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Review of RadioBio

Creator Dig deep into the RadioBio is a group of graduate students of the UC
creator of the Merced’s. There are many graduate students involved
outreach. Specifically, and about 10 alumni that used to be involved in the
who are the people program.
responsible and what
is their position in
Intended Who do you think the I would say intended audience are people that have a
Audience intended audience for solid background in biology and some background in
the outreach? physics and chemistry. From the podcasts that I listened
to, I gathered that not many people that are not in
scientific field can understand topics covered in pos.

Outreach What do you think are RadioBio is a podcast where UC Merced biology
Goals the goals for the social graduate students talk with scientists about biological
media outreach? T systems, from molecules to ecosystems.

Key Features What are some key I was amazed that even though I would not understand
features that you most of what was talked about, the communicators
notice? succeed in maintaining my attention and interest.

Successful Why do you think this It has addressed some very interesting topics for todays
outreach has been world. I think the only thing that can be seen as a
successful? disadvantage of this outreach is that is not applicable to
a range of audience, but rather to a specific one that
possess knowledge in science.

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