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InfoPath and workflow to create and add new items to a child list

Final Parent List Column settings.

NOTE: Add Extra Child column created after publishing the workflow do not add it to the list columns.

Child List column settings

Infopath Forms

3 Page Views are Created:

Default Edit form:

First rule will check if adding additional Child Item and will switch the view

Second Rule will reset all the child item fields for new entry
On Button Click has Action submit and switch views
2nd View has the same form as the first one but we are locking item title and item Description and
changing the text on the button.

Right click on the title and select Text Box Properties

Did the same for Parent Description Multi line text box.

Rule added to the “Add Child” button to submit data and switch view to Thank You
3rd view is just thank you page – plain text.

After all forms created, publish and close InfoPath

In SharePoint Designer open the site where you are storing your lists
Click on your Parent list and create new SP 2013 Workflow give it a name (mine is Add Extra Child)
Your workflow will have stage created

Click in the workflow and type “Create” you will get an option to create Item in a list

Click on “this list” and in the window select your “Child List”

Populate all the fields including ParentID

Click on Workflow Settings in the Ribbon and select all the options in Start (I usually keep manual
start checked for testing purposes).
Publish your Workflow.
Go to your Parent List and Add new Parent Item and Child Item.
Edit the same item and add another child.

I added Action to the list – “Add Extra Child” this action will open up the Parent Item in Edit mode.

The form is below with Parent Item fields locked.

Final Result

Parent List
Child List

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