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Mentatison, Incomroreted (Chapter Seven, Derioasieation ‘Three: People Reading Plus Chapter Eight, Demonstration Four: Looks Galore. Chapter Nine, Demousttation Five Anything Can Be Learned, ‘Chapter Ten, My Closer: Final Forecast Hickoi’s Way-Ahead Envelope Chapter Hleven, My Disclaimer ppler Twelve, Three Bonus Demonstrations, Bonus Demonstration One: Learning The Almost Impossible Bois Dec atiun Tour Slay of Mind Bonus Demonstration Three: ‘Mega-Memory Miracle. Mega-Meory Kicker Appondis Tem |: Confirmation Letter em 2 Pres nfation Requirements Ite 3: Intrvduetion tear 4: Checklist tena 5: “Linstein’s Demise” Handout liom 6: “Leaming the Almost Lapossible” Handout . hen 7: Certificate Kent 8: Books urd Supplies 19 140 159 Fonaword Foreword By Barrie Richardson Yours ubout ta read a unique work, This bock differs Hom ether books on nventalismn and magic m four ways, First ofall, there ate only a few books uut of te thou sands published that are Focused on detuiled descrint of eommersial acts that have boon proven te he wuccessfil for corporate eves, Second, sn this book Chuck Hickok aor only describes. the actin grexe detail, but he also reviews al the small de= tails char professionals are most concord with iF they ate 0 consistently deliver a quality performance, Qualiyy is not an avcident, Chuck Hickok: pinpoinss step, beh lags and sinll, For exanple, he diseusses seleéting und choosing presentations that are approprive fe spee und thi are als in hoemeay with you snd petsona. This is arcly discussed in books on mentalism. Thave never read a bouk Una lakes time to explain the irmraance of such things asthe sizeof props and the siguificanve oF physical positioning of the Mentalicom, Inearpornted participants on the platform, He does not just make bis Points: he spells them out in prsctieal and precise fashion. ‘The third way that the book differ in many ways valuable as the routines he outlines is i his catty Chap (ers on presentaifon and showmanship. This material could stand alone, and the adviee he gives is relevant and in tmensely helpful to anyone who is going to muke w pu preseniation, whether he or she uses mestal stunts oF not The Fourth way this boek differs (ton traditional books ‘on mentalism is that the aet Chuck Iliekek describes is not justa series of modest mentel miracles,” but rather a pre- sentation that has a message, The eflects become Ways deepen the points he wants to communicate, and he this with wood humor and re intimation thet he hs pov: formal powers. Rather, he and everyone in attendance ate, for 45 minutes, celebrating the astonishing mental capaci ties that we all have. Wo is Chuck Hickok? Why is he an authority in this area? ‘Chuck (Tiokok has for over 25 years been a professional trainer and developer of leaders for organiations, both public and private. He (s a skilled und chariaing platform speaker: The frst time | saw him perform several years ayis at a PEA. ‘evavention, I recall thinking to myself oly tice anisnate to dis program, that Chuck Hickok did tal need any magical or mental demonstrations. His vitality, wt, anu! happy demeanor, aleng with his ability to cornmunicate ideas with eamestaess, made me vin 19 lisen and lear. 1 unmediately thoughs 1 vould ike to know this man better ‘My first impressions were comrert Foreword This is a book for people who want to learn how fo presen’ a piograim that will inspive, entertain, and generate happy customers. Bartie Richardson August 2002 Mentalism, Incerporatect Introduction Introduction ‘The purpose of this book is to advance the art oF mentalism by sharing with you my complete corporate araliset ac | detine mentalism ac a form of entertainment in which Fortier creates the illusion of extraordinary eayni- live ormeatl ailivis, such as perturening raptd pater cal ealculations, remembering every poge in a magazine, influencing another person's ehowwes, discerning a person's ttoughts, moving an ubject by thought slone, and eeu rately predicting upeoming events. be While shereare many Hinebooks of mental effets there: ‘ane very Few books thae describe a complete mentalisin act for corporate audienoes. In this book, you will eam what routines L perform in may corporate act. More importantly, vyou will leasn swhy Jperform my aet the way L do, You will uiso teeeive my full presentations for each routine in my ‘corporate ect Vs mos taking the m ing thom 10 ft my slyle of peeforming. Mos everyting in this book can be traced back to an effect or routine that mnpression on me over the past 20 years of an Sonhane: han a “ereaton” [ enjow thods and ideas of ethor people and resbap- 5 Mentalism, Incorporated Mootaliam is a form of emterisinment that works with y different pertorming sivles. Teall my style of per formning Light Mentalism. 1 introduce my somporste audi ences to “the untapped powers of the human mind.” My demonsirations focus on mental abilities that mast people believe could be real, My presentation is written to be in and infurmative | peefont Light Mentalism because it fits my’ person ality perfectly 1 enjoy telling stories ané thinking oa my fect. T enjoy involving eulienee members in my demon rations. T enjoy laugiter. [ enjoy making every demon Siratien noi only amazing but slso fan, fx rsaay ways, Light ‘Mentatisin lets wry audiences see the real mn Tam uncomfortable with Q & A routines und cold seud ins, Because of poor eyesight, Lalsu slay away Hoan blind Fold routines, While other mentalists excel at these classics ‘of mentalsm, I arm more comfonable with demonstrations that sre more believable and thar maich my personality Regardless af your performing style oresperience level {hope the ideas in this book help you gain a fetter under. stunding of performing mentalist lor corporate audiences, 6 ney Toward Pesormninee Chapter One My Journey Toward Performing 4o help you appreciate the ideas and routines in this book, it might be hefpfl for you to understand how I be- jane o peolessioul mentalist. Unlike inany people, | be- gan performing professionally much later i life. Jn fast, 1 bevame interested in magic much later than most. Thought my firs bock of card effeets at age 35. Within 4 year, | was taking close-up classes from Al Schneider, mnventer of the coin magic classic, “Matrix.” Al was nol oly a very creative magician, but a wonderful teacher as Well, Al chatleaged me to think ahout every aspect of a ‘magic routine. Within 2 shor peviod of time, I began eax perimenting with all the standard props (topes, cbins, cards, 1c) used by close-up performers, By age 40, | was a fit competent anatcur close-up performer About that me, [ performed my fies) mentalism ef lect: Dick Bany’s “Clairvoyant Cassette.” (Aa ungaifed Mentalion, Inewrnorated tandio cassette player is shown, A persen mentally selects| any playing card, When the cassette is played, the audience. hears tie performer's voice mame tye selected curd) Li mediately noticed the strong, impact this effect had on people. I quickly beyan learning as muchas possibly could about mentalis, {eventually asked myself, “Whal causes mentasm :9 have such a stay impacs on people?” The best answer | ame up with is tht many peeple helieved that whet they sav ane do was teal. Some people aetually believed | hed used my special mental abilities to make things happen, This reaction was different from what | expenenced ‘when performing close-up magic. For example, when | performed “Matrix” [talked about making the eains move invisibly fio one luvatiun Wo anodes, “Main” i a very sirong routine, The sieights are undetectable. People were amazed. But, when “Matrix” was over, very few people believed 1 had the ubility to make the eins move invisibly Even if they were entertained and amazed, most left be- laeving that what they had witnessed was skeight of hand or other deception. Less than one percent af the people left wondering, “How didhe make theevins become invisible?” Compare that experience with this simple demonstra tia of telepathy. 