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Look at the earth here! How pretty everything is! Look at the grass and the trees, the flowers
and all the animals. Can you pick out the elephant and the lions?

How did this beautiful garden come to be? Well, let`s see how God got the earth ready for us.

First, God made green grass to cover the land. And he made all kinds of small plants and
bushes and trees. These growing thinks help to make the earth pretty. But they do more than
that. Many of them also give us foods that taste very good.

God later made fish to swim in the water and birds to fly in the sky. He made dogs and cats
and horses; big animals and small animals. What animals live near your home? Shouldn`t we
be glad that God made all these things for us?

Finally, God made one part of the earth a very special place. He called this place the garden of
Eden. It was just perfect. Everything about it was beautiful. And God wanted the whole earth
to be come just like this pretty garden he had made.

But look at the picture of this garden again. Do you know what God saw that was missing?
Let`s see.

Genesis 1:11-25; 2:8, 9

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