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Natural Gas in Oil

Answer the questions according to the reading.

Often the oil contains natural gas. It is dissolved in the oil because of the high
pressure deep underground. When the drill penetrates the oil-bearing layer this
pressure is released. It provides a tremendous thrust and may be sufficient to bring
all the oil to the surface. If the gas pressure is not sufficient a pumping station must
be built to bring up the oil. This increases the cost of the drilling operation. In its
natural 'crude' state oil consists of a mixture of various substances called
hydrocarbons. These substances must be separated according to their densities,
and purified. This process is called refining.

1. It is clear in the passage that ----.

A) hydrocarbons are the constituents of natural gas

B) refining is the process of separating natural gas and oil
C) when the oil is brought to the surface, it's in its natural state
D) substances should be separated from natural gas
E) the higher the pressure is, the more it costs to drill

2. Oil ----.

A) is the remnants of the pre-historic plants and animals

B) may be brought to the surface without a pumping station
C) contains not only natural gas, but also many other constituents
D) that is mixed with natural gas is more expensive than the crude
E) should be distilled underground

3. It could be drawn out of the passage that ----.

A) natural gas in oil makes it harder to drill

B) refining is the act of removing unwanted substances from the oil
C) as soon as the pumping station is founded, distilling starts
D) crude oil is mixed with only natural gas
E) natural gas is much cheaper than oil

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