1 begin by calkiny about the possiblity mind-to-mind communication, 1 then ask @ person to sed me telepathically the name ofa good frend. When 1 cor reully ammounce the fiend’s name, sume people watching this demonstration will belleve that ming-to-mind comm nication has occurred. Ceriaialy, not everyone will believe, A few people will always suspect deception or sicight uf" fhand whenever they watch mentalist But some peuple 8 My Joawmnsy Towne Pexforming ‘will leave wondering, “How in the world dil ne read that person's thoughts” Creating this belet within people became more stima- lating for me then performing close-up magic. I’m rot say ing mentalism is more entertaining then close-up magic, oth canbe very entertaining, There areaudiences for both, | still enjoy performing both. But | find performing men- talism much more challenging and exciting Tn 1989, 1 was acospted into the Psychic Entertainers, Association, « worldwide organization af over 300 people wiv have a passion for mentalism. Many of the d stations in this book were inspired by materials and rou ‘nes crested by PEA members, Mare importantly, the help and suport I received from my friends in the PEA gave me se confadease w begin pertouning profession In 1995, ut the tender age of $2, | cid my first paid corporate meatalism show. It's ard to descrine how ex cited L fell afer that first show. I fulllled one of my per- sonal dreams. Imagine, geting paid to amaze people! With one show under my belt, I begaa marketing my- selfa organizations as a Comprste Entertainer (nota inci tells). Most omy work now comes from coatacting Meet g Plengers end Human Resource Directors, and promis- ing to make their events and meetings mote fun, memo- rable, and amazing, Since 1995, I've presented over 300 shows for organi- sof ull sizes. These suns gave me mimetous oppUT ‘tunities lo discover what routines worked best for me. and ‘wital rantines worked best for enrporate audiences, More Menvaitsm, tncorporated imponantly {also leamed what routines did*t create the reactions | hoped for ‘These shows helped mie to Fine-tune my own unique style for performing mentalism. {discovered that 'm more comnfortable with @ lighter, more conservative approach ts ‘exploring the untapped powers of the human mind ‘The aot deserited in this houk is almost eanpletsly different from the first act I presented in 1995, Only the book test remains, Will my corporate act change much inthe neal ue years {don’t believe it will, Why 90°? These demonstrations work very well for me. Together they ercate a very stiong impres- sion on cosporate audiences. Yet { constantly seurch fot now ‘ways lo make my act more fin and ehienaining, Again, Usineerely hope the ideas and routines in this book help you mote elfectively presen mentalisia to cor porate audiences, Chapter Two Entertainment and Mentalism for Corporate Audiences view myselt as 4 comorate enrenainer who special izes in mentalist, My main mission is to entertain people Mente im is may means to this end, ‘What follow ane questions I reviewed as I developed my corporate mentalism acl, The annawera presented are “ned on my own expetieiives ever the past seven years. Why do corporations hire an entertainer for ever [Entertainers are hired to take people's thoughts away trom their everyday worries and concerns, and offer taem an experience thal is relaving, fun, and enjoyable. Entertain scat iy ofier added to au event as & say of evading or thanking people. Entertamers are hired to make events spe- cial or memorable. My clients want their employces and veils to say, “That vas fan” or “That was great" when my aut is over: Therefore, as an emtercainer, | corstunlly look for ways to make my act enjoyable and fun n Menialism Incomorated Why do corporations bire 4 mentalist? Here are tour reasons why I believe mentalists are hited for an event or ‘meeting, rather than other types af entertainers: Menialism is smazing and unexplainable + Mentalism, when done wel, is fascinating to wateh, Menvalisim allows audience members to share the spotlight. Menvatism isa form ofentertatomnen: that few penple have seen, My clients also want their employees and guests to say, “Ubal was different and amazing" when my set is over Therefore: I strive to make every soutine in eny set intcxest- ing to watch and algo as sing as posible remind myself that Pm an entertainer first... and a mentalist second. [ wact people to relax and enioy each demunstration. [ ayoid the temptation to show ol? I want cach demonstration ts be mere than a puzzle tw figure oul | ware people to laugh. And L want people ta leave arnazee. Achieving all of hese outennies is hard work. Achie ing these outeoines takes more thin a collection ef books but mettalism. 1 suspect miany people reading this book ready are familiar with enough mentalisn ctfeets to per. form several mentalisn shows, strongly encourage anyone who wants to perfirut ineatalism for corporations ty aeguire a basic understanc- ing of theater, comedy, puisbie speaking, and commutes tions. Anplying ideas and insights from these allied dis plires will nike your performance of mentalist mnote ap- pealing and enenaining, 12 lalise jor Cosporane Aackences What kinds of events do corporations bring in a ‘nrentalist to entertain? [ have been hited to perform at Recognition and award dinners Communications meetings Celebrations of incividval, depadtment, and ‘ommpany achievements Meetings and dinners for clion and suppliees Training, conferences and meetings these events has a slightly different purpose. ill be asked to emphasize or reinforce the pir pose of the event during my performance, Laecumplish this by modifying my presentation or pater to include and 12 intone the purpase of the event Ninexy piercer uf he time, Tam the only emterteinorat ‘an eveat | ara asked to perform for a specific period of ‘ime, ranging ‘om 20 to 60 minutes, Is absolutely critical to honor this time eoramitment strictly, Often, my uct is part ofa longer program that mey also involve sort calks by company officials and the pre sentation of awards of gills. If 1 periom for 40 minutes when T've been hired fo perform for 25 minutes, {will an et most of my clients. J always double-check the length of lite 1am te perform witea [arrive atthe event Wirat is the size of « typical corporate audience? Wale mentalists can behired to present mentalism to small, 0495 01 people (close~p menial), Tam hired to present nny uct to everyene ar the event, Meatalism. Incorpareted Audiences range from 20-10 400 people, Many of my corporate audiences arcarounc: 100 people. Aucienes men bersare normally employees or guests of my clients. Some guests may be salued customers, Other guests anay be im portant business partners or suppliers Ikis critical to sefevt (and modify) each demonstration 0 that everyone in the audience can understand, follow, and appreciate what is being presented. ‘What does the typical corporate audicnee expect from # mentalist? Most people don’t kno what to expect from » meatalist. Few people have sen a mentalist por- Form a complete show, This wives mentalistsa great deal oF freedom to create acts that match their performing. styles sand skill levels, A menialist mast select demonstrations that can be pie sented with eonvietion and excitement. The more coar- Favtable you are with eack demonstration in your comporate act, the higher your chances of success as an entertainer. [ have exeated an act thal takes advantage of my publiespes ing and training background, And U've selected demwrsta- lions (hat are more Nelievable because | ean present them ‘convincingly. Other mentalists present demonstrations that fe sttonger or more unbelievable than mine, ‘here ure ‘opporunitics for demenstrations of varying impossibility ‘or impact, But, a8 you plan your corporate act, balance te impact (or amazement value) of each demonsirstion with ity entertainment value, Remember, corporate suilionces expect whatever is presented (o be interesting, fan, and fise-pavsd. They want 1an aot that is enjoyable and anim. Corporate audiences la cond Me tlie for Conpovats tudtonees ‘will become restless i? a mentalism act is slow, boring, or pledicrable, Can a meatalist influence the audience's expecta- tions before the act starts? Yes. | ask my elienis to list or pr or Cor porais Enterisines”” More impontantly, I give my elients the following description to use in their publicity: "Chuck Hickok has traveled the world, helping people better an- essland aud use the untapped powers of the human mind, urpeisee) and amazed by what you sez and ‘unique entertainment experience.” Ninety percent of the time, audience members are expesed to this escription before T perforin, un ws an “Entertainer This description (ells my audience that my act will be {any aua Gilferen, Yet ti SbIL aves Uhem wondering what specifically will happen. This is deliberate. T want people guessing what will happen when | wall on stage. Remember, [am tying to shape audience expectations, Iulsoden’: want people worried or concerned before I start. Therelore, T avoid using the wows “psychi” “ESP,” or ‘mind-eade. believe these words may cause