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Name: Fransiscus Elnino Student number:181214027

1. Motivation of the students could come from 2 different aspects, extrinsic and intrinsic.
Intrinsic motivation often used to help students finish something that have deadline or
help them to memorize a historical moment. On the other side, intrinsic motivation often
bring students to curiosity and creativity.
2. Become motivated in classroom make student have more curiosity and creativity
3. Student become demotivated because extrinsic motivation in the class such as promise
ofreward, evaluation, restricted time and choice, surveillance and competition.
4. The speaker suggest patent teacher and policy maker to reconstruct education based on
intrinsic motivation for student.
5. Because we need to build a resilient character of the student, so they can face real-life
situation when they join to the society.
6. It’s important because it helps them to be prepared of future that demands us to be more

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