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right to freedom-

Inequality-There are currently 43 countries that operate under some form of

monarchy government, although there are only 28 monarchs in the world. This is
because the Queen of England technically rules not only over England, but all of
the Commonwealth countries including Canada and Australia.

The countries where the monarch has absolute ruling power are Kuwait, Saudi
Arabia, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Oman, Brunei, Bahrain, Swaziland,
Morocco, Jordan and Vatican City, which is considered a monarchy because the
pope rules over it as head of the Catholic the people of these countries
are deprived of their right to freedom.

2.right against exploitation of children-

million children are affected
by child labour and more than half of
them, 85 million, are doing hazardous
work. Thousands of child domestic workers are hidden within
households, working hard and long hours(often over 16 hours a day), for little
or no pay, living in abusive situations, without regular contact with their
family. They no longer attend school, missing the opportunity to improve their
future prospects through education. 

3.right to freedom of religion-

Inequality- in places like pakistan Christians, Hindus, Atheists and Ahmadi

Muslims among other religious groups in Pakistan are routinely discriminated against. They are
at times refused jobs, loans, housing and other similar things simply because of their choice of
religious faith. Christian churches and Ahmadi worship places and their worshippers are often

Definition of inequality

Inequality is the difference in social status, wealth,

or opportunitybetween people or groups.

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