apprehen- sion ip the minds of some stafienee members. T also don’t use mentalist” because mest audience members have never this team, My sell'deseription works Fo ‘and my shove. Yel know this des mentalist ne, Ht macelies ny style ‘ription isn’t approatiate Remember: Since most audience dun’ know waa to expect ofa mentalist, cousides putting lngother a brief clear eseription of you aund your act that tells your ancieuee 15 Montalion, Incarparaied ‘what to expect. Then, encourage your clicuts to use tis description when promoting you and your show: What do corporations expect of a mentalist beyond a great show? [ere are a few other things I've discovered nay clients also expect of me: Be Prenared Clients expect me to confirm all details in writing and to arrive erly enough to be ready to per- form well belors I'm scheduled to star Be Flexible Clients expect me to shorten oF lengthen my ace as their sched tule changes. Be Approachuble Clic talk with people before and aller any act, IF Pm asked witat Ldu, 1 say, “Is a surprise, hat T think you will he amazed." do not por Torm any close-up memalisin be- fore or after my act. Work Clean Profanity doesn’t go over well at most corporate events. Person ally, L avoid sexual and political ures, Work Sate Clients don’t wart material that is shocking or contoversial, ur that arakes fun of people. Work Fast (Clients dow’ want thelr people ‘becoming restless because 4 100 ting is toa long or eomples. 16 Eniertainniont andl Mentatiso for Corporate Auckences low do you develop now material for your corpo rite act? When comsidesing a new demoasir ccomporate act, | go though a two-step process. he first step involves seeking out feedback from Iknovledgeuble peers. To be a successful corporate mental- dete performer mus! be open to feedhack from others. In 1990, | put together a group of “fans of mental” in the ‘Minneapolis-St, Baul area called tie Minnesota Mindi. \We meet monthly to discuss and perfonn menialism. What makes their feedback invaluable to me is that these people understand my style af mentalism. They hove all con my eoeporate aet, They have a solid knowledge of inentalism. Ang a few are ful-time entertainers. So when someone says, "That sucks,” or “That isn’t you,” of “You teen du bottes" Hie o her feedback: means something tome 1 ffustaiing w ceveive this kind of feedback, But in the long ran it has helped me develop new material aster. The seeend siep involves evaluating a live audience's reactions, If offen takes me bebveen three and ten perfor ‘mumces fo detemnine whether a new demonstration comple. eats and strengthens my wel. Many'times I discover I can oma the demonstration effectively, bot the demoasira- tion just doess't generate the audience reaction Thad hoped for, Either it isn’t ac strong as I wanted or it isn't as enter- taining as 1 thought it would be. tn the last five years, 1 have put aside over twenly demonstrations that seemed fetartsining io mie burt failed the “live audienee” test Evaluating my impact on an audience isa very subjec- live process, Ping honest with myselfis AiMicult forme. particulusly when iLinvolves being hopest about something Monnatism, lncomporateat | created or developed. However, the more I perfirm far peuple, the easier it becomes for me co honestly gauge the ‘impact of a new demonstration on an audience. Free shows are a wonderful testiag ground for new rmatenal. [believe inthe mission and purposes of our local United Way. Exch year, T appear 20-30 times as a Unive Way spokesman. At these events, | resiew the mission of Ge United Way and also present & few quick demonswa- tions of mentale. Tonsider myself ta lave truly masicred a new demon: stration when {ave discovered all the mistakes a person ‘could possibly make. The first time T do ¢ new demoasira tiow isn’t uonally my best effert, But by my fiftecnth at leaupl, Enormally have mate most oF my mistakes, These fie showshave been a safe (Ins-rsk) place for mete lear from my oven raistakes, These five shows are a in-win sitvation for every fone. The United Way gets the services of a professional ‘entertainer to support its fundraising. And these shows help ing grow und develop faster as a compotaie entertainer. How do you get started doing five shows? Identify a cause you believe in. Meet with the local executives, Ex- plain how you, as an entertainer, can make their eveatsimaxe fn, al no eost to them. This works best with organizations that need you for maliple appearances. How docs a mentalist yet hired by corporations? | pinot an expert al manketiny mysclfasan entertainer. Most ‘of my wore comes as the result of contacting corporations directly. Teontact their Meeting Planners or Human Re souree professionals 1s We parare Audiences raicai aud Mentalis for Co or me, marketing isthe Fardest part of hing, 8 corpo- rule enlerluincr, Profossicnally designed marketing mater als are very helpful. Most potential clents will expect to receive a promatignal kitwitha video and leters of recom rmendlation, L strongly recommend the marketing materials by Randy Charoch and David Dee, in the "Books and Sup. plies" section in the buck of this book, for practical sug sions on marketing mentalism © corporations Mentalism, tacorporuwal In addilioa, 1 have watched many of the best mentel~ ists present their wets, More importantly, Pvc haul the op- prtunitics 10 talk with the performers shout the dhinking, behind their acts as well a5 how and why they selected their style of performing Alka, for over thirly years, [have given presentations, to corporate audiences of all sizes on the tops of comin nications. leadership, and living your dreams. These expe riences have helped me understand what ik cakes co cou ‘municate with a corporate audience. Reflecting on these experiences, the fist ing dis ‘covered about performing entertaining, mentalism ko porate audionces is that there are nv absolutes, That is, there are no guidelines oF principles tha: apply w every performing situation or every mentalist. In the end, each, performer must carefully decide how he ot she will present mebialisi wa eomporate audience Given that di the guidelines I've developed for planing and perform= ing an entertaining corporaie mentalism ack These guide- lines represent those ideas that work best for me. These guidelines have helped me enlevtain corporate audi- fences of all size elaimer, in the nent fev pages t present Understanding these guidelines will help youbetter ae derstand why I pecform say act the way Io. These gatde= bo presented to get you thinking aboat how you are curranlly performing, your mentalism ue Tsaspset that you may disagree wilh a few uf these gallelines. Remeber, 1 said thete are no absolutes. Du belore you dismiss a guideline, | encourage you so re-read 2 Bight Cuieelinew the guideline completely and thes think very carefully about why you disagree If your disaureement is driven by your desire to con- ‘inne performing your act “the way you've always done i yone act nsight be improved by making a few simple cheniges. | encourage yout keep an epenimind as you think about each guideline At the end of exch guideline, T offer one or mare sel snc questions, These questionsare des ‘you determine lhe extent to which you are applying ench louilcline ia your current act, L hope that seviewing thes pages 16 and 7 (instead of pages 92 and 93). | took back Litimare Flashdseck. 