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1. Define the term

I. Parasite- An organism that grows and feeds on another living organism[host]
while harming it
II. Pathogen- A disease causing organism
III. Vector- An animal that transmits the pathogen from one host to another.

2. Describe the mode of transmission of Malaria

 Malaria is caused by Plasmodium[pathogen]
 The vector for the disease is female Anopheles mosquito.
 When mosquito takes a blood meal from an infected person, the parasite gets
into the gut of that mosquito.
 Then it transmits the pathogen into an uninfected person when it takes the
second meal.

3. Describe the effect of the malarial parasite.

 The pathogen lives in the liver and red blood cells.
 They obtain nutrients from these cells and reproduce within them causing cell
 The person will suffer from fever and will die if untreated.

4. Describe how the spread of Malaria can be prevented?

 Kill mosquitoes using insecticides and mosquito coils.
 Kill mosquito larvae using
Fish to feed on them
Bacteria [Bacillus thuringiensis]
Pouring oil on the surface of water
 Prevent been bitten by the mosquito
I. Use bed nettings
II. Use repellent creams and sprays
III. Wearing protective clothing
IV. Covering windows with nets
 Release sterile male mosquitoes to control mosquito population
 Get rid of mosquito breeding sides such as draining swamps.

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