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This project would not be made possible without the help and guidance of our

Almighty Father, who conveyed our group adequate knowledge, sufficient vigor and

bravery to face innovative and peculiar defy during the entire course of this project. Our

never-ending thanks to Almighty Father the most High for the love and care he

showered upon us.

Our genuine gratitude to our beloved parents for always supporting us physically,

mentally, emotionally and financially in regards to this venture. Warmth thanks for

entrusting to us their confidence and understanding not only in times of need but in

everyday of our lives. They used to complain that we are getting too sovereign and

matured; however, we live in the ideology that letting go of their children is the hardest

part of being a parent. Though it is not easy for us to acknowledge the fact that we are

getting old bit by bit, we have to separate from them in order to understand the true

essence of being a human, and still our love for them remains the same. To our dear

parents, rest guaranteed that what we are doing right now will serve as a stepping stone

towards a philosophical future and sagacious life, and that is being a nurse.


Pregnancy is an exciting time in any parent’s life. it’s a time of change, growth,

discovery and a lot of questions. One of the most important factors of having a healthy

baby is the mother’s health especially during the 9 months where the child’s

development has already started. The mother’s nutrition, activity etc. greatly affect the

developing fetus inside her womb such that any move could put the child at risk

resulting to abnormalities, poor health or even death to the precious being anytime or

even during pregnancy if mother’s health is being taken for granted.

Complications may occur at any time during pregnancy and can result from pre-

existing maternal medical problems or from the pregnancy itself. Early and consistent

prenatal care results in improved fetal and maternal outcomes, regardless of

complications that may occur. One of these complications, threatened abortion is a

condition of pregnancy, occurring before the 20 th week of gestation, that suggests

potential miscarriage may take place.

Approximately 20% of pregnant women experience some vaginal bleeding, with

or without abdominal cramping, during the first trimester. This is known as a threatened

abortion. However, most of these pregnancies go on to term with or without treatment.

Threatened abortion is a term used for vaginal bleeding and symptoms that

suggest that a woman is at an increased risk of miscarriage during the first 3 months or

20 weeks of pregnancy. While some women have bleeding in early pregnancy, a

woman may or may not miscarry. Early-pregnancy bleeding can originate from the

uterus, cervix, vagina, or the external genital area. In many cases, the cause of the

bleeding is due to minor condition that requires no treatment. Possible causes of

bleeding include the implantation of the embryo, infection, irritation which may occur

after intercourse, miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, and molar pregnancy.

According to the Filipino cancer registry annual report, cervical cancer is the

second most common malignancy and is the most common cause of cancer-related

mortality among Filipino women. Although considered as a preventable disease, the

burden of cervical cancer in the Philippines remains to be moderately high, where the

cost of nationwide organized cytology screening has been a significant limitation. In a

country where existing health infrastructure is not sufficiently developed to support

cytology-based screening program, the use of alternative screening modalities, such as

visual inspection of the cervix aided by acetic acid (VIA) with or without magnification, is

currently under evaluation. In addition, prophylactic Human Papillomavirus (HPV)

vaccination for the prevention of infection and related disease is being considered as an

additional cervical cancer control strategy.

Cervical cancer is the term for a malignant neoplasm arising from cells

originating in the cervix uteri. One of the most common symptoms of cervical cancer is

abnormal vaginal bleeding, but in some cases there may be no obvious symptoms until

the cancer has progressed to an advanced stage. Treatment usually consists of surgery

(including local excision) in early stages, and chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy in more

advanced stages of the disease.

During our duty in the OB ward at Ospital ng Palawan (ONP), I decided to take

the case of Mommy Chef in which she was diagnosed with threatened abortion with

cervical mass because I would like to have a deeper understanding about this condition

so that I could render the care the patient needed to arrive with a good prognosis.

Management should therefore always be based on appropriate clinical judgment. I

would like to apply all the things that we have learned through our lectures for the

benefit of the patient and to enhance my skills as well.

I hope that this case study will enable us, student nurses to better understanding

about the disease process that will be more sensitive in attending to the patient’s need.

For the community, I hope that this will increase the level of awareness among the

members of the community so that it could help in the prevention of further pregnancy




This case study aims that the students and the readers will gain knowledge and further

understanding about Cervical Mass (Cancer) - Threatened Abortion

Specific to be able to:

1. Establish rapport with our client including her family members

2. Gather all necessary information regarding her and her family members as may be

related to our case study

3. Ascertain client’s past and present health history

4. Trace her genogram or family tree

5. Trace the development data of the client

6. Perform physical assessment on client’s condition so as to attain baseline data

7. Present the definitions of the complete diagnosis that would explain the illness of our


8. Study the anatomy and physiology of female reproductive system

9. Trace the Pathophysiology of Cervical Mass (Cancer) - Threatened Abortion

10. Determine the diagnostic tests our client has undergone including their implications

and nursing responsibilities

11. Identify the drugs prescribed to our client, their action, side effects, indications,

contraindications and nursing responsibilities

12. Identify and prioritize the need of our patient

13. Formulate an appropriate nursing care plan based on the assessment

identify needs and problems of the patient

14. Render health teachings as part of our holistic care to alleviate problems identified

15. Evaluate complications to nursing practice, education and research


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