1 asked everyone to open their books to page 16 and 17. Lworked with the person holding lie drsigit Bok. The, tek someone else to open. That person opened! the book to pages 9.azd 93, Lasked everyone to mun to pages 92 and 93 aad vai buele on ue, wee Use Utica as 108 Meniaisnt. Incersnorudssd + Things I've learned the hard way: Dor't give books to people without glasses. Don’t forget to puckeall the books affer your show, (I one eft Ihe Marier Of ail Book Tests on the table wa hotel in Omshs.) Onee you lear the frst letter of the word for the Mother OF All Houk Tests, cement Perit, (A person once said R, ard 1 eventually wrote down “Apanment.” [dou iknow why, Maybe too muh ewlleins 106 Anping Can Be Learned Chapter Nine Demonstration Five: Anything Can Be Learned What the audience sees: A person trom the sudience is taught the inner seerers of'mind reading aod then successfully reads the thoughis of thie people fiom the wadionss Background and Philosophy This is my favorite demonstration, {¢ makes an aw: dlience member the star, And it truly stuns people, It's bold, but also relatively easy to perform, There are mul Uupic moments of amazement. And there is male oppoz tunity for hur Ihis Gesnonsa ion is astrungentertainment pices. Sac cess depends on how enthusiastically ic is presented, wot on dificult moves or memory Ad this the ost me i is app ins Mencalism, Inccaporaied ‘The origin of this demonstration can be treed back 19 ‘ideas im a Linkinng Ring Parade (November 1987, pages fl and &2) by Dan Uuflian. Tm his “Sins of Omission” the snentalist Felies upon pre-show work and double-speak to identify the contents of three envelopes he never touches, In this demonstration, 1 feed the pre-show infarmation | gathered to an aucienee member during the demonstra fon. The person becomes au “instant co-conspiraor” (rather than mnstant stooge) during the demonstration, 1n addition, ene oF the revelations from this uemansts= tion ts used in my closing demonstration, “Final Forecast Methods Before the show stats, 1 wather the information In tor this demonstration. My approach is covered in Chapter Four, on pre:show work One importantsceret didn‘t mention earlier: Wea asking the person to drawa design before theshow, I quickly draw a circle on the top piece of paper, and say, “Plea draw your design inside this area.” This conteols where th design will be drawn on the paper. Ty also csestes « design within « design, [also switel ink colors, That is, Luse blue ink bali to prepare the tnrve sheets of paper (prior to say pre-show work). When T'm explaining my instnietions (during my pre-show work), lus’ black ink ballpoi ‘The sane black ballpoint is given to the person to uss ‘his creates the iaypression that e person drew two de- signs with the black ballpoint before the show, lodraw the cincle los Anysiing Can Be beamed Lev'ssay the person drew a star inside may circle), se lected the namber $3, ané wrote the word “Future.” ‘invisibly commuicate ths pre-show information to the pessoa who helps me during my act. My methox uses the drawing pad that the audience bas 8 Gx “Books Galore”), Before my act, Htrin the upper tight hand corners of ie top seven sheets of the pad (I hld the pad with the binding along the left edge, see Picture §) This allows me to sum quickly to the eighth page. ne use eaclir Here is my setup for the drawing pac eave the eighth page blank. This page wil be used for the design. Fdon’t give my halper any assistance with the design. The demonstration looks moze believable witen my helper inoks a tittle uncertana. | also eave the nintiy page blank. yencildat the number oa the (enth page. But I re- verse the digits. ln this example, since &3 was selected bof { pencil dot the umber 38, The auburn are about 10 taches tal so the final number wall be visible wien shown t the audience, See Piviure § Picture 8 Ino Mernation, Incortaraned { pencil-dot the word "Yuture” on the eleventh page raking the letters as large as possible F close the pad, That's all that’s necessary: Again, the trimmed comers allw me to easily Ioeate the efgheh ge shen needed. Pre-Show and Materials After my pre-show work, I search far a private loca tion. | examine the iaformnation on the clipboard atk make nny pene dois on the pad J chock the ligbiing on stuge to make sure pesple can see she umnber and werd when connecting the penetl dots I darken the pencil dots when necessary The pact is closed and placed ws the Wble. [use the pages with the trimmed comers during my telepathy foastration (“Books Galore") Memory Aid: Lwrite the name of tae persion whe pro vided the pre-slio infoemation onan index ear, and 2 pice this index care on my table so Lean quickly glance al it in ease 1 forget the persou’s nam Performance and Patter Durmitager dice in (973. During the last jive years of his life, he deieaied hunself 0 teachivng others how 10 480 some of the wxtopped porcers of the minds t0 Fearn fo five mone effective lives. le tainght poople nape mathomnatien, Ie toughen pecple aps 19 influence other people’ elwkces. Fe: rxyyhe gem how to use aon-verbal communication to determine i people ave telling te truth no bhi Caan Ber eva And, amozengis, he rave) read minds! i sone people how to Tho weed Hike so Fearn Rew ro communicate mindsten mitnd? C need a volunteer to. come up Were with me and ears fv. 0 read mains, Please raise your hand because f don't wane fo force anyone 60 come up here. | scan the audhence and earetully select a persoa who looks like he oF she will be cooperative and able to follow inslrwetons. Hers is wher this person on stage 1 intuition comes in! Tinvite Note: T expsrinented with selecting # volunteer tan- only (for example, tessing 2 ball into lie audience). 1 was 4 disaster! For some reason, many of the randomly: veal soups wer ‘he gag, or coulditses thedets, ot fel inclined t ell people shout the dots. Another lesson learned the hard way, 1 sheep asonagh to play along felto, my name is Chuck Fiickolt; vour name #8 .. ? fig few minutes {will leach you some of the inner seers af mind reading To save time. cartier today 1 asked someone t0 help one, Will Steve Denis plore steel? feve, 1 want you 10 ten curefblly aad verify what ever viking Pn saying is rue Before the show 1 asked you to write down a number, a stevign, and a word, You had afiee choice. 1 didn ask you so lovke ata list and selcee comeing. Wht you wipte dowe ere your tatty jee cholees. Ix all of Gat one berated percent accurate? And while vow were doing this, 1 was Stondirgs tom foet ervey with my hack turned. And while my Back ts sll turned pow placed your word, desig, cand flonber Hse Separare envelopes ani seeded the enve- Mm Momation, Insorporated opes. I never nuched the envelopes: And reo one bu sons ‘tons wht’ in those envelopes: Ir all of that ane Furbeet percent correct? Grest; now, Steve, please give those envelopes ta three different people sitting near you. This ensures that Rick will be working with three randaniy chosen people from the audience. I mention this because | want the entite audience to know thet even if | wanted 10 help Rick, | really cout Tn fact, Rich, we diet} pre-arranige anvthieg prior to de show, did we? 80. if vou succeed, putt wit deserve al she ‘credit; is that correct? Dunainger believed thet three things were necessary 10 feach peuple how to rend prinde You fed the people the right tools, wou heed io teach people the right technique, caved you had © give people reinforcement on praise when they were successful. Tools, techniques, aed rebyforcement Hroukd ihe three people with the envelopes please open hour envelope and look at what’ inside? Please don let Rickor me see what you have, One of you wil have w wi, bm a number, end one devign Dranninger discovered that shupses or designs were easier (0 coment minceteronind. Whey a the preety chosen den stan? Please rise you hana. Now took i cand begin concor {raling on the design that was drawn on the paper. Note: the words— the desion shit was abewn on the paper —ate important. Five percent of the time the pesson ooking at the design) will misunderstand my mstructions and sen me a uilterent design he or she likes. People never slop amazing me, he Jnvting Can Be Learned Pick up the pad and a marker. Turn to she eighth page of the pod (using the teimmed upper-right corners 8 guide), Casually hold the pad so the audience can see that the page is blank. Pa revel mines, you need the right ools. Bick, the anly tools wom will need touey: are your mind, the mind of the person in the cudienee, this pad, and a merker: Th the peal and marker to the person, Rick, fake the pad and marker, relus, and concen. rote on the porsan in the andlionce who is trying ta send you w shape or design Trast your intuition ard begin raving, dvd weld the person in the audience keep car centrating on the design that is deawn on the paper’ esign on geometric slape comes ina your mind, ‘The person on stage with me will normally took a litle perpleved. ‘his helps the act. [f necessary, 1o get the person 0 draw something, L will add, “fet eeley, ust your intuition, amd draw te up withtn your mind. ist shape tht pops Again, the des circle. Nowy, one of £80 things will happen in the audience is a star inside a 1) The person on stage will draw a design dat matches what's inside the cirele (star). When fais bap- pons. Take the pal ftom the person, holding it so the audi- ence oa2"t 300 i This next question is carefully worded to get a“"No” ot "Not completely” anawer froau the persus with the design, uns Mentativon, Ineonportesd Hho has the desiun again? Is Ricks drawing exactly the same as the designs yon sere vincentretings on? Nete Tsay “designs” (plural) rather than “esiga” (siryular, 1 shove the design on the paul But Rick wus close, wasnt he? Please concenmate or