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The Good Seller

Nama kelompok :
1. Catur crismanto as sales (03)
2. Indrastata purahita as technician (09)
3. Nofa riyanto as manager (12)
4. Yosua samparaya as customer (20)
Purnama electronic is company of electronic tools and services. This
company has been established since 2000 until now. Purnama electronic sell
many electronic’s product and accept electronic services, like

One day Yosua and Nofa meet at the church

Nofa : hei yosua,how long we have it met, how are you ?

Yosua : oh nofa, i’m fine , how about you ?
Nofa : oh great, what is your activity now ?
Yosua : i didn’t know i confuse to finish my project.
Nofa : what is your project? And what do you need? I can give my hand.
Yosua : my project is controlling motor dc. Now, i need module to operate
my project.
Nofa : i can help you. My company sell many module and i have what
you need. Tomorrow, you can come to my office, and meet my
sales, he will help you.
Yosua : ok i will come tomorrow.

Next day, yosua go to purnama electronic to buy a module for his project.

Yosua : good morning.

Catur : good morning sir. May i help you?
Yosua : i need module to operate my motor dc.
Catur : ok wait. I will check it, oh i have one module, this module can
operate your motor dc with AVR program.
Yosua : how the things work?
Catur : the module can operate your motor dc if you give the program. And
then you can operate your motor dc as well as you want. This module
have a modulation technic that’s PWM. PWM is Pulse Width
Modulation. This is can make you easymore program.
Yosua : ok i will to try.
Catur : if you have a problem. Please you come here.

One week later in the purnama electronic. Yosua complaint to purnama

electronic because his module isn’t working.

Yosua : good morning.

Catur : good morning sir. May i help you?
Yosua : i wanna ask you about this module. Why can’t work?
Catur : can i see your module?
Yosua : oh sure
Catur : oh i think this module don’t has a problem. Maybe your program is
doesn’t work. Please wait, i will call our technician.
Catur : Indra, i need your help. Our customer is complaint about the
Indra : ok, I will meet with here
Catur : ok, I waiting for you infront of the office
Indra : can i help you sir?
Yosua : my module have a problem, please check it !
Indra : can i see the module? Ohh your program is false. So your module
doesn’t work as well as you want.
Yosua : how to make the good program?
Indra : ok, i will fix your program. The setup of your program is false, you
must put the clock address, then you must change the port,and then set
the input port and output port, and finally don’t forget to save your
Yosua : ok, thank you very much.
Indra : you’re welcome.

Disusun Oleh :
1. Catur Crismanto N (03)
2. Moch Bagus Indrastata P (09)
3. Nofa Riyanto (12)
4. Yosua Samparaya (20)


Jalan Jemur Andayani XVI / 16-18
Telepon (031)84173941 ; Faksimili (031) 8412065

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