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Every team has struggles to work on.

the common struggles that the team leader and the team member
expiriencing are maintaining focus, communication problems and pressure. Team leader and team
member struggles in maintaining focus because it is easy to get distracted. Sometimes team leader gets
distracted by their own members also. Team member also get distracted through their phones or by also
people around them. Both team leader and the member gets pressured. The team leader is pressured
by the deadline and also the project that they've worked on. Pressure also hits the team member. When
their leader gave them tasks and they wanted to satisfy their leader. As a leader your number one
stressor is probably the communication issues. Team leader and the member sometimes didn't get the
point of each other which is the start of communication problem. So as a team leader we have to clarify
the things to our members and as a team members we have to listen and follow our team leader.

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