the emiro design gui, Hell seo if Veun help Rick Took at the person in the amienee, rock back and forth fora second or 6ve, and then draw the circle around de se Is this more accurate? Thank vox. 2) ‘The person will draw a design completely differ cent fram the design inside the circle (star), When this happens, Lake back the pad. Wher teas the ding gun? by & ay the designs von were concentrating an? 1 show the design wt the pad, No, That happens sometianss, Please: concenmute on dhe design again, Lill sev if Lea help Rick, Fook at the person in the audience, ruck back and fowh far w second or no, crvse out Rick's deste, cant ens draw a Siar inside a viele 18 his mor ‘eurate? Thank you: his deasving will be used ia the closing demonstia- ion, “Final Forecast” [tear olf the page with the design and quickly hand it ta somcone in the firet ww, You hook stonned... here is ¢ souvenir for yor J stand eet tothe persoa. I hold he pad at my’ side 90 the audience can see the blank page, 14 Arsthing Con Be Learned Rick, dow feet discouraged, That way oy fale font eve yor the toaks. Ta read minds, you also need fo learn the right techniques. Now, J will share with you some af the fechnigues a anne secrets of ynindbto-nvind communica fiom. Hors are some tochnigues that work for te, | fave the audience, place one foot in front ofthe other, and slowly begin to rock back and forth (as | did earlier to pick up the desiga), The goal of my next instructions is to et people laughing without louking too silly. Kick, place one foot tx front of the other ike I have Now: ate a deep freath and relax. Now start racking back and forth. Just do what I’ doing. Now you are getthy This i ealical de “Paychic Rock.” Ir helps you concentrate Jenin, Keen Rich, sow clear your mond, Pause briefly, Tha sas inacingly quick Caution: This line gets gond laugh, bur ft could cause the petson on stage to turn against yeu Trust your inns. ition. | use it ahout fiy percent of the time, Lcasuslly raise the pad chest level, asif Lore about to write on it. eoutinue to rock ‘Who ines the mumbo? Pleas lt Rick aa me see yet Ploase louk at and concentrate on he two-digit number ‘thats writin on the piece of paper. Bick, ry to pick wp the Iwordight number coming from she cuikence. The rocking [tear off the ninth (blank) page. T hand the pod to the person, his Slenatism, Incorporated Rick first focus on what's coming from the audience And then move vour focus back to the pad ‘This next action is critical 1 (ap the center of the page ‘with my hund. No one in the audience picks yp un this gesture. Yet it briags the persot’s aitention to the pencil dots. I watch the person fora reaction. I look for some sig- nal thatthe person sees the dots, V often vee u small amie, Key point: Tweniy percent of the people will start Inaghingwher they soe the pencil dots. Aru menalist you. ‘nus maintain como ofthe laughter «keep the method hidden. Yo inluence the person tn eonperate with ine. 1 ently ym the persons sem to ge thei attenlion and say the following Rick, stop tasghiag. This tx scriuss business. dea ela ond write dows the frst swe-digic member thai you see in your mind. (1 may repeat th: tapping gesture to prompt the parson.) Once I sce the person tracing the pencil dots, the hurd ‘work is done. When the person finishes ‘racing the mum- burs, take the pad, Keeping the manber hidden. Who has the number? In a lowed clecar voice, will you tell everyone the number you were trying to sere, Pleese say’ the mumber agen. 83 38 wats peneil-dotted on the pad. 1 show the audiense 38 on the pad Kick received 38. Just your luck, Rick, you had a dhsloxie sender This is a yreal line. And the audienes is stanned that ‘the person was this close 16 Anything Can Be Leave One more chance lef. Who has the word? Please con- cenrate on the one word that is seritten on the paper Duynninger discovered, (0 be successful at reading minds, «person needs the right tooss, the right technagues, and ‘emren\, Don t yore ull agree that if Rick gets the word ce standing ovation? If Rick gers the wore comect, will soy all agree to Seamed ara apptoud wily ta recognize hs skills? “These wores were chosen co keepymaineain the person's ccoqpecation, If be plays along, he is the star Thand the pud to the person, tearing off the page with the number. The person can see “Future” pencil-doted. Star ooking. The mekiug helps, doesn 1? Concentrate fo ft sed etext yen mind ‘Wha the person is done, [take the pad back, keeping. the word hidden Wha has to ull the wand your were trying to send Rick? “Future? "Ie fhe ome worl you were trying to send Rick “Buture? If fis spy “Future,” we all owe Rick a standing ovation don we? Well. eservene oo your fou for Rik! e word? Ima loud clear vice, will you tell T show the pail L quickly pick up 2 certificate, give ‘the certificate 1o the person and shskee the person's hand Wiile people are applauding, { turn off my mike and vehisper the following: Bick iC important 19 keep ow secret, The tonger you the secret, te more people will be amazed with your Please dont tall enone, Con I count on you 10 abit 4 Stertatisin, incosprorveed ‘Again, this demonstration stuns people, For « nuniber of years it was my closer Final Thoughts + Again, my instmactions to the people inthe audience are ofitical, Oceasianally. people will think oF their own designs, words or numbers te end rather than what's wril- ten down, [tis entica) 19 sty, “Plewe dak a and concen irate om what ix writer om the paper + Be sure to turn the microphone ol before asking the person Lo keep the sezrel + About ene pereent of Hue time my Iniunion is wrone. J end with » person who doesn’t eooperate, oF doesn’t see ihe poneil dots. Ttutfally end the demonstration and thank the person for helping, | retin lion culty; Ute anntner for word mysell: + Dumy website (wwveChuck! Hickok com), ont Ofte video clips shows me performing this demonstration sev tral years age. While o few parts of the demonstration sre iditerent you can see how much fun the eudienee has, «Things A learned the hard way: AL the end of soy pre-show wark, | sk te person io sce the envelope. (Mere than once, the person bas changed what he or sve put fe taavelupe.) Be sure the person ried forthe pre-show work. ‘will be staying for your onbie show. (Ves, this hanpe donee, 09.) 18 My Closers Final Forecast Chapter Ten My Closer: Final Forecast What the Audience Sees: An cawelope is given out atthe start ofthe show. When the envelope 1s opened at the end of sho, i eontains the pevformer’s pr snow, All shies predictions are correet jetions of several free choices tnade dure mg th Background and Philosophy I bolieve the ability to predict the future is one of the sironges. demonssrat b neu anetitalis ean perform. 1 have ny searching for a clean, strong prediction to close my ‘or several years. | wanted a prediction that appear fextecrily fai, | wanted « prediction I could hand ost at the Sart of my act, T wanted 19 avoid switehes and nail writing And L wanted raltiple moments uf amazemnent 19 Mentatison. broorparai Predicting the futare is almost too unbelievable. People oflen suspect tricks. That's why 1 eiose my show wit it Ako, in my pater, Luse the word “ferecase." rather than “prediction.” Forocasts sccm mone believable. People are fa nila’ with weather Foreeusters, geonomie fanceastes, te: And since my forewasts are written on big pivses of white eardboard, | can’t be aceuscd of switching anything ‘or using sleight of and. The size of the forceasts also makes it possible for everyone to see that my foreeasts ars corvect. when they are reveied, This isa pure entertainmen’ pisee. There are na moves or sleights. All the work nacessary 20 present this demon ration is done before T start Don't be intinsklaied Ly the meuedvtogys ts t6 very ‘any o perform aace you understand what needs ta be done bekore you step on stage Method ‘There are tice different methouls employed th exeate my foresasts 1) Pre-Show: One forecast involves the desiz drawn luring the pre-show getivity. For example, | use the star inside the eirete from the previous demonstration (“Any thirg Can Be Learned"). 2) Word Foree during the show: Auother forcvast ‘comes fiom my tclepalay demonstration (“Backs Clore”, (Dung the demronstcation, a person writes dawn the firs ‘word on pie 92 and holds onto it 120 My Closers Final Forecast 3) Something 1 diseovered performing the Magie Square: The last forecast uses the to treely chosen nam- bers selected dusing any opener (“Binstein’s Demise”). 