. 14) THBT prominent civil rights activists should choose not to run for public offices.
72. 15) THBT all government aid should be directed to programs that demonstrate the
highest ratio of lives saved to cost.
73. 16) THW convict promoters of heavily indebted companies who continue to flaunt their
wealth, for endangering the economy.
74. 17) THBT feminists should actively campaign against the decriminalization and/or
celebration of sex work and pornography.
75. 18) THBT the (continued) development of artificial intelligence is a curse upon humanity.
76. 19) THBT professional comedians should not be restrained by societal standards of
77. 20) THBT Vladimir Putin is good for Russia.
78. 21) Theme: I'm sexy and I know it. This house as a liberal Government would ban
79. 22) TH would abolish all patents.
80. 23) TH as NaMo would support Baloch nationalism.
81. 24) TH rejects the concept of creative compensation.
82. 25) TH would prefer to live in a world where personal success and failures are seen as a
cons equence of random factors rather than personal choice.
83. 26) In a world where all drugs are normalized, TH would ban narcotics.
84. 27) THS filial responsibility laws.
85. 28) THW mandate newspapers to dedicate a proportion of their publications to rural
issues(both print and online).
86. 29) THW break up large media houses.
87. 30) THR the rise of news comedy.
88. 31) THBT black civil rights groups should condemn contemporary hip hop.
89. 32) THW allow negative voting.
90. 33) THBT we should allow employees to give up workplace rights for higher wages.
91. 34) THBT facebook should proactively suppress extremist content.
92. 35) THBT the receipt of family benefits should be conditional on taking long term
93. 36) THBT welfare receiving students performing well academically should receive bonus
94. 37) THBT parents should receive extra votes per child in elections.
95. 38) TH as the pope would abolish the requirement for clerical celibacy.
96. 39) THBT parents should teach their children that life has no intrinsic meaning.
97. 40) THBT we should abolish detention without trials for suspected terrorists.
98. 41) THBT we should abolish the imposition of custodial sentences on young offenders
(debate not in India).
99. 42) THBT civilian victims of war on terror should be compensated.
100. 43) THBT the state should cease funding for all programs designed to preserve
dying languages.
101. 44) THBT Black Lives Matter should adopt a strategy of tempered political
moderation as opposed to aggressive unapologetic and confrontational approaches to
achieve their outcomes.
102. 45) THW extend labour rights to those in prison manufacturing.
103. 46) THBT the state should produce porn to combat stereotypes.
104. 47) THW ban satirical caricatures of all religious symbols, deities or entities
within the press.
105. 48) A sunset clause is a legal measure that provides that the Law in which it is
contained shall expire after a specific date unless further action is taken to extend it.
THBT Statesshould adopt sunset clauses that legally force them to review and either
reauthorize or revise their Constitutions every generation.
106. 49) THBT we would prefer a world with only one language.
107. 50) THBT it is unethical to bring a new child into this world.
108. 51) It is far into the future. Earth is no longer habitable and the human race is
about to be extinguished. We're sending thousands of embryos frozen in wombs to a
liveable planet. Accompanying are robots programmed to develop, raise and protect and
educate new children in the planet. TH would program the robots to hide the existence of
past human life.
109. 52) Assuming the existence of technology that allows individuals to seamlessly
transition from one race to the other, THW ban the use of it.
110. 53) THW mandate that media houses hire a minimum number of key
personnel(anchors, editors, etc) who hold political views that differ from their own.
111. 54) In post war societies, THBT states should craft a national narrative devoid of
race and ethnicity.
112. 55) THW criminalise alcohol consumption in rural areas where a majority of
women vote in favour of the move.
113. 56) THBT states should be liable to pay damages to victims of crimes committed
by parolees on probation.
114. 57) THW prosecute corporations that profit from public promises and claims that
they didn't fulfil.

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