1 rely upon two of a mentalist’ best friends; multiple outs and, if nezessary, x ce-conspirator. Let's caamine Doth Multiple Outs: [noticed that if Tank a person, "Please sive me a number beoveen one and eight,” und then ask a ‘cond person, “Please give me a diferent munsber between cone and eight.” seventy-five percent of ts time one of the ‘ova will say seven, la this ease, I ear eoafigure the two selected digits to sreate one of theve five nutter 39,47, 57, 67, 09 72 These five numbers are my multiple oats have five large white envelopes on one of my: tables Inside wach envelope are three 8M by Il-inch pieces of white cardboard (identical wv dhe cardboard used in “People Reading Plus") One bose Ius the design from the pre-show (circle will a star ins Qne board has the werd fom page 92 in Book Ceitfieulr) One bourd has one of the five numbers (37, 47, 57, 67,01 72) Un the ousside of the envelope, I write a single digit, oF 7) to indicate the mumber inside. 1 Mentedisen, bncorporusted But how do you ensure that you get a seven fram one of tho two people? Co-compirate To make sure get a seven, {just ask someone to help me. Tapproach a fiiendly, cooneraiive= looking person sitting near the front a few mtiautes before 1 start. Tsay, Hello, F'm Chuck Hickok, Ail he on sage ana few minutes. Will you help me have some fun? Two besh vou 1 come on stage. AI T may dois ask Su for a: mumber hetween one and eight IT ask you fora mumber between ‘ane and eight, just sey seven. That’ it. ust se gover fF sk son for a nuarber berwecr une and eigtt, Will yeu help ime haave some fan? (Again, the repetition is deliberate.) Interestingly, 50 percent ofthe time T get a seve fie the first person, so T don’t need! my co-conspirator, then select anyone from the audience for the second sume What happens if the co-conspizator forgets. or decides lo give you 4 numiber other than seven? It's never hap- pened yet! But what will | do shen {not if) it happens? Or how ‘cau Ido this demonstration without ue-conspirator or mul- Liple outs? I prepare & special Way-Abead Envelope that 1 ereated fr these situations, This special envelape is do sevibed at the end of this chapter, But for the time being, forget abou this envelope and just keep reading, Pre-Show and Materials Lach of the tive envelopes initially contains the force word (writen on an 842 hy I -inch pleoe of cardboard) ard one of the five numbers (wsilten oa another piece of 12 My Closers Final ‘vardzoad}, These ean de used fiom shew to show andl do rot have ty be redone tor each perfomance. T need 29 add the design (ftom my presshow) io cach of she five envelopes before the show. [draw the design as larae as posible on five pieces of cardboard, and put one craving in euch envelope, This olkes no more than five niinates. I seal cach envelope. This prevents pecking during the shove T place the envelopes below the certificates and pad fon my table. T spread therm out enough to reud the rum- bers om the comets, but keeping the stack of envelopes: as small as possible Performance and Patter Part One; Handing out the Forecast. The couect envelope is handed out at the end of *Rinstein’s Demise. As people are applauding after T citele the four eor- ess, 1 rect envelope (using the numbers on the outside of the envelopes), [tell the joke abont square Thad a fuinch you world react the wan: Lt mast be oo Tove inshe day for sce kind of humor: in fact, before started focay, J head several oaker hyasches en haw your woud re- sponct and J put thase hunches in this envelope. Please lid ths fr one ancl wo will woo Pra bamchie ave acanate alte bit fever Note: Most people can’t sec the top of may table. When | pick up the conect envelope, the audience hes no idea Memtaitsn, Incorporated what it will be used for And by the end of the show, the unused white envelopes are well hides beneath the une used cotiivates, my books, and my drawing pad. It may seem bold to have all five outs on the tube, but they are ever noticed. Most of the time, my table is covered with a white fablocioth, further hiding the enxclopes atthe str, Part Two: Revealing the Forecast J seat for the applause te end from the previous dui senstration (“Anything Can Be Learned”), Rick, use you neve skill wisely: Sometiones ie scary 40 Aevow what poole are thinking. Poople whe have seen nee db these demensirations of fercask, “Cheack. cart wow prestict the future?" Or. "Col Hunninger predict the future?” T don't know what Dunninger would say toda. But in the book received an ‘my tench Pirdhcay, Duaninger’s Amazing Mental Secrets. Dumneiger said predicting dhe fate was vewy differ, but sometimes possible under the right eonditins. One of the reasons Dunninger was work famous sias his ability te ‘make severat predictions that turned out to be accsate. However, 1 have t learned how a consistently predic ‘ive juoure. If could consistently predict the funne, F would be living in Las Vegas. plaving volf each day, and betting on sparting events io make a fing. ln fact. if someurte ever clais they can consistently predict your fue, be hers; very careful, These people are normally more ter ested in your moner than yous future Bit Lhave discovered shat I da have the ability to fore. east what’ likely ia hegpen Ia In fact, ve discovered das, if you study a topie fong enough, 8 not wer diffe 0 make arcurate forecasts. Sty cousin studied meteorology Jor six yeurs, and row he forveusts the weather for a lising. Another friend of mie fas elegree in ecuncnscs fram Harvard, and he mest living forecasting business nenis Wel, for the past tery years. i've been studing be ravi And | cea often use what Ive fearmed ever the post hire: woarwabous bamers bokerien 9 forecast whce vi? Iegppenscving, ny vce Let see how close f came to cles, Agate, I'm not abvays eorvect fc the start of my: time wath vou, before E did anything, J gave someure an envelope to hated Notcomplctely accurate, bul lew people will rememn- bor when the envelope was given out during sour show, ‘Time misdirection helps you to make the important ela # Hace ven looked inside? hw hat the envelope? Pleare hakd up the envelape take the eavelape, keeping it totum back to the stage Last night, 1 had several hunches about what would apres caving ysis wt yo taka esta few mates ‘go, sonteore fromm the audience tried to send Rick a reeks chosen desiyn. Rick came clase, tha has the paper with fhe corrvet design? [ point to the perwsn inthe front whe bus the pieoe ot paper with the design. Please stan and show the people. sta inside a cele » Mowaism, Incorporated Note: Its important to remind the wudiones: seat de- sgn was dean, Well, tase nigh, as Twas preparing iv be wish you vouksy: J hack a hunch about she design thed would be se fected took J reach in the envelope and pall out the design | Show it to the entire audienoe. T drop the cardboard on the stage. | do this to communicate the fact that the care bbourd isn't galled, point ts the flip chase used for “Einstein's Demise." Alva. to people solocied numbers Jor ay demenste ion of sopid medvenuties. Would dose owe people raase their hands? What nvimber vied vou sive me? Fos? We that a total free choice? We didn't taik before the show? And yon gave me c seven, f dibs call yun bast night ond ask you to say seven, dd 1? Thar you There is enouzh deuble-spea in dat last paragtaph to provide cove even iF you use! a eo-conspiralir: With tase night False ude heme abn what random umnber would be createc! by tun peuple fiom the anion Taese ure 100 peusitrtities. But fr seme recon. £7 wes ‘pw hance for today 1 take out the cardboard wath 47. Again, | makesurete sliow he number to the entire audience, 1 also dhup Lis escdbeard ont the stage, Someone alvo frvely selected « wend {Pom et bok cv wrote down that word earlier Where i thal person? Please stand. Before Fas vou what werd sen selector, cele task 16 My Closers ial Borccat ry ime Peffre womighi? We dicot proarsange anything de we? This the scarypart fir me-hecanse I know there are over 14000 wares a ther hoc Iva foul elear voice, plece vervont the ons wore yott wruge down. “Dig” Yer Selected and arate down just one vor: “Diffeuite Teach: ante she envelope and take out the last pices of eaidbuard keeping the word hidden, Let the empty enve- ‘ype Fall othe floor. 1 pause to butid the anticipation, I show the cardhoard o the entire audienoe andl accept lhsir applanse This demonstration amazes people, 1s almost too un believable, 1s ay to end my uct, I etews The ner wl: eselaimar whist coy be Baan tu Chupter Fleven, I'ay an oterainer. My disclaimicr con iains wita: 'm comfortable saying to close my act Final Thoughts, Pre show work vould be substinated for the books Yeowe: end the number could be foreed by using any Aaté- AN deviee. + aiher tka dropping the bowds, { sometimes piace viet om the trey ofthe flip ehart stand (or vape them to the Tip chart stand) 10 Keep my forecasts visible alter ret + IPiy co-conspirator gives me number other than, 4, Luse dhe Way-Anead Knvelope, whicl tioned vurligr. Again, thts bas never happened. But I'm sure it will someday. Here ic haw to make and wie my Way Ahead Envelope, Menvalisor, Incorporatit ‘kok’s Way-Ahead Envelope For the performer who doesn't want to use a eo-ceu spirator (or doosn’t want o create five outs for each show) hore is w method f developed, A) will require a visit 1o an fice supply store, Pre-Show and Materials 1 use four envelopes. Three envelopes are 3-5i8 by 6 4 inches. | use standard white Sceurity envelapes. Tpre- pare these envelopes as follows: wwelope 1: On the fp side, along the bottom uf the envelope, T write Word/Book with a black Sharpie marker, Inside this envelope I puta piece of white care board (or an index card) cut 10 FL Wetien on the cant boatd is the word from page 92 of Book © (“Books Ga Jove"), Example: “Dilficult will be selected,” I write “Dif= ficult” as big as possible Enyelope 2: Ou the flap side, along the bottom of the envelope, I write Shape or Design with a black Shacpie market Inside this envelope T place another piece of card boanl. Prawn on the cardbosed are the shapes fea fom the pre-show, ancl revealed during my last desunstration (Anytling Can Be Leamed”). Example: a vircle with 2 stat inside, Envelope 3: Cn the flap side, aleny the bottom of the nvelope, write Rapid Math with « black Shaspic wnaiker Inside this enrclope, | place auother piece ot carebcard ‘Written on the cardboard ts "will be selected.” | Will Fil iu the blank after my opening demonsteation (Einstein's Denise" 18 Mi Closer: Pinal Forveust Plcnwe 9. Flap sides of smaller emelopes ‘he fourth ard final envslope is a standard size eter envelope [41'S by 9-1/2 inches). This envelope is either blue or green, so people can see a contrast between the smaller white envelopes and this one, Hore T refi to this envelope #8 the colored envelope. place Envelope | and Envelope 2 back io buck (lap side to up side) co hide the writing. 1 put these inside che colored envelope, [ place Frvelope 3 on inc outside of the colored envelope, with the flap side of Fnvelope 3 touch: ing the aeldruss side of the colored envelope. L use a large paperclip to hold Luvelope 3 to the calured envelope, | place this Way Ahead Envelope in any inside lef oar pucks. bo Menratism, Incorporated Performance and Patter Ty use the Way-Anead Ruyelope, | sely upon pave seception and double-speas. There are a0 moves, just serne carefully chosen weeds and some nanural actions. ‘Ihe har ling of tic envelopes is fir Noshing is hiddea rom the audience, All three svhite euvelopes geanai in sig at all times, Suudy his carefully. After afew tries, iL will soem very natural Part One: Handing out the Envelope Whole people are applauding atthe end of “Einstein's Deimise,” Ltemove the Way Ahead Envelope irom niy est pocket | tell the square root joke Thad a bunch vou would wack thas way it mst be fet Ue ts Ue dy oth bind of hen: fie face, Before AE staried taday, 1 hel some other ianiches on bow you would respond, 1 put the setof envelopes in any left non-avriting) had {hold ie between the dhumb and index. finger | heep the Nap side of the colored cavelope tava my boy, L mke sure the top (long, edge with flap) of the eavelope is Lk the right side of the stage, With my right hand, 1 remove Envelope | and Envelope 2 finrn the colored envelope: ‘and 1 put those hunches iv these to envelopes Alter having the apportnniyy ta werk with you fora white, Thave one additonal hunch, a word thet usll be sebecte by one of yon, ¥ place Favelope 1 and Lavelope 2 betwoen the third aod Fourth finger of any Jelt hand, See Picture 10. With r1y right hand. | remove Envelope 3 fiom under the papsrelip 130 iy lasers Fiver bareeast and place the envelope, flay side up, on top of the flap of the colored en y lef hand. As Ido this, I'm: eavefl pot to expose the writing on the flap side bf Envelope 3.1 opea the Aap. I pull the cardboard about half way cut, Soe Piet slope Ps haldiny in Ji fact, a finde bit later, several people will seleer words fiom books. Un writing down ory hunch about «word 1 ‘suspect will be selected by one of these people. | could be rong on dis one. Pietare 1 Befire vemcving write the hco nambors from “Einstein's Demise” on UUs top line oF the pre-written prediction. With my right hand, | place Firvelepe 3 on top uf Envelope | and Fave- lope 2. Again, I careful aot i let people vee the waiting fon the lap sige of Favelupe 3. LIsing muy right hana, (place all thyee envetones back into the colored envelope Lote: we wil see if mr manches were correet, This doesn} awn work, Huda yaw please fold these for me? Thnk vou. And please dom lace inside ratt Fark yore BL Memtaiism, fncorpe ‘d Tend the colored envelope to an audience member to bold Part Two: Revealing the Forecast “To rovoa the Forcoasts atthe end of the show Finite the person with the envelope to std next to me un stags ask the person to remove the three salir enveleps. | int out that one envelope des with « word. one « de sign, and one «muraber Last night, {hod a brunch about the design trat would he selected loxley, It eas swede br the enelepe see last, right Let’ take the design fast, During the sha, soncone rom the audience selected a design t0 sed Rick Who tas the cesign we dion? Please siand and show: the design (die eanive andionce. Asian inside a chicks ‘Ask the person © open the design it to the auutence, sayslupe und shows Thandle the revelations of the number and word ina similar manner. [remind people that they all saw ne write dove my ‘hunch about the word atthe stort of my show. Final Thoughts: Way-Ahead Envelope + AF you want to perform this de imulliple outs ender » vo-vonspiralor, prepare smd use my ‘Way-Ahead Envelope. This method is bold and simple, cation without + Time misdirection works in your fiver. Many people sill leave remembering all three envelopes heing in The ausionce since the start of the show Sines the en Slopes 132 iy Closer Final Forecast be retained by the person who hholps you reveal your forecasts, o fore + Theonly wal drawback is visibility. Having dl ceasts on $14- hy I -ineh picces of cardboard allows every ‘one 16 ensily see that you sre accurate, even when perform ing for up 60 200 people. Andthe largerenvelones and pisces of eardbeard make everything seem fairer ‘Also, if you use the smaller envelopes. some peuple imay erroneously suspect sleight of hand, or switching of the envelopes. Feople are naturally suspicious abou smaller items + Because visibility and faimess are very important to sme, T currently perfarm this demonstration with the mul nts, But Taleo prepare a Way-Ahead Envelope as a caution shnwid nxy co-conspirator fal me. m Mentalvor, lnsoipucuiet 134 My Disclaimer Chapter Eleven My Disclaimer dinchainaer Some mentalists soy nothing. Miny mentaists make a statement that acknowledges that he or she has av special for supernanural powers, Lach mentalist is perfectly foc to ed his or her shows any way he or she feels is host, As slbsay, there ane no abselutes J want to leave my composite avdienoes with w posi tive, inspirational messaye. false want my detaiier 0 be consistent with the act people have just expetieaced, My isclaimer communicates what Thope people will remem= ber afior leave the stage. 1 yas Pip eomforiable telling taudicnce members this at the ead of my act. I don’t be- lieve that admitting I'm an entertainer diminishes the en- tertainment value af my act Mentatisos, lncorporatedd Bul, Labo want my corporate audiences to understand nd remember that the aniazing demonstrations they si anc perfom were done by using mental abilities many of thom currenily posses and could develop if they wanted ‘My disclaimer has changed uver the years, As T get more comfortable with my siyle of perfurming mental, Tn becoming more connfertable with my disclaimer Sion of you nay’ be wondering, "Whats going en Well, shortly afer rediscovering and reeling the book om Danoyger ny grandfather wave sme on my tenth birth day, one of my dreams became training ine mind to dupe: rate whan Drurainnger learned to do with Fis nie And. as some of vou may have euessed. Josenit Dunninger became world famous ax an enteriainer Danainger was aot unl w meron expert, Duaningsr was also @ math expert, And Duaninger was also an itwsionirt Dunninger nov only presented fascinating demonstre- tions of genuine mental abilities, Dinainger also perfected andl presented illusions of dhe mind to entertaas eudier avowed the workd. Some of what you huive sean me do today wore acral demonstrations of genuine mental abilhies that anyone ia this audience vould feara, And some of whut cou have seen oxy weve iltasions of the mind I learned by studying the life ard times of doneph Dasaninger 1 will lee pou discuss and decide for yourselves. which deronsirasions sams b= Fieve were real, and which were illusions. 16 Hy Disvtoimner Some of nou may ack yourselver, “Flaw did Chuck do these: denerasirations?” Others with a little more wisdom muy: ash, “Why does Chuck do these demonstrations? I cun' tell you how T did shese demonstrations ater that 6 say thot everything you saw was avcon shied as @ my dedicating myself t0 locating deuce fraining i memory techniques, ud cconpleting povefiofoge, conmrwieaitons, anid the iy beileve tharainost anyone here wa tue the proper motivation and the proper iraining (ould with ten pears of practice tear to perform some af these demonstrations, ut fet ae explain why F did these demonstrations Gie ress Tedd dese dumanstvations ses add same real fun, excitement, and amazement 10 this event ([ often sud! some specific comments about the purpose or goal of ibe event) But d alee ied these demonstrations ta remind cach of yo w never give up on your dreams, Itinever 10 late to start pursuing your doves, J didn ? begin sraving my mind to duplicaie whar Dunringer dd wait Fas over ify pears old. Learning these demanstra- Sons required hard work. Learniitg the reyuired taking some big risks. nd, like Draminges, af mast gan 1 severe fies along the way v demonstrations Bur Fascoverva di read magic in life comes from pur suing eur dreams, 1 as been creak privilege to be with you today: I hope ach of you eujoved these demonsiraions and, mere ire 137 Mentaiia, tnecrparates portantly, | hope each of vou continues to use your mental bilities to purstie your drsanns Everything in my disclaimer is ue, | Ist my wadiones members determine the actual uaa uf these words. That's part of the fun of performing mentalism for rate audiences. Three Barus Demonsr Chapter Twelve Three Bonus Demonstrations Lofea present one er more of these next three demon joss more than 2 45-minute act, ons whan a elim feu Tam bivied back to oo a repeat perturtmanee for the same audience, Eaett demonstration play ofa believable ment performed as # bilities, dan cntertainirg, impressive aise ability, In addition, each ean be idlone demunsirstion of your mental Tihope you enjoy these three demo aslo. Mentalisn, Incorporate Bonus Demonstration One: Learning The Almost Impossible What The Audience Sees: The performer texches the nudiense how to do some thing, that seems impossible: leaning tw say the alphabet backward im less than five minutes. Background and Philosophy 1 enjoy demonsttutiors that allow audienes members to test ticir menial abilities, Psychological Forces are one common way mentalists can each out 10 evervone And when done well, psychological forees create an experience hese ferwes uflenenuse amare audience members to believe that they may posiess some uatepped meatal abilities. that’s fun interest, and amar This demonstration tekes more time than most stan- ddard psychological forees. But people actually learn & new mental ability they can show their fendsthe next day. This is fice advertising. Tn fact, the mnemonic | use could be printed on the back of your business card and piven to each person in the audience The purpose of teaching people to say the alphabet backward is to tel people experienes that they have more a ability dan they reaize. Cnce pcopic expavience success for themselves, chey are more Tikely to believe the other clims L make daring my act. 140 Three Bons Dononsirations As Leach people how « say the alphabet backward, | always try to muke st fun. When audience members suc ced, I applaud. When peopl lose. I sornesimes give out sinall gills fil, [tell them they were I present this demoastration co show off the audicnce’s ability to learn, not co show off my abil Vn just their guide. | have also used this demonstration when bired as a speaker or trainer to reinforee the concept that learning the seerels orshortents discovered by others ean improve one's cflectiveaess, It is a veuy eflective, mensorable way to be- git a tlk on almost any topic, Method ‘You must leam the meemonie ia the hurdout in the very easy wo Feam. Newt, you must nenie to athers. en | suggest bewinning by practicing this demonstration with people on a onc-io-ane basis oF in small groups to build sour vonfidence und to fine-tune your proseniation, Key Point: This desnonstration will not impress people they eu see the leters of the alphabet, Always show the letters of the alphabet when periorming this dermon- station (and also when practicing it for others Pre-Show Work LBeture the show: 1 print the alphaber on a page it ke imide of the flip chart pad. T make my letters as large as possible so the entice audience ean sve the letters. To help. lat Mentatignr, bu srpararesl people eventually visuabize my mnemonic, 1 use a layuut with four lings of Fetes: ABC DEF GHL) KLM NoPQ RK STLY wx YZ, T put a pies uf usasking tape en thenide of the page (to cercate a tab) 50 | ean quichly flip 10 this page whea Lnsed iL Lturn the pad hack to the top sheet so the audience ca sve the alphabet bring copies of my handout as gifis for peonte, and also av a way (0 get my same into their bands Performance and Patter Duunninger was world famows for his abilities 10 teach people wer, creatine way's to use their sninds to do th that seem atmestimpassible. Het serv diffi te most people, [earned itso te Dunniaser book my grandfather gave me ons ny tenth birthday. It in Soomesdung tharappears volves menor skis 1 umn to the page that displays the alphabes Fm nue trot each of vans, al uit early age, learned {9 say che alphabet forward, But hov. many of you hate earned how to sa the ciphater backnand? Hhet exe do Fmeein fy “waethe alphathet backavead “? Ths 18 mec: listen and soo if Fraise a leter 1 say the alphabet backward. Luse a pace that’s rather fast, but slow enough For people‘ hear me and also eheck 2 Tivee Bomus Demonstraions the Mip chat to determing {FT missed a Teiter 1 ponmally take 8 10 se00 aw long do you think it woudd take you to Fearn how fo tay the alphabet backward? ask th wor that range from a week, to an hour After repeating a Few answers, | nepeat an answer that may seem difficult question of several people. [ offen get an. ‘This perso sid thirty miles, How many people be~ se you cond fearn hew to say te alphatver backward it tas tia thiroy reinwtes? Please raise your hends... 01100 rang. How weeny peuple Befieve saa the efpheet bceckward in Pieue reise your hands... on enue leant how 10 fess thor fifteen mines? hour five percent of the mufionce, Fee’ see Uf ve cate et sonne of yore saying the alphabet beckwurd in the next jave rutnates. What euch of vo needs i 2 new sneihod for tabving “sour mad to remember things. Dunninger was one of the how to we mnemon- sports to teach peop ies fo avsicnace their memories, A ranemonie is a viid pie now you create sn your nina, The wilder the picwre, dre higher your eheneas for success Jn sour mind, pretire a Inindred-veur-oid ex-Fiking urvinr named Zecwy. Meike your prowe as vivid as pos sii, Pi jug Vikive reat od Fiking.. pictere th ras and halatng a beat-up ofd sword. Ard vo picture at bi feet his pets: his cute babe alligators \ aligaors Lecviiys bod Next | alternate benwveen asking prompting questiens, repealing audienes ncarbers’ answers (G0 everyone can he a3 Mentalism, Iuconporaied the comet answer) and giving people more of the ste ‘monic. The more questions Task, fhe quicker the audi- cme learns the mnemoi Whauss the ex-warrior Ss aume? Zeeviny. Whats this ec warrior’s hobby? Raising cate baby alligators. And since Zeeishy it 0 afd, he has a had mentary sand beet eyesight His wife has given him a coupon aul eked him 0 go the store Bus, because of fas poor evesight. he an) read the coupon in his ond, What’ the ewarrior’s name? Zeewhy What this er warriors hobby? Raising ente haby elligators, And since ire com reat the coupon Zeewhy asks his wife, “Hut our coupon for?” What's the ex-warrior § name? Zeewby What this ex-wnarvian « hobly? Raising eta bata ig lors, What question does he ask his wife? “Put ow cou pon for?” His wife enswers, “Milk Jugs, co feed the ate baby

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